New Jersey's Top Improv Comedy Group!

28th Smash Season!!

It's not deep. It's rarely thought-provoking. It's just funny!

Lunatic Fringe uses music and audience suggestions to create a show that’s different every time, but always funny and always apolitical!

The show is suitable for older children! 

"The Lunatics delivered what their audience needed — an evening of unpredictable live-action zaniness..." Erica Bleiberg, Baristanet

 Next Shows

Saturday, March 8

8:00 pm

Saturday, April 12

8:00 pm

Performance Space @

Glen Ridge Train Station

228 Ridgewood Ave. (corner of Bloomfield Ave.), Glen Ridge, NJ 

$12; $10 with reservation; cash only

Reservations/Information: 973-429-1527 

Follow us on Facebook!

Clockwise from the middle: 

Deb Maclean, Director; Dave Groveman; Markus Hauck, keyboard; Harvey Chipkin; Paul Murphy; Gary Van Lieu