How Can I Help

Your Time

The Logan School building is a very large building on a large amount of property and it takes a lot to clean it for events. We usually have one or two work/cleaning days per year and we can use your help. We will post work days on Facebook. If you would like us to contact you directly about assisting with cleaning or special projects please contact us. You are also always welcome to attend Bi-monthly Board meetings. Click here (Board Meeting Schedule) for more information (or watch of for FaceBook feeds).

Your Expertise

The building is in need of a lot of repairs involving electrical, plumbing and general construction. We also organize the Annual Reunion and Music Festival each year as well as other fundraising events. We need grants written, pictures organized, videos created. If you have special skills or talents and you would be willing to donate your time to help please contact us.

Your Money Membership (Dues & Donations)

The Logan Preservation Foundation has been formed to help preserve the school and to keep alumni and the community informed of the efforts.

Dues are $10.00 per year and if your heart and pocketbook allow it, any donations over and above that will be appreciated and put to good use.