Luís Tinoca, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Institute of Education

University of Lisbon 


Luís Tinoca is an Associate Professor at the Institute of Education, University of Lisbon, and an active researcher in the areas of teacher education, competence-based curriculum design, innovative learning environments, and Higher Education Pedagogy. He is a member of the Education Research and Development Unit, a collaborator at the Distance Education Laboratory, a participant at the World Education Research Association International Research Network on Student Voice for Promoting Equity and Inclusion in Schools, and a member of the special interest group on Teacher Education at the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction. He earned his Ph.D. in Science Education from the University of Texas at Austin in 2004. He is the author of over 100 scientific publications and has supervised 6 Post-Doc projects, 11 PhD thesis and over 40 Master dissertations in institutions from 7 different countries. He is currently leading two research projects LC4Inclusion (FCT) and CATIE (IEULisboa). Recently, he has been the national coordinator and work package leader for both EDiTE (EU H2020 Marie-Sklodowska-Curie) and EdUSchool (EU Erasmus+). Since 2004 he has participated in 25 national and international research projects, funded by several organizations, such as: the European Commission, the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, and the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education. He is involved with international journals both as an editor (Cogent Education, and European Journal on Curriculum Studies) and referee (European Journal of Teacher Education, Frontline Learning Research, Computers & Education, and Studies in Educational Evaluation), emphasizing his international recognition as an academic researcher. In 2021 he was awarded the University of Lisbon / Caixa Geral de Depósitos Award, for best researcher in the area of Education Sciences at the University of Lisbon.

Instituto de Educação, Universidade de Lisboa

Alameda da Universidade

Office E208

1649-013 Lisboa


T. (+351) 217943633

F. (+351) 217933408
