Lukas Wenner

Welcome to my website. 

Until March 2020, I was a PostDoc at the Chair in Experimental and Behavioral Economics, Department of Economics, University of Cologne.



On the persistence of dishonesty (2022), with Stefania Bortolotti and Felix Kölle, forthcoming, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization [link to paper]

Revealing Good Deeds: Disclosure of Social Responsibility in Competitive Markets (2022), with Sören Harrs and Bettina Rockenbach, forthcoming, Experimental Economics      [link to paper (Open Access)]

Time-Inconsistent Generosity: Present Bias across Individual and Social Contexts (2021), with Felix Kölle, forthcoming, Review of Economics and Statistics   [link to paper]    [working paper version]  

Do Sellers Exploit Biased Beliefs of Buyers? An Experiment (2018), Games and Economic Behavior, 110: 194-215 [link to paper]  [working paper version (2016)]  

Expected Prices as Reference Points - Theory and Experiments (2015), European Economic Review, 75: 60-79    [link to paper] 

Working Papers:

Cursedness in Markets with Asymmetric Information: Theory and Experimental Evidence (2019)        [pdf]     [Online Appendix]       

More Effort With Less Pay: On Information Avoidance, Optimistic Beliefs and Performance (2018), with Steffen Huck and Nora Szech    [pdf]

Testing Fundamentals of Salience Theory (2020), with Markus Dertwinkel-Kalt     [pdf]