

If you're on Facebook, these groups provide the opportunity for discussions on S&P customs, liturgy, and music, and they already contain a wealth of information and photographs in earlier threads:


If you're interested in learning more about the S&P worldwide, the sites below provide invaluable information documents, and recordings.

London Sephardi Music (Hazanut)

The musical tradition of the S&P Community of London is the subject of a sister website to this one, which includes many MP3 recordings, and is still growing on a regular basis:

S&P Central

An information hub for various S&P communities around the world.

The official website of the S&P of London

The site is a great disappointment, but does include some useful information, such as details of the Sephardi Kashrut Authority (whom we have to thank - at the very least - for the availability of kosher-approved crumpets and muffins in many British supermarkets):

Keter Shem Tob study group

The website of a group of young rabbinical students who have set up a weekly study group of S&P customs described in Keter Shem Tob, which they write up in detail online. Although now dormant for a few years, the site is nonetheless well worth a visit.