Alessia Lo Turco

Department of Economics and Social Sciences

Faculty of Economics “G. Fuà” – Università Politecnica delle Marche

Piazzale Martelli 8, 60122, Ancona, Italy

Telephone: 0039-071-2207250;

Fax 0039-071-2207102

Email a.loturco at

Citizenship: Italian

Born: 4 Luglio 1975

Marital Status: married, 2 children (born 2007 and 2011).


• since 2021 (february) Full Professor of Economics (13-A1; SECS-P01), Department of Economics and Social Sciences, Faculty of Economics "G. Fuà", Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy


• 2015-2021 (january) Associate Professor of Economics (13-A1; SECS-P01), Department of Economics and Social Sciences, Faculty of Economics "G. Fuà", Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy

• 2008-2015 (October) tenured Assistant Professor of Economics (13-A1; SECS-P01), Department of Economics and Social Sciences, Faculty of Economics "G. Fuà", Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy

• 2005-2008 Assistant Professor of Economics (13-A1; SECS-P01), Department of Economics and Social Sciences, Faculty of Economics "G. Fuà", Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy

• 2006-2008 Research Affiliate Centro de Análisis y Difusión de la Economía Paraguaya (CADEP,) Asunciòn, Paraguay;

• 2004-2005 Post-Doc - Department of Economics - Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy;

• October 2003- February 2004 Marie Curie Fellowship for Young Researchers, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland;


• 2011-2016 – External collaborator of the OECD Research Project on "Trade by Enterprise Characteristics and Global Value Chains"

• 2009 – Consultant for Red Mercosur on "Gravity Models" within the project "Los impactos de la crisis internacional en América Latina: ¿Hay margen para el diseño de políticas regionales?";

• 2006 - Consultant for CADEP - Paraguay on "Regional Trade Agreements, location of production and asymmetric development" for the research funded by International Development Research Center CANADA- "Asimetrias en el Mercosur: impedimento para el crecimiento?"


• since 2017 - Erasmus Faculty Coordinator;

• 2014 –Member of the PhD programme in Economics admission board;

• 2012-2017 Coordination and Organisation of the Departmental Seminars;

• since 2005 - Member of the admission board of several post-doc grants;

• 2009 - 2012 – Member of admission board of the graduate course in Economics and Management;


• July 2019 – Department of Economics, Univeristat Jaume I, Castellòn de la Plana, Spain;

• March-April 2019 – Department of Economics, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium;

• July 2018 – Department of Economics, Univeristat Jaume I, Castellòn de la Plana, Spain;

• July 2017 – Department of Economics, University of Messina, Italy;

• July-September 2006 Visiting Research Fellow Trade and Integration Division, United Nations - Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), Santiago de Chile, Chile;


• European Economic Association

• Italian Economic Association


International Trade, FDI and Migration - International Trade, productivity and the labour market; International division of labour, tasks and gender disparities; Trade, FDI, economic geography and complexity of production; migration, trade and production; financial development, export and firm growth.


Publications in Peer Review Journals


Robot adoption and export performance: firm-level evidence from Spain (with Maite Alguacil and Inmaculada Martinez-Zarzoso) Economic Modelling, 114: 105912

Do migrants affect the local product mix? An analysis of the effects and underlying mechanisms (with Elizabeth Jane Casabianca and Daniela Maggioni) Journal of Economic Geography, 22(4):755-777:

The knowledge and skill content of production complexity (with Daniela Maggioni) Research Policy, 51(8), 104059


Equal pay for equal task: Assessing heterogeneous returns to tasks across genders (with Elizabeth Jane Casabianca and Claudia Pigini) forthcoming in Industrial Relations 59(2): 197-239


Financial Dependence and Growth: The Role of Input-Output Linkages. (with Daniela Maggioni and Alberto Zazzaro) Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 162: 308-328

Local discoveries and technological relatedness: the role of MNEs, imports and domestic capabilities (with Daniela Maggioni), Journal of Economic Geography, 19(5): 1077-1098

Import penetration and returns to tasks: recent evidence from the Peruvian labour market. (with Elizabeth J. Casabianca and Claudia Pigini), Empirical Economics, 56(2): 551-617


Effects of Islamic religiosity on bilateral trust in trade: the case of Turkish exports (with Daniela Maggioni), Journal of Comparative Economics, 46(4): 947-965

New and Improved: Does FDI Boost Production Complexity in Host Countries? (with Beata Javorcik and Daniela Maggioni), Economic Journal, 128(614): 2507-2537


"Glocal" ties. Banking development and SEs' export entry. (with Daniela Maggioni), Small Business Economics Journal, 48(4): 999-1020.


Does Product complexity matter for firms' output volatility? (with Mauro Gallegati and Daniela Maggioni), Journal of Development Economics, 2016, 121: 94-109.

On firms' product space evolution: the role of firm and local product relatedness (with Daniela Maggioni), Journal of Economic Geography, 16(5): 975-1006.

L’economia turca nel XXI secolo tra commercio e cultura, (with Daniela Maggioni), Proposte e ricerche, anno XXXIX, n. 77: 91-109.

On tariff changes and firm production evolution: insights from Turkish manufacturing (with Daniela Maggioni), Journal of International Trade and Economic Development, 25: 131-164


Dissecting the impact of innovation on exporting (with Daniela Maggioni), Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 24(4): 309-338.

Imports, exports and the firm product scope: evidence from Turkey (with Daniela Maggioni), The World Economy, 38(6): 984-1015.


A firm level perspective on migration: the role of extra-EU workers in Italian manufacturing, Journal of Productivity Analysis (with Giulia Bettin and Daniela Maggioni), 41(3): 305-325.

Spillovers through Backward linkages and the export performance of business services. Firm level evidence from a sample of Italian firms (with Giuliano Conti and Daniela Maggioni), International Business Review, Vol. 23(3): 552–565.

The micro evolution of trade and turnover in Turkey under the global crisis (with Daniela Maggioni), Economic Systems, 38(3): 397-414.

Rethinking the import-productivity nexus for Italian manufacturing, (with Giuliano Conti and Daniela Maggioni), Empirica, 41(4): 589-617.


Does trade foster employment growth in emerging markets? Evidence from Turkey (with Daniela Maggioni), World Development, Vol. 52: 1–18.

Offshoring and Job Stability: Evidence from Italian Manufacturing (with Daniela Maggioni and Matteo Picchio), Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 26: 27– 46.

On the role of imports in enhancing manufacturing exports (with Daniela Maggioni), The World Economy, 36(1): 93-120.


A Cross Country View on South-North Migration And Trade. Dissecting the Channels (with Giulia Bettin), Emerging Markets Finance & Trade, 48(4): 4-29.

Offshoring to high- and low-income countries and the labour demand. Evidence from Italian firms (with Daniela Maggioni), Review of International Economics, Vol. 20(3), pag.636-653.

Economic growth and the role of trade in intermediates, Economics Bulletin, 32(1): 596-615.


Individual Earnings, International Outsourcing and Technological Change. Evidence from Italy (with Chiara Broccolini, Andrea Presbitero and Stefano Staffolani), International Economic Journal, 25(1): 29-46.

The demand for skills and the labor cost in partner countries: evidence from the enlarged EU, (with Aleksandra Parteka), Economics of Transition, 19(3): 611-637.


Exporters in Services: new Evidence from Italian Firms (with Giuliano Conti and Daniela Maggioni), Applied Economics Quarterly, 56(1): 73-98.

EU Enlargement and Labour Demand in the New Member States (with Aleksandra Parteka), Intereconomics, 45(2): 122-132.


The EU enlargement and domestic employment (with Aleksandra Parteka), Economics Bulletin, 29: 2202-2217.

Empirical Investigations on labour market interactions in an enlarged Europe (with Aleksandra Parteka), Bank&Credit, 40(1): 87-106.


International Outsourcing and Productivity in Italian Manufacturing Sectors, Rivista Italiana degli Economisti, 12(1): 125-146;


Are South-South RTAs growth enhancing? The case of Latin American agreements, Applied Econometrics and International Development, 5(2): 5-26.

Book Chapters

Alessia Lo Turco (2020) Lavoro e globalizzazione nelle Marche tra il 1990 e il 2007. In Mezzadri, pescatori e operai. Il lavoro nelle Marche dall'Unità, a cura di Roberto Giulianelli, Franco Angeli, Milano

Nadim Ahmad, Sónia Araújo, Alessia Lo Turco, Daniela Maggioni (2013). Using Trade Microdata to Improve Trade in Value-Added Measures: Proof of Concept Using Turkish Data. In: Aaditiya Mattoo, Zhi Wang, Shang-Jin Wei. TRADE IN VALUE ADDED. DEVELOPING NEW MEASURES OF CROSS BORDER TRADE. p. 187-220, Washington, DC 20433, USA:The World Bank, ISBN: 9781907142581;

Durán Lima J., Lo Turco A. (2010). El comercio intrarregional en América Latina: Patrón de especialización y potencial exportador. In: a cura di María Inés Terra e José Durán Lima. LOS IMPACTOS DE LA CRISIS INTERNACIONAL EN AMÉRICA LATINA: ¿HAY MARGEN PARA EL DISEÑO DE POLÍTICAS REGIONALES? p. 91-148, Montevideo, Uruguay:RED MERCOSUR DE INVESTIGACIONES ECONÓMICAS, ISBN: 9789974799295;

Broccolini C., Lo Turco A., A. Presbitero, Staffolani S. (2009). Offshoring, cambiamento tecnologico e disparità salariali in Italia. In: L. CAPPELLARI; P. NATICCHIONI E S. STAFFOLANI. L'Italia delle Disuguaglianze. Più uguali o diseguali?. Roma:Carocci, ISBN: 9788843050734;

A. Lo Turco, Tamberi, M (2009). Specialize rightly or decline. In: P. COMMENDATORE; N. SALVADORI E M. TAMBERI. Geography structural Change and economic Development: Theory and Empirics. vol. 1, CHELTENAM: Edward Elgar, ISBN: 9781848442290;

A. Lo Turco (2009). South-South Regional Integration Agreements, comparative advantage and industrial growth. Evidence from MERCOSUR countries. In: P. COMMENDATORE; N. SALVADORI E M. TAMBERI. Geography structural Change and economic Development: Theory and Empirics. vol. 1, CHELTENAM: Edward Elgar, ISBN: 9781848442290;

A. Lo Turco (2008). Integraciòn regional Sur-Sur y desarrollo industrial asimétrico: el caso del MERCOSUR. In: F. MASI. M.I. TERRA. Asimetrias en el Mercosur: impedimento para el crecimiento?. vol. 1, Montevideo, Uruguay: RED MERCOSUR DE INVESTIGACIONES ECONÓMICAS, ISBN: 9789974799240

A. Lo Turco, A (2007). South-South Trade Agreements, Location of Production and Inequality in Latin America. In: S. KLASEN AND F. NOWAK-LEHMANN D. Poverty, Inequality and Migration in Latin America. p. 269-290, FRANKFURT AM MAIN, BERLIN,ETC.:Peter Lang Verlag, ISBN: 9783631573273

Non-Technical Dissemination:


Le Marche tra crisi e trasformazione, Economia Marche 1-41.2022


What do we know from 30 years of regional trade agreements? Webinar “The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA): opportunities, constraints and way ahead” hosted by Embassy of Italy - South Africa

La corsa ai vaccini si vince con la complessità,

Vaccini anti-Covid. Perché l’Europa ne produce pochi.


Religion as a catalyst for trade: evidence from Turkish Exports, (with Daniela Maggioni), The ERF policy portal,

Foreign investment and domestic production complexity in Turkey, (with Beata Javorcik and Daniela Maggioni), The ERF policy portal,

Foreign Direct Investment can trigger Industrial Upgrading, (with Beata Javorcik and Daniela Maggioni), LSE business review blog,


Foreign Investment Boosts Sophistication of Domestic Manufacturing: New Evidence from Turkey, (with Beata Javorcik and Daniela Maggioni),


Does FDI Boost Production Complexity of Domestic Firms? (with Beata Javorcik and Daniela Maggioni),

Foreign investment and the production complexity of domestic firms: Evidence from Turkey, (with Beata Javorcik and Daniela Maggioni),


Come cambia il manifatturiero italiano con il lavoro degli immigrati, (with Giulia Bettin and Daniela Maggioni),


The Journal of the European Economic Association, Journal of Economic Geography, The World Economy, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Comparative Economics, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Applied Economics, Regional Studies, Papers in Regional Sciences, Industry and Innovation, International Trade Journal, International Economics, Emerging Markets Review, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, International Economic Journal, Journal of Small Business Management, Journal of Economic Integration, Italian Economic Journal, Rivista Italiana degli Economisti, Economic Issues, Economics Bulletin, Questione Agraria (QA), Advances in Complex Systems, Applied Economics Quarterly, Sustainability, Economia Marche-Review of Regional Studies, UNIVPM Department of Economics and Social Sciences Working paper Series.


Flemish research foundation.

Poland National Science Center


• 2020 – Beatriz Galindo Senior 4-year Grant, Spanish Ministry of University, Universidad Jaume I, Castellòn de la Plana (declined);

• 2018 – FFABR Grant (Italian Ministry of Education and Research) for top 25% Associate Professors

• 2013 – Productivity Prize for Teaching and Research 2010-2012, Università Politecnica delle Marche;

• 2012- "2nd prize of the Sakip Sabanci International Award" for the article "The micro evolution of trade and turnover in Turkey under the global crisis " (with Daniela Maggioni) - Comittee: Professor Dani Rodrik, Professor Izak Atiyas, Professor Hasan Ersel, Professor Jeffrey Nugent and Professor Ziya Önis;

• 2011 - Productivity Prize for Teaching and Research 2008-2010, Università Politecnica delle Marche;

• 2010- Research Award for Young researchers - Università Politecnica delle Marche;

• 2008 – Best Paper in Conference Award, Conference on Migration, Labour Market and Economic Growth in Europe after Enlargement, National Bank of Poland, Warsaw; Paper: " EU Enlargement, Economic Interdependence and the Labor Markets in 'Old' and 'New' Member States ", with A. Parteka. Comittee: Luca Barbone, Wilhelm Kohler.

• 2003 - Marie Curie Scholarship for Young Researchers, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

• November 2000 - October 2003 PhD Scholarship, Università di Ancona (current Università Politecnica delle Marche)


European Projects

• 2015 – RAstaNEWS – European Union VII Framework Programme; Unit Member;

FFABR(Italian Ministry of Education and Research) for top 25% Associate Professors

• 2018 Globalisation, Human Capital and the product space

Research Projects of National Interest (PRIN)

• 2009-2011 "Structural Change and Industrial Sectors" , Unit Member;

• 2007-2009 "EU Agricultural and Trade Policies, trade agreements, production localisation and FDI", Unit Member;

• 2005-2007 " Economic Growth and Distribution " , Unit Member;

University Funded Research

• 2018 – "Sudden Events and International Trade";

• 2017 – "On the sources and effects of economic complexity";

• 2016 – "RESIMP", member unit;

• 2016 – "Culture, Labour Skills, Innovation and trade";

• 2015 – "International Division of Labour, tasks and Complexity" ;

• 2014 - "The offshoring of tasks and its labour market implications. An analysis of skill and gender wage disparities";

• 2013 - "Firm, local capabilities and the space of products";

• 2012 - "Trade and innovation at the firm level”;

• 2011 - "Offshoring, the labour market and firm productivity”;


• 2014-2016 – Coordinator of Post-Doc Research Fellowship on “The offshoring of tasks and its labour market implications. An analysis of skill and gender wage disparities”;

• 2012-2013 - Coordinator of Post-Doc Research Fellowship on “Firms internationalisation strategies: exports, imports and innovation”;

• 2010-2012 – Coordinator of Post-Doc Research Fellowship on “Firms internationalisation strategies: determinants and effects on efficiency and labour demand”;


• 2020 – Coordinator of the local Scientific Committee, Italian Trade Study Group Workshop on “New Perspectives in International Trade and Factor Movements: Robots and the Environment”;

• 2014 – Coordinator of the Scientific Committee, Workshop on “La competitività internazionale nell’esperienza italiana. Il contributo scientifico di Giuliano Conti”;

• 2013 – Coordinator of the local Scientific Committee, Italian Trade Study Group Workshop on “International Trade, Firms and Products”;


• 2022 – FREIT Sardinia Empirical Trade Conference, Cagliari, Italy; SIE, Turin, Italy.

• 2021 – 17th Comparative Analysis of Enterprise Data (CAED) Conference, Coimbra, Portugal;

• 2019 – VIII Meeting on International Economy, Castellòn de la Plana, Spain, FREIT Sardinia Empirical Trade Conference, Cagliari, Italy; European Economic Association (EEA) Manchester, UK;

• 2018 – Geography of Innovation, Barcelona, Spain; AIEL, Ancona, Italy;

• 2017 –Finance and Growth in the Aftermath of the Crisis, Milan, Italy; AFSE Conference, Nice, France;

• 2016 - XXI DEGIT Conference, Nottingham, UK; ETSG, Helsinki, Finland; XI ISGEP Workshop, Pescara, Italy;

• 2014 - The Geography of Innovation, Utrecht, Netherlands; 11th Ljubljana Empirical Trade Conference (LETC), Izola, Slovenia;

• 2012 - Italian Trade Study Group (ITSG), Trento, Italy; OECD Workshop on TEC and Global Value Chains, Paris, France; Società Italiana degli Economisti, Matera, Italy; Italian Trade Study Group (ITSG), Catania, Italy; 9th Ljubljana Empirical Trade Conference (LETC), Lubiana, Slovenia; 11th Comparative Analysis of Enterprise Data (CAED) conference, Nurnberg, Germany; Italian Trade Study Group (ITSG), Rome, Italy;

• 2011 - Società Italiana degli Economisti, Rome, Italy;

• 2010 - 7th Ljubljana Empirical Trade Conference (LETC), Lubiana, Slovenia;

• 2009 - "Innovation, Internationalization and Global Labor Markets" , Centro Studi Luca d'Agliano Fondazione Luigi Einaudi, Turin, Italy; 11th ETSG Conference, Rome, Italy; "Workshop on The Internationalisation of Services , DIW - German Institute for Economic Research, Berlin, Germany; European Economic Association (EEA), Barcelona, Spain;

• 2008 - "Inequalities in Italy", Rome, Italy; SOEGW,Waterloo, Ontario, Canada;

• 2007 - International Conference on Inequality and Poverty in Latin America, University Georg August, Gottingen, Germany; 9th ETSG Conference, Athens, Greec; WIEM, Warsaw, Poland; AISSEC, Parma, Italy;

• 2006 - Società Italiana degli Economisti, Verona;

• 2004 - 2nd Annual Conference of the Euro-Latin Study Network on Integration and Trade (ELSNIT), European University Institute, Florence, Italy; XIV AISSEC Conference, Naples, Italy.


• 2022 – Anet LAB seminar, webinar, ELKH Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Hungarian Academy of Science, Hungary;

• 2021 - Università di Siena, webinar, Italy;

• 2019 - Italian Trade Study Group, Polytechnic of Milan, Italy;

• 2017 - Università di Trento, Trento, Italy;

• 2016 - Università di Roma Tre, Rome, Italy;

• 2015 - AIEAA Conference, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy; Università di Pescara, Pescara, Italy;

• 2015 - Università di Milano – Centro Studi Luca d’Agliano, Milan, Italy;

• 2013 - Italian Trade Study Group, European University Institute and Università di Firenze, Florence, Italy;

• 2012 - OECD Workshop on TEC and Global Value Chains, Paris, France;

• 2010 - I cambiamenti della manifattura italiana visti attraverso l'indagine UniCredit, Centro Studi Luca d’Agliano, Milan, Italy; The Economics and Social Research Institute, Dublin, Irlanda;

• 2009 - Department of Economics, Aarhus School of Business, University of Aarhus, Denmark;

• 2006 - CADEP, Asunciòn, Paraguay; ISLA Bocconi, Milan, Italy;

• 2004 - European University Institute, Florence, Italy;



• since academic year 2017/2018 – Coordinator and teacher of the MOOC in the graduate course in International Economics at UNIVPM;

• since academic year 2016/2017 – Technology Enhanced undergraduate course in International Economics at UNIVPM;


• since academic year 2005/2006 – International Economics, Faculty of Economics "G. Fuà", Ancona Building (since academic year 2011/2012) and San Benedetto (up to academic year 2011/2012), Università Politecnica delle Marche;

• since academic year 2003/2004-up to academic year 2005/2006 – Classes of Microeconomics, Faculty of Economics, Università Politecnica delle Marche;

• academic year 2002/2003 - Seminars in International Economics: Trade Policy, Faculty of Political Sciences, Università di Urbino;

• academic year 2003/2004 - Microeconomics, Faculty of Managerial Engineering, Università Politecnica delle Marche;

• academic year 1999/2000 - Classes of Economics, Facolta’ di Legge, LUMSA , Palermo;


• since academic year 2016/2017 International Economics – Master Course in International Economics and Commerce – Business Organisation and Supply Chain, Faculty of Economics "G. Fuà", Università Politecnica delle Marche;

• s2009/2010 to 2011/2012 Advanced International Trade – Master Course in Management, Faculty of Economics "G. Fuà", Università Politecnica delle Marche;

• 2010/2011 Advanced Microeconomics and Economic Growth, Master Course in Economics, Faculty of Economics "G. Fuà", Università Politecnica delle Marche;

• 2008 - Firm Internationalization, ISTAO, Ancona;

• 2006 – Trade and Economic Geography, ISTAO, Ancona;


• since academic year 2002/2003 – Advanced Microeconomics: Choice, PhD in Economics, Faculty of Economics "G. Fuà", Università Politecnica delle Marche;

• 2018/2019 – Advances in Applied International Trade Topics, PhD in Economics, Faculty of Economics "G. Fuà", Università Politecnica delle Marche;

• 2013/2014 – Advances in Applied International Trade Topics, PhD in Economics, Faculty of Economics "G. Fuà", Università Politecnica delle Marche;

• 2010/2011 – Trade and Productivity, PhD in Economics, Faculty of Economics "G. Fuà", Università Politecnica delle Marche;

• 2009/2010 – Advances in Applied International Trade Topics, PhD in Economics, Faculty of Economics "G. Fuà", Università Politecnica delle Marche;

• 2006/2007 – International Trade: Theory and Applications, PhD in Economics, Faculty of Economics "G. Fuà", Università Politecnica delle Marche;


• 2019/2022 - "Culture, Religion and the Structure of Countries’ Trade " – Mazlum Karatas (currently 2nd year PhD Student – UNIVPM);

• 2018/2021 - "Conventional and Unconventional Trade Costs in the Structural Gravity Model of Trade" – Tamar Taralashvili (currently 3rd year PhD Student – UNIVPM);

• 2016/2019 - "Essays on Globalisation, finance and comparative advantages" – Visar Vokrri (currently Riinvest Institute, Prishtina, Kosovo);

• 2006/2010 - "Three essays on International Trade and Productivity" - Daniela Maggioni (currently Associate Professor – Ca’ Foscari University of Venice);

• 2010/2014 - "Three essays on Trade Liberalisation, Poverty and Income Distribution" - Elizabeth Jane Casabianca (consultant at UNCTAD (up to june 2015) and currently Economist, Prometeia; Bologna, Italy).


• 2004 – PhD in Economics, Università Politecnica delle Marche; Thesis on "Growth effects of South-South Regional Integration Agreements", Supervisor: Giuliano Conti;

• 2002 - MSc in Economics, University of Warwick, United Kingdom; MSc Thesis Supevisor: Wiji Arulapalam;

• 2001 - MSc in Economics, Università Politecnica delle Marche;

• 1998 – Bachelor in Economics, Summa cum Laude, Università di Messina;


• 2009 - Summer School on The Global Division of Labour, Kiel Institute for the World Economy, Kiel, Germany

• 2004 Summer School on Latin American Economies, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), Santiago de Chile, Chile;

• 2001 Residential Course in Econometrics, CIDE, Bertinoro;