
ERror Function (ERF)-based sparse recovery [code]


Weihong Guo, Yifei Lou, Jing Qin, and Ming Yan, A Novel Regularization Based on the Error Function for Sparse Recovery, J. Sci. Comput. 87(31), 2021. arXiv:2007.02784

Last updated March 2021

Fractional-order Total variation for image restoration under Poisson noise


1. Mujibur Chowdhury, Jun Zhang, Jing Qin, and Yifei Lou. Poisson image denoising based on fractional-order total variation, Inverse Probl. Imag., 14(1), pp. 77-96, 2020. [codes]

2. Mujibur Rahman Chowdhury, Jing Qin, and Yifei Lou. Non-blind and Blind Deconvolution Under Poisson Noise Using Fractional-Order Total Variation, J. Math. Imaging Vis., (to appear) 2020. [codes]

Last updated September 2020

A scale-invariant model L1/L2 [code]


1. Yaghoub Rahimi, Chao Wang, Hongbo Dong, and Yifei Lou. A Scale Invariant Approach for Sparse Signal Recovery, SIAM J Sci. Comput.,41(6), pp. A3649-A3672, 2019. arXiv: 1812.08852

2. Chao Wang, Ming Yan, and Yifei Lou, Accelerated Schemes for the L1/L2 Minimization, IEEE Trans. Signal Process., 68, 2660-2669, 2020. arXiv: 1905.08946

Last updated May 2020

Truncated L1-L2 models


1. Tianhui Ma, Yifei Lou, and Ting-Zhu Huang, Truncated L1-L2 models for sparse recovery and rank minimization, SIAM J. Imaging Sci., 10(3), 1346–1380, 2017. [code]

2. Tian-Hui Ma, Yifei Lou, Ting-Zhu Huang, and Xi-Le Zhao, Group-based truncated $l_{1-2}$ model for image inpainting. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Beijing, China, September 2017. CAM report 17-32 [code]

Last updated Apr 2017

Super-resolution via Non-convex L1 Methods [code]


Yifei Lou, Penghang Yin, and Jack Xin, Point Source Super-resolution Via Non-convex L1 Based Methods, J. Sci. Comput., 68(3), pp 1082–1100, 2016.

Last updated Nov 2016

Compressive Sensing via L1-L2 [code] and fast implementations [code]


1. Yifei Lou, Penghang Yin, Qi He and Jack Xin, Computing Sparse Representation in a Highly Coherent Dictionary Based on Difference of L1 and L2. Sci. Computing, 64(1), 178–196, 2015.

2. Penghang Yin, Yifei Lou, Qi He and Jack Xin, Minimization of L1-L2 for Compressed Sensing. SIAM J. of Sci. Computing, 37(1), A536–A563, 2015

3. Yifei Lou and Ming Yan, Fast L1-L2 Minimization via a Proximal Operator, J. Sci. Comput., J. Sci. Comput., 74(2), 767-785, 2018

Last updated Jun 2017 (added fast implementations codes)

Anisotropic - isotropic TV [code]

Reference: Yifei Lou, Tieyong Zeng, Stanley Osher, and Jack Xin, A Weighted Difference of Anisotropic and Isotropic Total Variation Model for Image Processing, SIAM J. Imaging Sci, 8(3), 1798–1823, 2015

Last updated May 2018 (added MRI example)

Barcode reconstruction [code] [webpage]

Reference: Yifei Lou, Ernie Esser, Hongkai Zhao and Jack Xin, Partially blind deblurring of barcode from out-of-focus blur. SIAM J. Imaging Sci., 7(2), 740–760, 2014.

Last updated Jul 2013

Image through Turbulence [code] [webpage]

Reference: Yifei Lou, Sung Ha Kang, Stefano Soatto and Andrea L. Bertozzi. Video Stabilization of Atmospheric Turbulence Distortion. Inverse Problems in Imaging, 7(3), pp. 839–861, August 2013.

Last updated Dec 2013

Image recovery via Nonlocal Operators [code]

Reference: Yifei Lou, Xiaoqun Zhang, Stanley Osher and Andrea L. Bertozzi. Image Recovery via Nonlocal Operators. Journal of Scientific Computing, 42(2), pp. 185–197, 2010.

Last update Oct 2009