
Biconditional Binary Decision Diagrams Software Package, Software package to manipulate Boolean functions using a novel type of canonical decision diagrams.

MIGFET Synthesis Package, Software package to perform synthesis and optimization targeting Multiple-Independent Gate Field Effect Transistors with enhanced logic functionality.

Majority-Inverter Graph Synthesis, A large set of logic benchmarks optimized via our Majority-Inverter Graph (MIG) synthesis tool (MIGhty). Other MIG synthesis samples and dedicated runs are available under email request (for academic, non-commercial purposes).

The EPFL Combinational Benchmark Suite consists of 23 natively combinational benchmarks designed to challenge modern logic optimization tools. It is divided into arithmetic, random-control and more-than-ten-million gates parts.

The Dual SAT package, Experimental setup and benchmarks used to speedup SAT solvers. It exploits non-trivial circuit dualities.

SAT decomposition to tackle the 105-var challenge, Decomposition of the 105-var challenge into 7022 "easier" CNFs. The hardest should take less than 1 hour with minisat. The decomposition is done by a novel combination of cube-and-conquer and speculation-based techniques. More details on the solver coming, stay tuned!