
Publications by Years and Topics

Core Interests: Deep Learning in QA/Conversations and IR/Ranking/Search/Ads/Recommender System

[DL] Deep Learning in QA/Conversations and IR/Ranking/Search/Ads

[UM] User Modeling & Personalization & Recommender System

[IR] Information Retrieval & Web Search


  • [36] Chen Qu, Weize Kong, Liu Yang, Mingyang Zhang, Michael Bendersky and Marc Najork, Natural Language Understanding with Privacy-Preserving BERT. In Proceedings of the 30th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2021), November 1-5, 2021. Full Oral Paper. Acceptance rate=21.7% (271 out of 1251).[DL]


  • [33] Yi Tay, Dara Bahri, Liu Yang, Donald Metzler, Da-Cheng Juan. Sparse Sinkhorn Attention. In Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2020), Vienna, Austria. July 12-18, 2020. Full Oral Paper. Acceptance rate=21.8% (1088 out of 4990) (CCF Rank A) [PDF][DL]

  • [31] Chen Qu, Liu Yang, Cen Chen, Minghui Qiu, W. Bruce Croft and Mohit Iyyer. Open-Retrieval Conversational Question Answering. In Proceedings of the 43rd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2020), Xi'an, China. July 25-30, 2020. Full Oral Paper. Acceptance rate=26% (147 out of 555) (CCF Rank A) [PDF][DL]


  • [25] Sheikh Muhammad Sarwar, John Foley, Liu Yang and James Allan. Sentence Retrieval for Entity List Extraction with a Seed, Context and Topic, In Proceedings of The 5th ACM SIGIR International Conference on the Theory of Information Retrieval(ICTIR 2019). Santa Clara, California, USA. October 2-5, 2019. Short Paper. [IR]