RHEL 6.5 Kernel Parameter

Request for emergency meeting for Kernel Parameter settings for RHEL 6.5

This is to provide you the procedure on how to configure the max processes allowed per user by setting the nproc limit. Adjustment on maximum number of open files were also recommended.

To configure the limitations on the sv_prd user, kindly follow these procedures.

1. Log-in into the APPS server.

2. Go to /etc/security/limits.d directory.

cd /etc/security/limits.d

3. Create a new limit configuration file for sv_prd user.

vi 91-sv_prd-limits.conf

4. Set the nproc and nofile value for the sv_prd user by appending these configurations on the file.

sv_prd hard nproc 4096

sv_prd soft nproc 4096

sv_prd hard nofile 4096

sv_prd soft nofile 4096

5. Save the file.

6. Log-out all the active terminal and relog-in into the server.

7. Switch user to sv_prd.

8. Check if the newly configured limit was active.

ulimit -a

This reconfiguration with the limitations will take effect on the new processes after logging out of the system. But please take note that these changes will not be applied on currently running processes. Based on our meeting, the application services were being restarted every night, so the service processes limitation will be applied after the restart.

We've also checked the current kernel configuration that may be affected by the adjustment of the maximum process. Based on checking, you can safely apply these configurations since most of the default values on the kernel configuration was set on its maximum and optimal values. The only adjustment to be made prior to maximum process adjustment was the maximum of open files per user.