Dr. Lucy Aplin

46 Scientific articles, 3208 citations, h-index = 24. See publication list


2022: ERC Professor, Department of Evolutionary Biology & Environmental Studies, University of Zurich &

2022: Senior Lecturer, Research School of Biology, Australian National University

2018: Max Planck Research Group Leader Fellow, Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior, Germany

2015: Junior Research Fellow, St John's College, Dept. of Zoology, University of Oxford, UK

2014: Postdoctoral Researcher, Edward Grey Institute, Dept. of Zoology, University of Oxford, UK


2014: PhD, University of Oxford & Australian National University

2009: Honours (first class), Australian National University

2003-08: Bachelor of Science, Australian National University

2003-08: Bachelor of Laws, Australian National University

Teaching Experience

2022: Lecturer, 1st year undergraduate course, "Evolution,Ecology and Genetics" (Behaviour module), Australian National University

2020-22: Spokesperson and faculty board member, International Max Planck Research (Graduate) School for Organismal Biology

2020-22: Convener, Masters VtK course, "Organismal Biology: Going Wild", University of Konstanz

2018-20: Lecturer, 2nd year undergraduate course "Animal Behaviour" (convenor Prof. Couzin), University of Konstanz

2014-17: Lecturer, 3rd year undergraduate course "Communication, Culture & Collective Behaviour" (convenor Dr Biro), University of Oxford

2015-17: Lecturer, 3rd year undergraduate course "Animal Cognition" (convenor Prof. Guilford), University of Oxford

Research Grants

2022-27: European Research Council Grant (SERI funded) Starter Grant "CULTURES ADAPT - Animal culture under change: a landscape-level analysis of socio-cognitive responses to human impact"

2022-23: Cultural Evolution Society Transformation Fund "An innovation arms-race between humans and parrots?"

2020-25: Israeli Science Foundation “From conformity to diversity” - External Collaborator

2019: Cultural Evolution Society "Public education module - Animal Cultures: Core discoveries and new horizons” - Co-PI (1 of 4)

2019-25: German DFG Cluster of Excellence for "Centre of Advanced Study of Collective Behaviour" - Co PI (1 of 25)

2019-22: U.K. Natural Environment Research Council "Ecology of Behavioural Contagion in Natural Systems - Project Partner (1 of 4)

2018-19: National Geographic Exploration Grant " Extending the limits for animal culture: do wild parrots show cultural traits?"

2016-17: Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour "Behavioural flexibility in novel environments"

2014-17: U.K. Biotechnology and Biological Science Research Council “Social dynamics and social learning in parids” - Co-Investigator

2010-14: Australian Federal Government Postgraduate Award

Fellowships & Awards

2022: Christopher Barnard Award for Outstanding Contributions by a New Investigator, Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour

2022: Max Planck Society Tenure-track Lise Meitner Fellowship (declined)

2020 : Nominated to

2019: National Geographic Explorer

2018: Max Planck Society Independent Research Group Leader Fellowship

2016: Australian Museum Research Institute Visiting Fellowship

2015: Jasper Loftus-Hills Young Investigator Award, American Society of Naturalists

2015: Junior Research Fellowship, St John's College, University of Oxford

2010: Australian Postgraduate Award 2010-13

2009: Australian National University Chancellor's Letter of Commendation

2008: Anjeli Nathan Memorial Scholarship

Recent Plenaries, Keynotes & Public Talks

09/2022: Hole-nesting bird conference at University of Oxford – plenary

09/2022: Annual Australian Society for the Study of Animal Behaviour (ASSAB) conference - Young Investigator Award Presentation

04/2022: Annual ASAB Easter conference - award presentation

03/2022: Royal Society and British Academy Joint Meeting - invited symposium speaker

10/2021: Sydney Ideas Symposium - webinar and public talk

07/2020: Evolution and Ecology Seminar Series - webinar and public talk

07/2019: Australian Museum Research Institute Seminar Series - public talk

06/2019: Early Social Learning Researchers Workshop - plenary

05/2019: 14th meeting for Ecology and Behaviour, Toulouse

02/2019: National Geographic London Explorers Festival - public talk

10/2018: 2nd International Meeting of Cultural Evolution Society - plenary

07/2018: Canadian Society for Ecology & Evolution Meeting; Peter Yodzis Colliquium - invited symposium speaker

05/2018: Conference on Collective Behaviour I, Trieste - invited speaker

10/2017: 150th Congress of the German Ornithological Society - plenary

06/2017: Keele Workshop on Social Learning & Cultural Evolution - plenary

11/2016: Sackler Colloquium for the National Academy of Sciences - invited speaker

10/2016: Max Planck Research School Organismal Biology Symposium - student invited plenary

06/2016: Evolution 2016 - ASN Young Investigator Award Presentation

Recent Departmental Seminars

09/2022: University of Zurich, Dept. of Evolutionary Biology & Environmental Studies seminar series

08/2021: Potsdam University - webinar

08/2020: Australian National University Seminar Series - webinar

06/2019: University of Lausanne, Biology Department seminar series

10/2018: New Mexico State University, Biology Department seminar series

09/2018: Macquarie University, Department of Biological Sciences

10/2017: University of Zurich, Dept. of Evolutionary Biology & Environmental Studies seminar series

10/2017: University of Sheffield - Department of Behaviour seminar series

08/2017: University of Exeter – Biosciences seminar series

11/2016: Santa Fe Institute, invited talk

11/2016: Arizona State University - Evolution of Social Complexity Colloquium

Outreach & Service

  • Outreach and Advisory

2021: Co-founder of the Big City Birds Citizen Science Project -

2019: Lecturer and co-creator of public education module " "Animal Cultures: Core discoveries and new horizons"

2018-19: Strategic Consultant - National Geographic Society

2018-19: Expert Advisor for the Conservation Implications of Animal Culture - United Nations Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species

  • Service

2020-22: Editor - Journal of Animal Behaviour

20190-22: Board Spokesperson - International Max Planck Research School for Organismal Biology (graduate school)

2019-20: Organiser of the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behaviour Department of Migration Seminar Series

08/2019: Organising Committee - Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour Summer Meeting, Uni. of Konstanz

02/2019: Organiser - Max Planck/National Geographic Society Workshop on Communicating Culture

10/2018: Organising Committee - Cultural Evolution Society Conference, Arizona State University