Teaching and Supervision


I supervise works on logic, philosophy of logic and philosophy of mathematics. My special interests right now lie in the theories of logical relevance and on philosophical foundations of contra-classical logics. If you want to work with me, please drop me a line, but PLEASE THINK IT TEN TIMES BEFORE TRYING A PHD.

Current students (all of them at UNAM, unless otherwise stated):


Elisángela Ramírez-Cámara (joint supervision with Thomas M. Ferguson)

Ricardo Arturo Nicolás-Francisco  (joint supervision with Marek Nasieniewski)

Ricardo Arturo Nicolás-Francisco (no, it is not a typo)

Christian Andrés Romero-Rodríguez

Manuel Eduardo Tapia-Navarro


Sandra Dolores-Cuenca

Miguel Ángel Trejo-Huerta

Former students

María del Rosario Martínez-Ordaz (Now at UNAM)

Alejandro J. Solares-Rojas (Now at UBA)

Indrek Lobus (Now at the University of Tartu)

Francisco Netzahualcóyotl Martínez-Aviña (Now at UC Davis.)

Claudia Lucía Tanús-Pimentel (Missing in Action)

Courses taught on a regular basis (since 2014):


Logic I

Introduction to contemporary logic

Philosophy of mathematics


Logic I (zero-order classical logic)

Logic II (first-order classical logic)

Logic III (Philosophy of Logic)

Problems of Logic