
Stevison Lab Hosts Table at Destination STEM through COSAM Outreach

Summer 2018

Spring 2018 Lab Photo

Stevison Lab Attends 43rd Annual SEPEEG in Madison, FL

Stevison Lab Attends 3rd Annual Bioinformatics Bootcamp hosted by Auburn

Dr. Stevison teaches R at Bootcamp
Dr. Halaynach helps bootcampers
Shebang themed bar sign!

Auburn Bioinformatics Bootcamp and the 2016 twitter feed #AUBB16

Hard at Work

 Dr. Sefick guest lectures computational biology class
Hard at work in the lab!

Fun Times

Drs. Stevison and Graze relaxing after a long day of Evolution Conference!
Duke versus UNC basketball game Feb 2011
Me and Mo at Hooding Ceremony Reception - Yes, that's an ice sculpture!
Collecting fruit flies in Tucson, AZ during Fly Identification Workshop
Hunting for spiders in Brazos Bend, TX for Animal Behavior course at Rice University