Welcome to Little Silver Pack3

Pack 3 - Little Silver, NJ

Cub scouting in Little Silver has been going strong for more than 50 years!  We have a substantial pack with 50+ scouts and trained leaders focusing on teaching the 12 Core Values of Cub Scouting while providing an exciting program of fun, learning, and adventure for the scouts.

Pack 3 works closely with Little Silver Boy Scout Troop 126.  Older cub scouts are introduced to the troop in their Webelos years by participating in boy scout meetings and campouts.  The cub scouts know that their scouting experience will continue with Troop 126 once they have outgrown the pack.


Pack 3 is a member of the Twin Lights District within the Monmouth Council.  Our charter organization is St. John's Episcopal Church in Little Silver, NJ.

For more information, please click on About Pack 3.