RGB Matrix

In this project the objective is to make an RGB matrix of about 1m*0.5m or hopefully 2m*1m.

For this project i explored various options like using a TLC5940 to control the LEDs but to be easier to make the matrix than with individual 5mm LEDs i decided to use Addressable LED strips, or "Smart LEDs" more specifically with WS2812B or clones.

Here it is some of what i did with the TLC5940:

For the WS2812 i had much more work. First i used the SPI to generate the wave needed for the WS2812 but i wasn't happy with that, so i decided to use the DMA with a PWM output to generate the wave.

There are controllers like the teensy3.1 that have 8 parallel outputs and 512 LEDs per output. Well since i have a TM4C1294XL launchpad i decided to have more parallel outputs. Since there are only 4 GPIO with the 8 outputs pphysicallyavailable on the launchpad i only have 32 parallel outputs. With a RAM of 256Kb i have the ability to control allot of LEDs too.

I'll describe better how i currently have the WS2812 control working here : WS2812 DMA Ping-Pong mode

Here are some videos of my current work with the a 60LED/m strip. I'm really happy how smooth it is in all the 32 outputs: