
Courses at UMass

  • Master Project/Synthesis Project (6 Credits)

    • CMPSCI 701 Master Project In Combination with Synthesis Project(Propose in Spring 2016/ Finish in Fall 2016)

  • Additional Courses for MS/PhD (2 600-Seminars/6 Credits)

  • Other Candidate Courses

    • CMPSCI 688 Probabilistic Graphical Models

    • CMPSCI 690N Advanced Natural Language Processing

    • CMPSCI 653 Advanced Computer Networking

    • CMPSCI 621 Advanced Software Engineering: Analysis and Evaluation

    • CMPSCI 691NR Seminar - Neural Networks-An Introduction

    • Research Methods in Empirical Computer Science (seminar)

    • Data Mining through Grid Computing (seminar)

    • Advanced Machine Learning (seminar)

    • Topics in IR: Current Research Trends in IR (seminar)

    • Topics in IR: Query Modeling and Understanding (seminar)

  • Computation+Language at UMass edited by Prof. Brendan O’Connor

Course Projects at UMass

  • AISudokuSolver: A Sudoku solver which includes the implementation of plain back tracking, backtracking with the MRV heuristic, AC3 inference, Naked Pair inference, Shared Subgroup inference method and difficulty assessment.

  • AISearch

  • AIMDPValueIteration

  • MLTwoLayerNeuralNetworks


  • OPNewtonMethod

  • OPMovieLensMatrixFactorization

  • OPMovieLensSingularValueThresholding

  • OPPMF ref


  • OPBPMF ref

  • OPBPTF ref

  • To be added.

Coursera and Online courses

Great Talks&Lectures
