(If you want to read any of these but find it behind a paywall or is somehow unavailable on the web, let me know.)
Papers in journals
a. "An analysis of poly-connexivity", Studia Logica.
a. "An easy road to multi-contra-classicality", Erkenntnis.
b. "Revisiting Reichenbach's logic" (with Fernando Cano-Jorge), Synthese 199: 11821–11845.
c. "Incorporating the relation into the language? A survey of approaches in relating logic" (with Alessandro Giordani, Tomasz Jarmużek, Mateusz Klonowski, Igor Sedlár, Andrew Tedder), Logic and Logical Philosophy 30(4): 711-739.
d. "Variable sharing in connexive logic” (with Claudia Lucía Tanús Pimentel), Journal of Philosophical Logic 50: 1377–1388.
e. ""A smack of irrelevance" in inconsistent mathematics?" (with Manuel Eduardo Tapia-Navarro), Australasian Journal of Logic 18 (5): 503-523.
f. "A bit of connexivity around the Field of ordinary conditionals" (with Elisángela Ramírez-Cámara), Australasian Philosophical Review 4(2): 156-161. (With a "Reply by Hartry Field".)
g. "The logical bases of contradictory Christology: comments on The Contradictory Christ, Ch. 2", Manuscrito 44(4): 340-362.
a. “A Nelsonian response to ‘the most embarrassing argument of all twelfth-century arguments’”, History and Philosophy of Logic 41(2): 101:113.
b. "You are not a selective realist dialetheist", Revista Colombiana de Filosofía de la Ciencia 19(39): 263-268 .
c. “Knot is not that nasty (but it is hardier than tonk)” (with Elisángela Ramírez-Cámara), Synthese.
d. “When Curry met Abel” (with Manuel Eduardo Tapia-Navarro), Logic Journal of the IGPL.
e. "Sí hay negación lógica" ("There is logical negation", with Ricardo Arturo Nicolás-Francisco), Crítica.
a. “A brief note on Béziau’s ‘rather trivial theorem about LP’”, Logic and Logical Philosophy 28(2): 355-361.
a. “(In some fictions) Everything is true”, Australasian Journal of Logic 15(2): 64-76.
b. “May the reinforcement be with you: On the reconstruction of scientific episodes” (with María Martínez-Ordaz), Journal of the Philosophy of History 12(2): 259-283.
Chapters in books
a. “Mortensen logics” (with Fernando Cano-Jorge), in...
b. "Dunn semantics for contra-classical logics", in...
h. “Non-conditional contracting connectives” (with Elisángela Ramírez-Cámara), in Shahid Rahman, Mojtaba Mojtahedi and Mohammad Saleh Zarepour, editors, Mathematics, Logic, and Their Philosophies. Essays in Honor of Mohammad Ardeshir, Springer, pp. 349-364.
f. “Possibility, consistency, connexivity”, in Nicola Olivetti and Rineke Verbrugge, editors, Advances in Modal Logic 13, London: College Publications, pp. 189-207.
c. “Limitaciones expresivas y fundamentación: la teoría de conjuntos ingenua basada en LP”, in Max Freund, Marco Ruffino and Max Fernández-de-Castro, editors, Filosofía de la lógica y lógica filosófica en América Latina, London: College Publications, pp. 167-178.
d. “On the possibility and fruitfulness of a debate on the principle of non-contradiction” (with María del Rosario Martínez-Ordaz), in Walter Carnielli and Jacek Malinowski, editors, Contradictions, from Consistency to Inconsistency, Trends in Logic Series, Springer, pp. 33-51.
e. “Disputing the many-valuedness of topos logic”, in Alexandre Costa-Leite, Jean-Yves Béziau and Ítala Loffredo D’Ottaviano (eds.), Aftermath of the Logical Paradise, CLE, pp. 65-96.
f. “Algunas dificultades lógicas en la filosofía leibniziana de la cuantificación” (Some logical difficulties in Leibniz's philosophy of quantification), in Roberto Casales and Paniel Reyes, editors, Leibniz en México. Homenaje a Alejandro Herrera, Mexico: Editorial Torres Asociados, pp. 41-58
d. “Prospects for triviality”, en Andreas Holger y Peter Verdée (eds.), Logical Studies of Paraconsistent Reasoning in Science and Mathematics, Springer, pp. 81-89.