Institutional Appointments
Coordination of the ULISSES Program at ULisboa - since 2022
Secretary of the Institute of Education Scientific Council - 2018/2021
Vice-president of the Institute of Education Pedagogical Council - 2014/2018
Coordination of the Teacher Education Doctoral Program at the Institute of Education, University of Lisbon - 2012/2019
Coordination of the Supervision and Guidance of Professional Practice Master Program at the Institute of Education, University of Lisbon - 2012/2019
Coordination of the Teacher Education Master Program at the Institute of Education, University of Lisbon - 2011/2014
Coordination of the Physics and Chemistry Education Master Program at the University of Lisbon - 2011/2014
President of Universidade Aberta's Pedagogical Council - 2009/2010
Coordination of the In-Service Professionalization Program at Universidade Aberta (for 5th-12th grade teachers) - 2007/2010
Universidade Aberta, Department of Education Secretary - 2007/2008