
Journal Articles

    1. The Knowledge and Skill Content of Production Complexity (with Daniela Maggioni), 2022, Research Policy, 51(8)

    2. Robot adoption and export performance: firm-level evidence from Spain (with Maite Alguacil and Inmaculada Martinez Zarzoso), 2022, Economic Modelling, 114

    3. Do migrants affect the local product mix? An analysis of the effects and underlying mechanisms, 2022, Journal of Economic Geography, 22(4):755-777

    4. Equal pay for equal task: assessing heterogeneous returns to tasks across genders (with Elizabeth Jane Casabianca and Claudia Pigini), 2020, Industrial Relations, 59(2): 197-239, DOI: 10.1111/irel.12253

    5. Financial Dependence and Growth: the Role of Input-Output Linkages (with Daniela Maggioni and Alberto Zazzaro), 2019, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 163: 308-328, DOI:10.1016/j.jebo.2018.11.02

    6. Local discoveries and technological relatedness: the role of MNEs, imports and domestic capabilities (with Daniela Maggioni), forthcoming in the Journal of Economic Geography, DOI: 10.1093/jeg/lbv024

    7. The effects of Islamic religiosity on bilateral trust in trade: the case of Turkish exports (with Daniela Maggioni), Journal of Comparative Economics, 2018, 46(4), pages 947-965, DOI: 10.1016/j.jce.2018.02.001

    8. Import penetration and returns to tasks: Evidence from the Peruvian labour market (with Claudia Pigini and Elizabeth J. Casabianca), 2018, Empirical Economics, 56(2), pages 551-617, DOI: 10.1007/s00181-017-1412-5

    9. New and Improved: Does FDI Boost Production Complexity in Host Countries?(with Beata Javorcik and Daniela Maggioni), 2018, Economic Journal, 128(614), pages 2507-2537

    10. "Glocal" ties. Banking development and SEs' export entry. (with Daniela Maggioni), Small Business Economics Journal, 2017, 48(4), pages 999-1020, DOI: 10.1007/s11187-016-9809-7

    11. Does Product complexity matter for firms' output volatility? (with Mauro Gallegati and Daniela Maggioni), 2016, Journal of Development Economics, 121, pages 94-109DOI:10.1016/j.jdeveco.2016.03.006

    12. On firms' product space evolution: the role of firm and local product relatedness (with Daniela Maggioni), 2016, Journal of Economic Geography, 16(5), pages 975-1006; DOI: 10.1093/jeg/lbv024

    13. On tariff changes and firm production evolution: insights from Turkish manufacturing (with Daniela Maggioni) , Journal of International Trade and Economic Development, 2015 ,DOI: 10.1080/09638199.2015.1038846

    14. Dissecting the impact of innovation on exporting in Turkey, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 2015, 24(4), pages 309-338. See here for the most recent working paper version

    15. Imports, exports and the firm product scope:evidence from Turkey (with Daniela Maggioni), The World Economy, 2015, 38(6), pages 985-1015. See here for the most recent working paper version

    16. A firm level perspective on migration: the role of extra-EU workers in Italian manufacturing (with Giulia Bettin and Daniela Maggioni), DOI 10.1007/s11123-014-0390-2,Journal of Productivity Analysis., 2014, 42, pages 305-325 See here for the most recent working paper version

    17. Spillovers through Backward linkages and the export performance of business services. Firm level evidence from a sample of Italian firms (with Giuliano Conti and Daniela Maggioni) International Business Review, 2014, 23(3), pages 552–565. See here for the most recent working paper version

    18. The micro evolution of trade andturnover in Turkey under the global crisis (with Daniela Maggioni) Economic Systems,Volume 38, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 397–414, DOI 10.1016/j.ecosys.2013.09.005 . See here for the most recent working paper version. Additional material of the published version available here

    19. Does trade foster employment growth in emerging markets? Evidencefrom Turkey, (with Daniela Maggioni) World Development, Volume 53, 2013, Pages 1-18, DOI: 10.1016/j.worlddev.2013.06.003. See here for the most recent working paper version

    20. Offshoring and Job Stability: Evidence from ItalianManufacturing (with Daniela Maggioni and Matteo Picchio), Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 2013, vol. 26(C), pages 27-46. See here for the most recent working paper version

    21. Rethinking the import-productivity nexus for Italian manufacturing (with Giuliano Conti and Daniela Maggioni), 2013, Empirica, Vol, 41(4), 2014, pages 589-617m.See here for the most recent working paper version;

    22. On the role of imports in enhancing manufacturing exports, (with Daniela Maggioni) The Wolrd Economy, 2013, vol. 36(1), pages 93-120. See here for the most recent working paper version;

    23. Offshoring to high and low income countries and the labour demand. Evidence from Italian firms, (with Daniela Maggioni) Review of International Economics, 20 (1), 2012. See here for the most recent working paper version;

    24. A Cross Country View On South-North Migration And Trade. Dissecting the Channels, (with Giulia Bettin) Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 48 (4), 2012. See here for the most recent working paper version;

    25. Economic growth and the role of trade in intermediates, Economics Bulletin, 32 (1), 2012, pages 596-615

    26. The Demand for Skills and the Labor Cost in Partner Countries: Evidence from the Enlarged EU, (with Aleksandra parteka) The Economics of Transition, 27 (1), 2011. See here for the most recent working paper version;

    27. The EU enlargement and the labour demand in new member states, (with Aleksandra parteka) Intereconomics - Review of European Economic Policy, 45(2), pages 122-132;

    28. Individual earnings, International outsourcing and technological change. Evidence from Italy'' (with C. Broccolini, A.F. Presbitero e S.Staffolani) International Economic Journal, 25(1), 2011. See here for the most recent working paper version;

    29. Exporters in Services: new Evidence from Italian Firms, (with Giuliano Conti and Daniela Maggioni) Applied Economics Quarterly, n.1, 2010. See here for the most recent working paper version;

    30. The EU enlargement and domestic employment, (with Aleksandra Parteka) Economics Bulletin 29 (3), 2009, 87:105;

    31. Empirical investigation on labour market interactions in an enlarged Europe, (with Aleksandra Parteka) Bank & Credit, National Bank of Poland, 40 (1), 2009, 87–105;

    32. International outsourcing and productivity in Italian manufacturing sectors. Rivista Italiana degli Economisti, 12 (1), 2007. See here for the pre-publication working paper version

    33. Are South-South RTAs growth enhancing? The case of Latin American Agreements, 1960-2000. Applied Econometrics and International Development, 5 (2), 2005;

Chapters in Books

  1. Alessia Lo Turco (2020) Lavoro e globalizzazione nelle Marche tra il 1990 e il 2007. In Mezzadri, pescatori e operai. Il lavoro nelle Marche dall'Unità, a cura di Roberto Giulianelli, Franco Angeli, Milano

  2. Using Trade Microdata to Improve Trade in Value-Added Measures: Proof of Concept Using Turkish Data In: Aaditiya Mattoo, Zhi Wang, Shang-Jin Wei. TRADE IN VALUE ADDED. DEVELOPING NEW MEASURES OF CROSS BORDER TRADE. p. 187-220, Washington, DC 20433, USA:The World Bank, ISBN: 9781907142581

  3. Specialize rightly or decline, (with Massimo Tamberi) in P. Commendatore, N. Salvadori and M. Tamberi (eds.) ''Geography structural Change and economic Development: Theory and Empirics'',Edited , Edward Elgar Cheltenham, UK-Northampton, MA, USA 2009;

  4. South-South Regional Integration Agreements, comparative advantage and industrial growth. Evidence from MERCOSURcountries in P. Commendatore, N. Salvadori and M. Tamberi (eds) ''Geography structural Change and economic Development: Theory and Empirics'',Edited , Edward Elgar Cheltenham, UK-Northampton, MA, USA 2009;

  5. El comercio intrarregional en AméricaLatina: Patrón de especialización ypotencial exportador. (with Durán Lima J.) In: a cura di María Inés Terra e José Durán Lima, LOS IMPACTOS DE LA CRISIS INTERNACIONAL EN AMÉRICA LATINA: ¿HAY MARGEN PARA EL DISEÑO DE POLÍTICAS REGIONALES?. RED MERCOSUR DE INVESTIGACIONES ECONÓMICAS, 2010 Montevideo, Uruguay p. 91 - 148

  6. Offshoring, cambiamento tecnologico e disparità salariali in Italia. (with C. Broccolini, A.Presbitero and S.Staffolani) In: L. CAPPELLARI; P.NATICCHIONI E S. STAFFOLANI, L'Italia delle Disuguaglianze. Più uguali o diseguali ? 2009 Carocci, Roma

  7. South-South Trade Agreements, Location of Production and Inequality in Latin America. In S. Klasen and F. Novak-Lehmann D., Poverty Inequality and Migration in Latin America. Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, 2007, pp. 269-290

  8. Integraciòn regional Sur-Sur y desarrollo industrial asimétrico: el caso del Mercosur. In. F. Masi ans M.I. Terra, Asimetrias en el Mercosur: impedimento para el crecimiento? Red Mercosur de Investigaciones econòmicas, 2008, Montevideo, Uruguay

Working papers

For a complete list of my working papers, please, visit my page at ideas: