Daily Living and Shopping Around Nadi

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When you first move to Fiji, within a week of attempting to shop for your weekly groceries you'll probably break down and cry. If you've moved over here with your wife, husband or partner, food shopping has the potential to destroy your relationship. In fact, if you're looking to divorce your once loved one, I would suggest food shopping in Nadi to move things along a bit faster.

Whatever you plan to make for a meal, I suggest you have at least 6 variations of the dish as its highly likely you won’t find everything you need to make your meal for that night.

Whenever you go shopping, just remember you're in a supermarket or market in and around Nadi town, not your own country. Fiji is an island in the Pacific, not a continent the size of North America. To get luxury items, they have to be shipped in. When the luxury items arrive, they're swiped off the shelves very quickly!