Mini-symposium SIAM IS12: Current Developments and Challenges in Imaging Through Turbulence

The video sequence captured in a long-range system, such as surveillance, is often corrupted by the atmospheric turbulence degradation. Each frame suffers from geometric distortion and focal blur. To process such data arises a large amount of challenges in image processing and computer vision, such as to real-time enhancement, object detection and recognition. This mini-symposium is intended to present the state-of-the-art methods in reconstructing a video or a latent image with higher resolution, which include non-rigid registration, image fusion and blind deconvolution. The richness of its applications would draw attention to many researchers working on imaging science.

Organizers: Yifei Lou (Georgia Tech) and Sung Ha Kang (Georgia Tech)

1. The Past and Future of Imaging Through Turbulence abstract, slides

Arjuna Flenner, Naval Air Weapons Station, USA

2. Removing Atmospheric Turbulence abstract, slides, webpage

Xiang Zhu and Peyman Milanfar, University of California, Santa Cruz, USA

3. Turbulence Restoration: From Stabilization to Atmospheric Deblurring abstract, slides, webpage

Jerome Gilles, University of California, Los Angeles, USA; Stanley J. Osher, University of California, Los Angeles, USA

4. A Dynamic Texture Model for Imaging Through Turbulence abstract, slides

Mario Micheli, Université Paris Descartes, France; Yifei Lou, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA; Stefano Soatto, University of California, Los Angeles, USA; Andrea L. Bertozzi, University of California, Los Angeles, USA

5. On-the-Fly Turbulence Effect Mitigation in Long-Range Surveillance Applications Based on Lucky Region Fusion abstract, slides

Mathieu Aubailly, University of Maryland, USA; Mikhail A. Vorontsov, University of Dayton, USA; Gary W. Carhart, Army Research Laboratory, USA

6. Video Restoration of Turbulence Distortion abstract, slides, webpage

Yifei Lou and Sung Ha Kang, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA; Stefano Soatto, University of California, Los Angeles, USA; Andrea L. Bertozzi, University of California, Los Angeles, USA

7. Non Rigid Geometric Distortions Correction -- Application to Atmospheric Turbulence Stabilization abstract, slides

Yu Mao, University of Minnesota, USA; Jerome Gilles, University of California, Los Angeles, USA

Download the following compressed file for all the talk slides.