Presentations (selected)

2024| Lunch and Learn Virtuelle Akademie, Bern University of Applied Sciences

KI: Kreatives Denken und Künstliche Intelligenz

2023 | CIS Network Seminar, EPFL, Switzerland

Towards creative systems with linguistic modelling

2023| Workshop Analogies: From learning to explainability, Arras

Can language models learn analogical reasoning? Investigating training objectives and comparisons to human performance.

2023 | ***Keynote*** HumanCLAIM workshop, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Language Specificity and Low-Resource Languages

2023 | Annual retreat NCCR Evolving Language, Switzerland

Something old, something new, something borrowed… Modelling compounds computationally as they evolve over time

2023 | MLT meeting, DFKI, Germany

On the language specificity of mBERT and pre-training for low-resource languages

2023 | ISLE colloquium, University of Zurich, Switzerland

Computational models for lexical innovation

2023 | Pint of Science, Sion, Switzerland (Podcast in French)

Inspiration Artificielle @Idiap 

2023| Panel at UPSKILLS Multiplier Event, University of Geneva, Switzerland

What does it take to work in tech today?

2023| ***Keynote*** SSIE workshop, Idiap Martigny Switzerland

Le traitement du langage naturel en 2023

2023 | MAZ Recherchetag, Lucerne, Switzerland

AI for the media: How AI influences the media 

2022| SwissMediaForum, Luzern, Switzerland (fourth video 2022)

AI for the media: Deep fake, what is real and how can we recognise it

2022| ***Plenary*** 4th Waseda Brussels Conference – New Technologies and Regulation in Japan and Europe, Brussels, Belgium

Computational Creativity

2022| AI policy and Tech Talks,  Digital Law Center (UNIGE)

Computational creativity and law: some results from novel concept generation

2022| LT research seminar, University of Helsinki, Finland

Crossing boundaries: from cross-lingual learning to creative thought

2021 I Comsc Seminar, University of Cardiff, UK:

Modelling lexical innovation over time

2019 I ***Opening Keynote*** CEEC conference, Essex, UK:

Natural Language Processing for Creative Thought: Predicting Novel Concepts

2019| NLP seminar, University of Cambridge, UK:

`Profit factory' and `bathroom break': How to analyse compounds and how to predict their emergence

2019 I 2019 I URRP seminar, University of Zurich, CH:

Testing features from linguistic theory with machine learning and constructing multilingual resources

2019 I Computational Linguistics Colloq, University of Zurich, CH:

Analysing compounds and predicting their emergence over time

2019 I Linguistics seminar, University of Geneva, CH

Testing the predictive power of features from linguistic theory: A study on the interpretation of deverbal compounds

2019 I ***Plenary*** Big data for museums, University College London, Qatar:

Big data from social media, how to deal with it?

2018 I Linguistics Circle, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Cross-lingual approaches to Compound Analysis

2017 I ***Keynote***: International Conference on Computational Semantics, Montpellier, France

Noun compounds, from analysis to generation