NEWS 2018


The last meeting of the year was held on Friday 14 December with 33 Brethren in attendance. Bro. David Robertson was passed to a FC by the Brethren of Lodge Douglas. Noted that Burns Supper tickets were selling well. The Lodge's 60th Anniversary Dinner will be held on Saturday 4 May 2019. 6 p.m. for 6.30 p.m. start. Tickets are priced at £15 and available from WJW Bro. Graham Cuthill. Attendance restricted to 80.


The meeting on 23 November commenced at 7.30 p.m. with the attendance being 56.

11 PM's were in attendance. Mr. David Robertson received his EA Degree at the hands of Lodge McLaren No.1688. Bro. David Bell RWM of Lodge KilBryd No.1667 made coment on the Degree. Bro. Gordon Michie, PM Lodge Earl Haig No.1260 (Head of Fundraising for Poppyscotland) was presented with a cheque for £3,518 for Poppyscotland. Bro. Ken Marshall SM played a significant role in organising various events to raise funds for this project.

On Thursday 15 November RWM Bro. John Clark took part in a RWM's EA Degree at Lodge Craigends No.1042 and presented a fine rendition of the EA Tracing Board. This Degree was held in memory of the late Bro. Ian Bell PM of Lodge St. Andrew No.524 and raised £530 for the Marcus Humphrey House.

Bro. Stuart Maxwell received his FC Degree at the hands of the Brethren from Lodge Kil Bryd No.1667 on Friday 9 November. 67 Brethren were in attendance, including 15 PM's. A Minute's silence was held to remember the fallen. RWM Bro. Michael Meldrum of Lodge McLaren No.1688 commented on the Degree. It was noted that £3,513 had been raised for Poppyscotland. Well done Bro. Kenny Marshall who had organised many events over the year. Meeting started at 7.30 p.m. and was concluded by 9.35 p.m.


RWM Bro.John Clark's first meeting was held on Friday 26 October. The meeting started at 7.30 p.m. and was finished by 9.45 p.m.

Mr Stuart Maxwell received his EA Degree which was conferred by the Brethren of Lodge Douglas. The attendance was 44 Brethren.

Bro. Bill McDonald PM addressed Bro. Maxwell at the Harmony Board.

The Installation of RWM Bro. John Clark took place on Saturday 14 October in the Balleraup Hall, Civic Centre East Kilbride. The Installing Masters were Bro. Donald Alexander PM and Bro. Lindsay Charles Fisher PM both of whom carried out their duties in a very exemplary manner.

The Provincial Grand Lodge of Renfrewshire East deputation was led by Bro. Neil Fraser, Provincial Grand Master.

Bro. William McKay PM and Bro. Thomas Gibson Kinnaird PM both received their 50 year Diploma along with a Grand Lodge 50 year jewel to mark their service to the Lodge and the Craft.

The meeting started promptly at 3.30 p.m. and was finished by 5.50 p.m. There were 24 Past Masters in attendance and a total of 104 Brethren were in the hall. Good to acknowledge that 12 Brethren made the journey north from Lewis Lodge No.872 in Whitehaven and Bro. Peter Frenes and Bro. George Schimmele from Germany.


On Tuesday 18 September, RWM Bro. Graham Cuthill, RWM Elect, Bro. John Clark, Bro. David Reid PM and  Bro. Eddie Terras attended a meeting of Lewis Lodge No.872 in Whitehaven. Bro. Ian Lister of that Lodge his his 50 year Diploma from the Deputy Provincial Grand Master of Cumberland and Westmoreland.

The Annual General meeting of the Lodge was held on Friday 14 September with 24 members in attendance, including 13 PM's. The meeting started at 7.30 p.m. and was finished by 9.10 pm.

The Office-Bearers elected for 2018/2019 are listed under Office-Bearers section. Congratulations to Bro. John Clark PM on being elected as our new RWM for 2018/2019.  There was a ballot for 2 new members which proved clear. It was noted that the Minute Books should be available shortly in electronic format. New Members who joined in the past 2 years are to be invited to the Installation. Obtaining a Matriculation of the Lodge Crest will be explored.


Friday 24 August and the annual MMM Degree was conferred on 6 Brethren : Greg Penman, Andrew McLaren, Lee Tweddle, Craig Deacon and William Mackenzie. RWMM Bro. Michael Dailly and his team of Past Masters carried out their duties in a very capable manner. The meeting started at 7.30 p.m. and was concluded by 9.37 p.m. with an attendance of 53 Brethren. 16 PMs were in attendance.

The first Lodge Douglas Past Masters Dinner has been arranged for Friday 15 February 2019.

A small working committee has been established to make arrangements for the Lodge's 60th Anniversary Dinner in 2019.


Saturday 7th July as part of his ongoing fundraising activities for Poppyscotland, Bro. Kenny Marshall SM arranged a bowling event arranged at Whitemoss Bowling club and this added to his funds already raised.


On Saturday 23rd June , Bro. Jamie Ahern JD, Bro. Lee Tweddle and joined Bro. Michael Meldrum PM 1688 scaled Ben Lomond in aid of Poppy Scotland.

On Sunday 10th June  WSW Bro. John Clark PM completed his sponsored walk and raised £700 with the proceeds to Erskine Homes.

On Saturday 2 June another very successful Lodge Douglas, Golf Outing was held at Carnwath Golf Club superbly organised by Bro. Lindsay C. Fisher PM.

Outright winner was Bro. Ian Wylie with the booby prize going to one of our new members Bro. Lee Tweddle.

       Bro. Ian Wylie and Bro. Lindsay Fisher
 Bro. Lee Tweddle and Bro. Lindsay Fisher                   

The Lodge was saddened to learn of the passing of Bro. Sam Gibson MM 1557 on Saturday 2 June. Bro. Gibson's funeral was held on Friday 8 June at 2.30 p.m. within the Heritage Funeral Parlour, The Village, East Kilbride and thereafter to Philipshill Cemetery.


The last meeting prior to the recess was held on Friday 25 May starting at 7.30 p.m. with 53 Brethren in attendance. The following Brethren Ross Clark, Lee Tweddle, Andrew McLaren and Greg Penman were raised to the MM Degree by Lodge Douglas with the meeting finishing at 9.50 p.m.

On Friday 11 May, Bro. Ross Clark and Bro. Greg Allan Penman received their FC Degree from Lodge Eaglesham No. 1265.  The meeting started at 7.30 p.m. and was finished by 9.40 pm. 60 Brethren were in attendance.

RWSPGM bro. Alick Currie headed a Deputation from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Renfrewshire and was accompanied by SPGW Bro. Neil Terras, PG Chaplain Bro. Rev Iain Ramsden and Bro. Douglas Fulton PG Almoner.

RWM Bro. Graham Cuthill - with newly dedicated Chain of Office.

Bro. Iain Ramsden PG Chaplain carried out a dedication of the new Masters Chain. SPGM Bro. Alick Currie invested RWM Bro. Graham Cuthill with his Chain of Office and conducted him to the East.

A warm welcome was extended to Bro. Alistair Campbell PM Lodge Canongate Kilwinning No.2 whose expert craftsmanship was available for all to see in our new Masters chain of office.


The Lodge conferred the EA on Mr Ross Clark and Mr Greig Andrew Penman on Friday 25 April. 59 Brethren were in attendance including 18 PMs.

It was great to see Bro. Jimmy Lennox PM at the Lodge looking good. Stay strong Jimmy.

Bro. Ross Clark is 35 lives in East Kilbride and works in Tolls Royce. His hobbies are football and golf.

Bro. Greig Allan Penman is 23 and also lives in East Kilbride and works with Arnold Clark. He enjoys football, coaching and darts. Welcome Brethren have a long and happy time in Lodge Douglas.

Congratulations to Bro. William Elliot PM Lodge St.Andrew No. 524 who this evening was made an Honorary Member.

The new Masters chain will be dedicated on Friday 11 May by Bro. Rev Iain Ramsden, Provincial Grand Chaplain and also Junior Grand Chaplain.


On Saturday 14 April Substitute Master Bro. Kenny Marshall organised a 'Ho-Down' in the Lodge to raise funds for the 1918 Poppy Appeal. A very successful evening and well done Bro. Marshall. Proceeds raised about £800. Pictures below.

Bro. Andrew McLaren received his FC Degree at the hands of Lodge Burns Immortal No.1730 on Friday 13 April.


The Lodge has been advised of the passing of Bro. Jack Watson, Lodge Secretary 1981-1983, on 13 March 2018. His funeral took place in Stirling, where he lived on 23 March.

Mr Andrew McLaren received his EA Degree at the hands of the Lodge Douglas Office Bearers on Friday 23 March. 50 Brethren attended the meeting including 17 PMs. The meeting started at 7.30 p.m. and was concluded by 9.20 p.m. Bro. McLaren is 28 and lives in East Kilbride. His hobbies are football and boxing. He works as a Heating Engineer on an industrial site. He thought tonight's ceremony was very enjoyable and is looking forward to seeing another EA Degree.

The Lodge was very saddened to learn of the passing of Bro. Andrew Leckie Tannahill Past Provincial Grand Master, The Provincial Grand Lodge of Renfrewshire East, Past Master of Lodge Prince of Wales No. 426, Honorary Member of Lodge Douglas, Honorary Senior Grand Warden on Friday 9 March 2018 aged 102 years of age. Bro. Tannahill's funeral took place on Tuesday 20 March, 1.30 p.m at Inchinnan Parish Church and thereafter at Woodside Crematorium, Paisley. Many Brethren from within and outwith the Province were present.

Tuesday 13 March, the Lodge visited Lodge St. Andrew No.524 (one of our sponsor Lodges) and carried out a Demonstration of the FC Degree on Bro. Derek Bell PM 524 . 15 Brethren supported the Master on this visitation. Great to see Bro. Lee Tweddle FC accompanying the Brethren.

Six members of the Lodge attended the joint East Kilbride Lodges Annual Divine Service hosted by Lodge McLaren No. 1688 on Sunday 11 March.

Friday 9 March, Bro. Lee Tweddle was passed as FC by the RWM and Brethren of Lodge Coila St. Andrew No.1334. Bro. Tweddle once again enjoyed his evening and is looking forward to his MM Degree. There were 58 Brethren in attendance. The meeting started at 7.30 p.m. and was concluded by 9.20 p.m.

Unfortunately the Lodge learned of the passing of Bro. Andrew Leckie Tannahill, Past Provincial Grand Master of Renfrewshire East, Past Master of Lodge Prince of Wales No.426, Honorary Member of Lodge Douglas, Honorary Senior Grand Warden. Brother Andrew was 102 years of age.

Brethren as you aware the Lodge has commissioned a new Masters chain. Work is almost complete, please see the photographs below.


RWM Bro. Graham Cuthill was unable to participate in the EK Reigning Masters degree at Lodge McLaren No.1688 on Wednesday 28 February as the meeting was cancelled due to severe snow conditions in East Kilbride.

Mr Lee Tweddle received his EA Degree conferred by the Office Bearers of Lodge Douglas. Bro. Tweddle is 21 and lives in East Kilbride. He works for Rolls Royce and enjoys football and going to the gym. He thoroughly enjoyed tonight saying it was a lot to take in.

Bro. Graeme Cawley IPM received a 'clear' minute from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Renfrewshire East who were headed by Bro. Gavin Burt SPGM.

Bro. John Adair PM received his 50 year Diploma along with his Grand Lodge 50 year jewel.

(Although he has 51+ years service).

Bro. John Adair PM wearing his Grand Lodge 50 Year Jewel

The Lodge visited Lodge Eaglesham No.1265 on Wednesday 14 February and conferred a Demonstration of the FC Degree on Bro. Archie Scott PM 1265. RWM Bro. Graham Cuthill PM led a Deputation of 12 Brethren.

RWM Bro. Graham C Cuthill PM held his 'Way Forward' meeting on Sunday 11 February. This meeting was attended by 28 Brethren. Following a presentation by Bro. David A Reid PM, Brethren broke into 3 syndicate groups to discuss many topics. The feedback will be published in due course. Another meeting will be held in a couple of months time.

Bro.Andrew McMorris, Bro. Stephen Taylor and Bro. William Mackenzie received their MM Degree on Friday 9 February at the hands of Lodge St. Andrew No. 524, one of our Sponsor Lodges. 58 Brethren attended the meeting which started at 7.30 p.m. and was concluded by 10.10 p.m.

RWM Bro. Graham Cuthill PM led a deputation of 14 Brethren to Lodge St. John, Busby No.458 on Wednesday 7 February to confer a demonstration of the FC Degree.

On Saturday 3 February the Lodge held its Annual Burns Supper. Bro. Jim Donnelly PM 217 made a fine rendition of the Immortal Memory, Bro. John Malcolm PM 1566 Toasted The Lassies and Bro. Jamie Donnelly MM 217, President of the Greenock Burns Club was excellent at Tam O' Shanter.

Bro. Willie Shannon HPG JD (Lord Shannon of Cadzow) our Henchman since 1987 and at 93 years of age was once again able to carry the Haggis. Well done Willie.

A special thank you to Bro. Michael Dailly PM who stepped in to assist with musical accompaniment. Our condolences to Bro. Allan Gowans PM No.7 who was unable to attend due to a family bereavement on the day.

 Bro. Willie Shannon (Henchman)

Top Table

Charlie McDougall WJW,  David Reid DoC, Michael Dailly Piper, Willie Shannon, Jamie Donnelly, John Clark WSW

Jim Donnelly, Graham C Cuthill RWM, John Malcolm.


The Annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Renfrewshire East was held on Saturday 27 January in the premises of Lodge Union and Crown No.307 in Barrhead. Bro. Neil Terras was installed as Senior Provincial Grand Warden only the second Brother from the Lodge to obtain that rank. Bro. Michael Dailly was installed as Provincial Grand Piper. Congratulations to both Brethren.

The meeting on Friday 26 January started promptly at 7.30 p.m. Lodge St. John, Busby No.458 were present to confer the FC Degree on Bro. Andrew McMorris and Bro. Stephen Taylor. RWM Bro. Stuart Wilson of 458 conferred the Obligation. RWM Bro. Ian Gunning of Lodge Saint Conval, Giffnock No. 1359 made comments on the Degree.

Bro. Jim Dickson MM 1557 received his Diploma for 21 consecutive payment of his Test Fees.

Bro Andrew McMorris FC said 'Another informative and enjoyable evening. Thoroughly enjoyed the experience and looking forward to the next meeting'. Bro. Stephen Taylor Fc said ' I really enjoyed the ceremony tonight and a special thanks to Lodge St. John, Busby No.458 for their guidance during the proceedings'.

The meeting finished at 9.18 p.m.

The Lodge was very saddened to learn of the passing of Mrs Kathleen Thomson, wife of Bro. Jack Thomson PM on Sunday 14 January 2018.

The Lodge was well represented at the funeral which took place on Wednesday 24 January at South Lanarkshire Crematorium. The Lodge sends its sincere condolences to the Thomson family. 

WJW Bro. John Clark PM and Bro. David A Reid PM represented the Lodge at the Annual Installation of Lewis Lodge No.872 in Whitehaven on Tuesday 16 January.

62 Brethren attended the first meeting of the Lodge in 2018 on Friday 12 January. 18 PM's were in attendance. The Lodge conferred the EA Degree on Mr. Andrew McMorris and Mr Stephen Taylor. Bro. McMorris is 22 and lives in East Kilbride. He is a student teacher studying at Glasgow University, enjoys football, golf and lacrosse. He found the evening enjoyable and an informative experience and not what he expected. Bro. Taylor is 58 and also lives in East Kilbride. He is retired enjoys football and golf. He found the evening enjoyable and very informative and liked meeting new friends. Welcome to Lodge Douglas Brethren, have many happy years ahead.

The meeting started at 7.30 p.m. and was concluded by 9.35 p.m. Bro. Lindsay Fisher PM is organising the Annual Golf Outing to Carnwath Golf Club on Sunday 3 June. All Brethren and visitors are welcome, please contact Bro. Fisher for details.

RWM Bro. Graham C. Cuthill PM led a deputation of 17 Brethren to confer a demonstration of the EA Degree at Lodge McLaren No.1688 on Wednesday 10 January. Bro. Derek Bell PM Lodge St. Andrew No.524 very kindly stood in as the candidate.

The funeral of Bro. Alan Rennie took place at South Lanarkshire Crematorium on Monday 8 January.