NEWS 2019


Congratulations to Bro. John Clark PM on becoming an Honorary Member of Lodge St. Andrew No. 524

Friday 13 December - the Lodge conferred the EA Degree.

The Lodge was saddened to learn of the passing of Bro.  Albert Girdler, most if us new him as Gil. Gil joined the Lodge in 1982 and was Senior Deacon in 1986, before moving away. Those of us who remember him, will remember a hard working dedicated member of the Lodge. The funeral took place on 17 December at South Lanarkshire Crematorium. The Lodge was represented. Condolences to the Grdler family.


Lodge McLaren No.1688 conferred the MM Degree on FC's Bro. Robbie McAllister and Bro. Andrew Robertson on Friday 22 November. A Deputation was received from the 'New Masons Forum'. Attendance 59 including 10 PMs. Meeting started at 7.30 p.m. and was concluded by 10 p.m.

Bro. Robbie McAllister is 21 and a student at Glasgow Caledonian University studying Electrical Engineering. He lives in Battlefield. Hobbies include Photography, Reading and Philosophy. Bro. Andrew Robertson works in Rolls Royce, lives in East Kilbride and enjoys Cycling, Swimming and participating in Triathlons. Welcome Brethren.

Congratulations to WJW Bro. Jamie Ahern who became engaged to Nicola last week.

Friday 8 November saw Lodge Kil Bryd No.1667 conferred the FC Degree on Bro. Robbie  McAllister. The meeting started at 7.30 p.m. and was concluded by 9.25 p.m. The attendance being 57.


1667, 1688


At the PGLRE meeting on Friday 26 October, Bro. Gordon McTaggart and Bro. Ian Wylie were presented with the Major Allan, Robert McMenemy and Bobby Watt Memorial golf trophies

Unique achievement. Well done Brethren.

28 October

Prior to the meeting on Friday 26 October, the Lodge presented a cheque to the Kilbryde Hospice for £1,614.45 from funds raised at a race night on 14 September. 

Superbly organised by Bro. Alec Marshall.

Photographs taken on the race night are shown below

28 October


The Lodge held its first meeting of the new session on Friday 26 October when Mr Robbie McAllister was initiated by the Brethren of the Lodge. Attendance 38.

The Lodge was saddened to learn of the passing of Bro. Louis Barral PM on Sunday 13 October. Bro. Barral's funeral took place on Tuesday 22 October at South Lanarkshire Crematorium. Many Brethren from the Lodge were present with regalia being worn along with other Lodges.  David Barral gave a fitting tribute to his father at the Crematorium. The Lodge sends its condolences to the Barral family.

22 October

The Installation of RWM Bro. Donald Alexander and his Office-bearers took place on Saturday 12 October at 3 p.m. in the Douglas Hall. 87 Brethren attended the meeting. This included 8 Brethren from Whitehaven and 4 Brethren from Germany. The PGLRE Deputation was led by Bro. Brian Shields SPGM. Twenty PM's were in attendance (includes those who served two years).

13 October

Letter received from Bro. Douglas Gribbons, a member of the Lodge, who moved to England in 1983.

Added 11 October 


Bro. Alec Marshall organised a Horse Race Night on Saturday 14 September The evening started 7.30 p.m. with the first race shortly thereafter. Many family and friends were present  and a great night was had by all.  All proceeds raised from the night will be donated to KILBRYDE HOSPICE.

Sunday 15 September

The Annual General Meeting of the Lodge was held on Friday 13 September. The Balance sheet was presented by the Treasurer Bro. Lindsay Fisher PM and  a full explanation of income and expenditure was given. The Balance Sheet was approved by the Brethren. Auditors Bro. David A Reid PM and Bro. James McM Harper PM provided additional comments. Bro. Walter Given PM Secretary then provided a report on the current year. Bro. Donald Alexander PM was elected Master for 2019/2020 and the remaining Office-bearers were also elected. See Office-bearers page. The meeting started at 7.30 p.m. and was closed by 8.55 p.m.

Saturday 14 September

The General Committee of the Lodge met on Sunday 1 September to discuss the Balance Sheet and potential Office-bearers for 2019/2020.

Monday 2 September


On Saturday 31 August the Lodge conferred the MMM Degree at Lodge Burns Immortal No.1730.

Friday 23 August saw the Lodge return after the recess with the MMM Degree being conferred by Lodge Douglas Past Masters on Bro. Stuart Maxwell, Bro. Stephen Taylor, Bro. Alexander Carnwath and Bro. Stuart Robertson. Bro. Graeme Cawley PM acted as the MMM for the first time and carried out his work in an exemplary manner. The Past Masters who accompanied him are also to be congratulated on their work.

The meeting started at 7.30 p.m. and was concluded by 9.45 p.m. with 61 Brethren in attendance.

Bro. David Bell RWM of Lodge Kil Bryd No.1667 passed comment on the evening's work. Bro. Ronald Edward Fraser PM of Lodge McLaren No.1667 was in attendance and warmly congratulated on his appointment as Depute Provincial Grand Master of Renfrewshire East.

Saturday 24 August


The Lodge was saddened to learn of the passing of Bro.Alexander Semple Moore PM to the Grand Lodge Above  peacefully on the 17 July 2019 at Hairmyres Hospital East Kilbride. He was a grand age of 92 years of age. Bro. Moore's  funeral was held on the 29 July 2019 at South Lanarkshire Crematorium and thereafter at Halfway & District Bowling Club Mill Road, Cambuslang.

Saturday 27 July

The Lodge learned of the passing of Bro. Thomas Sheldon  to the Grand Lodge above on 15 July. Bro. Sheldon  affiliated to Lodge Douglas on the 11th April 2003, his Mother Lodge being Rutherglen Royal Arch No. 116. Bro. Sheldon's funeral was held at South Lanarkshire Crematorium on Wednesday 24 July. The Lodge sends its condolences to the family.


Congratulations to Bro. Ian Wylie and Bro. Gordon McTaggart on winning the PGLRE Major Allan Golf Trophy on Friday 7 June. Bro. Wylie also won the best scratch score trophy carding a  79  - do we have a shark !

Friday 7 June

The Lodge was saddened to learn of the passing of Bro. John Louden's wife on Wednesday 5 June. The Lodge sends its sincere condolences.

Wednesday 5 June

Rosslyn Chapel Visit

On Saturday 25th May, approximately 40 Brethren made the trip East to pay a visit to Rosslyn Chapel. Organised by Substitute Master Bro. Kenny Marshall, the party arrived early and was treated to an extremely in-depth history lecture. Following the lecture, a short walk was made to visit the Chapel. After an hour or so, the Brethren returned to the lodge and were treated to a healthy selection of sandwiches and sausage rolls, teas and coffees and a beverage or two. All Brethren thoroughly enjoyed the trip and big thanks go out to Bro. Kenny Marshall for organising the trip and also to PM Bro. Geoffrey W. Spence and Lodge Rosslyn St. Clair 606 for hosting all the Brethren. 

PM Bro. Geoff Spence giving his talk

Lodge Rosslyn St Clair No. 606 

Tour of the Chapel

The last meeting before the summer recess was held on Friday 24 May. The meeting started at 7.33 p.m. and was finished by 9.54 p.m. A MM Degree was conferred by Lodge Bonhill and Alexandria St. Andrew Royal Arch No.321 on Bro. David Allan. There was a ballot for 2 candidates which proved clear. 15 PMs were in attendance.

Monday 13 May saw the Lodge visit Lodge Bonhill and Alexandria  No.321 for the first time and confer the FC Degree.

On Friday 10 May, Bro. Andrew Robertson and Bro. David Allan were passed to the FC Degree by the Brethren of Lodge Saint Conval, Giffnock No.1359. The meeting started at 7.30 p.m. and was finished by 9.33 p.m. 54 Brethren were in attendance including 14 PM's. The passing of Bro. Willie Shannon was acknowledged, Eulogy by Bro. James W. Dunlop. 

Bro. Archie McKay PM and Bro. William Dick, Lodge Almoner received their 50 Year Diplomas along with the Grand Lodge Jewel.

 The Lodge was saddened to learned of the passing of Bro. Willie Shannon to the Grand Lodge Above on Saturday 27 April, a day after his 95th Birthday. Bro. Shannon's funeral took place on Wednesday 8 May, firstly at the Old Parish Church in East Kilbride and thereafter at South Lanarkshire Crematorium. A large number of Brethren from the  Lodge along with Brethren from Lodge Kil Bryd No.1667 in full regalia were in attendance. The service being conducted by the Rev. Anne Paton. Bro. Shannon was a member of Lodge St. Kentigern and affiliated to Lodge Douglas. He was an Honorary Provincial Grand Junior Deacon of the PGL of Renfrewshire East and had also received his 60 year service and jewel. The Lodge sends its condolences to his wife Jean and the family.

On Sunday 5 May RWM Bro. John Clark and several Brethren of the Lodge attended the East Kilbride Joint Divine Service hosted by Lodge St.Andrew No.524 in the Old Parish Church in East Kilbride. The service was conducted by the Rev. Anne Paton.

Saturday 4 May saw the Lodge celebrate its Diamond Anniversary with a dinner in the Douglas Hall. Guests included Bro. Rev'd Canon Joseph John Morrow, Past Grand Master, Rt Hon. The Lord Lyon King of Arms, QC, CBE; Bro. Neil Fraser, Provincial Grand Master of Renfrewshire East, Sheriff Lindsay Wood (Guest Speaker); Bro. Ronald Edward Fraser Substitute Provincial Grand Master; Bro. Frank Johnstone Past Provincial Grand Master.

At the dinner Bro. Morrow presented RWM Bro. John Clark with the Grant of Arms for the Lodge.


On Friday 26 April, the Lodge conferred the EA Degree on Mr. Andrew Robertson. 44 Brethren were in attendance, including 10 PM's. The meeting started at 7.30 p.m. and was concluded by 9.25 p.m.

RWM Bro. John Clark Pm participated in the East Kilbride Reigning Masters Degree hosted by Lodge St.Andrew No.524 on Tuesday 23 April. 23 Brethren from the Lodge accompanied the Master on this occasion.

On Wednesday 17 April RWM Bro. John Clark led a Deputation of 18 Brethren to Lodge St.John, Busby No.458  and conferred a Demonstration of the EA Degree. WSW Bro. Stevie Hamilton WSW Bro. Stevie Hamilton of Lodge Kil Bryd No.1667 very kindly agreed to act as the candidate on the evening.

Lodge Burns Immortal No.1730 conferred a Demonstration of the FC Degree on Bro. Jamie Ahern Senior Deacon on Friday 12 April. 54 Brethren were in attendance including 16 P.M's. The meeting started at 7.31 p.m. and was finished by 9.24 p.m. It was noted that Bro. Sangster had passed to the Grand Lodge Above. Bro. Tommy Kinnaird PM was in attendance after his winter visit to Goa in India.

The Lodge visited one of our Sponsor Lodges, Lodge St.Andrew No.524 on Tuesday 9 April and conferred once again an excellent rendition of the EA Degree. 21 Brethren were in the Deputation.

On Friday 5 April the Lodge visited our good friends at Lodge Kil Bryd No.1667 and conferred an excellent rendition of the EA Degree. 21 Brethren were in the Deputation.

On Monday 1 April, RWM Bro. John Clark led a Deputation to Lodge Coila St. Andrew No. 1334 to confer the FC Degree. 10 Brethren were in the Deputation.


Congratulations to Substitute Master, Bro. Kenny Marshall on raising £292 for Diabetes UK at a recent social function.

The Lodge conferred the EA Degree on Mr David Allan on Friday 22 March.  David is a manager with Rolls Royce at Inchinnan. He is married to Louise and has lived in East Kilbride for the last 7 years. 34 years old his hobbies are golf and going to the gym. 51 Brethren were in attendance. The Meeting started at 7.31 p.m. and was finished by 9.24 p.m 

The Lodge visited Lodge Eaglesham No.1265 on Wednesday 13 March and conferred the EA Degree. 21 Brethren were in the Deputation.

On Friday 1 March, RWM Bro. John Clark led a deputation of 16 Brethren to confer the EA Degree at Lodge Saint Conval No.1359.


The Provincial Grand Lodge of Renfrewshire East visited the Lodge on Friday 22 February on their Annual visit. Bro. Alick Currie SPGM led the Deputation. Bro. Graham Cuthill PM WJW received a clear minute for his work as RWM of the Lodge.

Bro. Neil Terras PM PSPGW received his jewel as Past PGSW.

Thereafter the Lodge carried out a Demonstration of the EA Degree. The meeting started at 7.30 p.m. and was finished by 9.40 p.m. 48 Brethren were in attendance.

On Friday 8 February Lodge St. John, Busby No.458 conferred the MM Degree on 3 Brethren : Stuart Maxwell, David Robertson and Alexander Carnwath. The attendance was 61. The meeting started at 7.30 p.m. and closed at 9.50 p.m.

The Lodge Annual Burns Supper was held on Saturday 2 February with 85 Brethren and guests attending. Bro. David McMorris proposed the Immortal Memory, Bro. Gordon Mather 'The Lassies' and . Bro. Martin Cassidy 'Holy Willie'. Bro. Allan Gowans entertained us on keyboards for the first time. A special thanks to WJW Bro. Graham Cuthill for his organisation of the event.


The Lodge was saddened to learn of the passing of Bro. James Lennox PM (2008/2009) on Friday 18 January. The Lodge sends its sincere condolences to the Lennox family.

The first meeting of the year on Friday 11 January was attended by 60 Brethren. Meeting started at 7.30 p.m. and finished by 9.38 p.m. Lodge St.Andrew No.524 conferred the EA Degree on Mr. Alexander Carnwath who resides in Lesmahagow, aged 24 and studying Electrical Power Engineering with his hobbies being football. It was pleasant to observe that RWM Bro. David Bell of Lodge Kil Bryd No.1667 and RWM Bro. Michael Meldrum of Lodge McLaren No.1688 were in attendance. The Lodge was saddened to learn of the passing of Bro. John MacMorland PM Lodge Coila St. Andrew No.1334 and an Honorary Member of Lodge Douglas.

On Wednesday 9 January the Lodge 'first-footed' Lodge McLaren No.1688 and conferred the FC Degree.