
I am currently involved in two main research projects:

  • INDUCED (INtegrating Deep Uncertainty in Climate changE moDelling)

INDUCED is an ANR project I am currently leading.

The broad thematic area of the research project concerns the role played by deep uncertainty in the way we cope with the global climate change phenomenon.

The main objective of the project is to propose new ways of incorporating preferences people have with respect to deep uncertainty in the decision making process related to climate policy.

The specific objectives are:

  1. to investigate theoretically the desirable properties that a robust approach should have in order to deal with deep uncertainty in the specific context of climate change (as opposed to the approach traditionally used which considers risk at best);

  2. to study the normative properties of the alternative approaches taking into account attitude towards deep uncertainty and the role they can play in informing policy making;

  3. to quantify, using an experimental approach, the levels of deep uncertainty aversion, that could be directly used in the process of decision making in the face of deep uncertainty.

  • RISICO (RISk and uncertainty in developing and Implementing Climate change pOlicies)

RISICO is an ERC (StG-2013) project whose PI is Prof. Valentina Bosetti.

The three main research questions investigated in the project are:

  1. What are key risk and uncertainty perception issues and “biases” when we face climate change and under what instances should they be included in normative analyses of climate change?

  2. How can we map these “alternative” representations of uncertainty and risk perception into integrated assessment models and how will these affect the normative predicaments of these models ?

  3. How can we communicate and frame uncertainty itself, as well as results of stochastic analyses, in a way that help us reducing those biases that have no normative role, but arise from our limited attentional and information processing capacity?