
Moje publikácie

2023, Tomek, L., Beran, B., Erdélyi, J., Honti R., Mikula K. Multichannel segmentation of planar point clouds using evolving curves. Comp. Appl. Math. 42, 332 (2023).

2023, Macák, M., Minarechová, Z., Tomek, L., Čunderlík, R., Mikula, K. Solving the fixed gravimetric boundary value problem by the finite element method using mapped infinite elements.. Comput Geosci 27, 649–662 (2023).

2021, Bariczová, G.; Erdélyi, J.; Honti, R.; Tomek, L. Wall Structure Geometry Verification Using TLS Data and BIM Model. Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 11804.

2019, L.Tomek, K.Mikula, Discrete duality finite volume method with tangential redistribution of points for surfaces evolving by mean curvature, ESAIM: M2AN Mathematical modelling and numerical analysis, Volume 53, Number 6, November-December 2019, pp. 1797-1840.

2018, Tomek, L., Remešíková, M., Mikula, K. (2018). Computing minimal surfaces by mean curvature flow with area-oriented tangential redistribution. Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae, 87(1), 55-72. Retrieved from

2016, Tomek, L., Mikula, K., Remešíková, M. (2016). Discrete duality finite volume method for mean curvature flow of surfaces. Proceedings Of The Conference Algoritmy, 33-43. Retrieved from

2012, Tomek, L. Zotrvačník trochu inak, Fyzikálne listy, XVII, 2012, 1, ISSN 1337-7795,

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