Papers (peer-reviewed)

A Logic for Probabilities of Successive Events (PDF)

(with Jiajie Zhao),《逻辑学研究》(Studies in Logic), 16(6), 2023, pp. 1-16

A Temporal Logic for Successive Events (PDF)

(with Jiajie Zhao), Proceedings of LORI 2023

Tableaux for the logic of strategically knowing how (PDF)

Proceedings of TARK 2023

Complexity of multi-agent conformant planning with group knowledge (PDF)

Synthese, 2023

Tableau-Based Decision Procedure for Logic of Knowing-How via Simple Plans

Proceedings of CLAR 2021

Multi-Agent Conformant Planning with Distributed Knowledge

Proceedings of LORI 2021

Knowing How to Plan

(with Yanjing Wang), Proceedings of TARK 2021

Neighborhood Semantics for Logic of Knowing How (PDF)

(with Yanjing Wang), Synthese, 2021

Planning-based knowing how: A unified approach (PDF)

(with Yanjing Wang), Artificial Intelligence, 296, 2021

A Logic for Multi-Agent Conformant Planning Over Transition Systems (PDF)

(with Peipei Wu), IEEE Access, 8, 2020, pp. 193621-193631

Reasoning in Multi-Agent Conformant Planning over Transition Systems (PDF)

(with Peipei Wu), Proceedings of OVERLAY 2020, pp. 35-40, CEUR-WS

Privacy in Arrow Update Logic (PDF)

《逻辑学研究》(Studies in Logic), 13(6), 2020, pp. 63-88

Multi-agent knowing how via multi-step plans: a dynamic epistemic planning based approach (PDF)

(with Yanjing Wang), Proceedings of LORI 2019, pp. 126-139, Springer

The completeness for the combination of PDL and EL with Perfect Recall and No Miracles (PDF)

《逻辑学研究》(Studies in Logic), 12(3), 2019, pp. 1-15

A Dynamic Epistemic Framework for Reasoning about Conformant Probabilistic Plans (PDF)

(with Barteld Kooi and Yanjing Wang), Artificial Intelligence, 268, 2019, pp. 54-84

Tableaux for a combination of propositional dynamic logic and epistemic logic with interactions (PDF)

Journal of Logic and Computation, 28(2), 2018, pp. 451-473

More for Free: A Dynamic Epistemic Framework for Conformant Planning over Transition Systems (PDF)

(with Quan Yu and Yanjing Wang), Journal of Logic and Computation, 27(8), 2017, pp. 2383-2410

Strategically Knowing How (PDF)

(with Raul Fervari, Andreas Herzig, and Yanjing Wang), Proceedings of IJCAI 2017, 1031-1038

Achieving while maintaining: a logic of knowing how with intermediate constraints (PDF)

(with Yanjing Wang), Proceedings of ICLA 2017, pp. 154-167, Springer

Stopping means achieving: a weaker logic of knowing how (PDF)

《逻辑学研究》(Studies in Logic), 9(4), 2016, pp. 34-54

Tableaux for Single-Agent Epistemic PDL with Perfect Recall and No Miracles (PDF)

Proceedings of LORI 2015, pp. 230-242, Springer

A Dynamic Epistemic Framework for Conformant Planning (PDF)

(with Quan Yu and Yanjing Wang)  Proceedings of TARK 2015, pp. 298-318, EPTCS

Not all those who wander are lost: dynamic epistemic reasoning in navigation (PDF)

(with Yanjing Wang) Proceedings of AiML 2012, 559-580, College Publications


Knowing what to do: a logical approach to planning and knowing how (PDF)

University of Groningen, PhD Thesis, 21 September 2017

关于不确定规划的动态知识逻辑 (PDF)

Peking University, PhD Thesis, June 2016