NEWS 2017


The Lodge was saddened to learn of the passing of Bro. Dougie Scott (former Lodge Tyler) to the Grand Lodge Above on Thursday 14 December. Bro. Dougie Scott's funeral was held on Thursday 21 December at South Lanarkshire Crematorium. The Lodge was represented and sends its sincere condolences to Bro. Scott's family.

On Friday 8 December, Lodge McLaren No.1688 carried out a Demonstration of the FC Degree - Bro. Jamie Ahern acting as the candidate. 15 PM's were in attendance. The Christmas Party for the children was noted to be a great success.


Unfortunately the candidate for the meeting on 24 November was unable to attend. The meeting was opened , business conducted and closed by 8 p.m.

13 November

Report from the English Regional Representative of Lodge Douglas 1557 upon visit to University Lodge Liverpool 13.11.17.

Mission complete 

I received a very warm welcome from University Lodge Liverpool. Arrived early and didn’t know it at the time, but met the Master Elect in the loo of all places getting changed into his finest for the ceremony. I explained I wouldn’t shake hands at that point in time(!) and he explained his son was the reigning master and was installing him. He admitted he was actually very nervous. I advised him his son would probably be the more nervous of the two as his Dad would never let him forget any perceived imperfection just for the crack! He smiled. As we entered the lodge prior to the opening I spotted some familiar green apparel. I approached and when introductions were made, found it to be the reigning master of Lodge Kilwinning 0, Charles Hughes and The Past Provincial Grand Master of Kilwinning, David Bloomfield. They enquired the health of Lodge Douglas and it’s Brethren and I advised extremely well and thriving, telling them of all the new candidates coming in. I of course invited them to the lodge and they returned the fraternal gesture. I enjoyed their company for the greater part of the evening. 

The University Lodge is under Province of West Lancashire in the United Grand Lodge of England and is housed in the premises of the Liverpool Medical Institution (a very old medical learning establishment in Liverpool, https://www.lmi.org.uk). The ceremony was good and I was very taken by the son installing his father and then making a point of calling him Brother. Another point of note is that all the Brethren wear academic gowns as part of their regalia. Once the ceremony is over, the lodge is called off (not closed) and those present then proceed to the festive board. As suggested by the great and good Mike Dailly I advised my host I was only used to pie and peas but would suffer the excellent cuisine and fine New Zealand white wines for the sake of freemasonry and Lodge Douglas in particular. Bro Charles Hughes of Lodge Kilwinning gave an excellent response on behalf of the visitors. On behalf of the RWM Bro Graham Cuthill and all members of Lodge Douglas, I personally gave the warmest regards and congratulations to the WM of University Lodge on his achieving the Chair of King Solomon, and to each of his team for the manner in which they installed him. The members of University Lodge were very taken with the ornate aprons and Lodge colours. 

When the festive board came to an end, the Lodge was resumed in the First Degree and then closed.

It was a successful night and a good night for Scottish freemasonry.

I will try to get University Lodge to come to our installation next year.

Bro. Jonathan Starkey MM Lodge Douglas

Bro.  William McKenzie EA received his FC from the Brethren of Lodge Kil Bryd No.1667. Bro. Williw McAdam PM 1265 commented on the Degree. 55 Brethren attended the meeting which closed at 9.35 p.m.  13 PM's were in attendance. 3 forms for initiation were read our and a ballot was undertaken for 4 new members. Bro. McKenzie is aged 50 and lives in Hairmyres, East Kilbride; married with 2 children. He works as a taxi driver and his main hobby is golf. So far he has enjoyed his Freemasonry and is looking forward to his MM Degree.

RWM Bro. Graham C. Cuthill PM led a deputation of 18 Brethren to Lodge Kil Bryd No.1667 to confer the FC Degree on one EA on Friday 3 November.


Mr William McKenzie received his EA Degree by the Lodge Douglas Office Bearers on Friday 27 October. 33 Brethren attended the meeting.

The Installation of Bro. Graham Cuthill and his Office-Bearers took place on Saturday 14 October in the Ballerup Hall, Civic Centre, East Kilbride. The Installing Masters Bro. Donald Alexander PM and Bro. Lindsay C. Fisher PM carried out their duties in the tradition expected in Lodge Douglas.

14 Brethren from Lewis Lodge No.872 E.C. were in attendance along with Bro. Peter Frenes and Gro. Schimmele from our German Department.

The PGL Deputation was headed by Bro. Gavin Burt SPGM.

The Brethren retired to the Douglas Hall for Dinner and Harmony.


On Friday 25 August, 59 Brethren attended the MMM Degree when the following Brethren were advanced : A. Marshall, S. Beattie, G. Beatiie, J. Fyfe, S. Cameron, S. Gordon, D. Hood, B. Cameron. Bro. John McClymont PM carried out his duties as RWMM diligently and competently. The Lodge was saddened to learn that the Rev. Anne Paton, Minister at the Old Parish Church in east Kilbride had a serious accident in Edinburgh recently. All Brethren I'm sure will wish the Rev. Paton well during her recovery process.

4 August. Almoner, Bro. Bill Dick has advised that Bro. Louis Barrall PM is now in a care home in East Kilbride after being diagnosed with Alzheimer's. His family are pleased with the care he is receiving. Bro. Almoner will be keeping in contact.


The Lodge was saddened to learn of the passing of Bro. William (Bill) Goldie MM of Lodge Douglas on Sunday 9 July. Our condolences to the Goldie Family. Bro. Goldie's funeral took place on Wednesday 19 July in Westwood Parish Church, Belmont Drive, East Kilbride thereafter, to Daldowie Crematorium.  Lodge ties were worn as a mark of respect. The Lodge was well represented at the Church and the Crematorium


On Wednesday 31 May 8 of our recently made MM's attended the PGL of Renfrewshire East Annual New Members Seminar held in Lodge St Andrew No.524's premises in Kittoch Street. They were supported by another 6 members of the Lodge and were informed on various aspects of the Craft with a number of presentations and break-out sessions. Bro. Bruce Cameron was asked to comment on his recent experiences on becoming a MM.

71 Brethren (including 17 PM's) attended the last meeting of the Lodge prior to the recess on Friday 26 May to witness Lodge Burns Immortal No.1730 confer the MM Degree on Bro. David Hood and Bro. Bruce Cameron. Both Brethren thoroughly enjoyed the ceremony and will be great assets for the Lodge. Congratulations to Bro. Brian McBride on raising £1,000 during the Kilt Walk challenge.

Congratulations to RWM Bro. Graeme Cawley who took part in a RWM's EA Degree at Lodge The Royal Stuart No.1414 on Monday 21 May. A fine rendition of the EA Tracing Board. The Degree was held to raise funds for the Marcus Humphrey House and will be held in future in the memory of the late Bro. Ian Bell PM 524. Lodge Renfrew County Kilwinning No. 370 will host in 2018 and The St. John's Operative Lodge No. 347 in 2019.

On Friday 19 May our RWM Bro. Graeme Cawley took part in the Annual EK RWM's Degree hosted by Lodge Kil Bryd No.1667 and presented the EA Tracing Board.

58 Brethren attended the Lodge on Friday 12 May to witness Lodge Eaglesham No.1265 confer the FC Degree on Bro. David Hood and Bro. Bruce Cameron. Both Brethren confirmed that once again they thoroughly enjoyed the experience. 17 PMs were in attendance. It was good to see Bro. Tommy Kinnaird PM in the hall after his usual winter sojourn in India. The meeting closed at 9.10 p.m.

On Wednesday 10 May, the Lodge visited Lodge Eaglesham No.1265 and carried out a Demonstration of the FC Degree. 14 Lodge members were in attendance.

The Lodge was well represented at the East Kilbride Lodges Annual Divine Service on Sunday 7 May held in the Old Parish Church, East Kilbride.


On Friday 28 April Mr. David Hood and Mr. Bruce Cameron received their EA Degree at the hands of the Brethren of Lodge Douglas. Bro. Hood has lived in East Kilbride for 52 years. An Engineer (Fitter) to trade. His hobbies are car maintenance, fishing, and gardening. He said "very enjoyable, looking forward to the 2nd Degree". Bro. Cameron has lived in East Kilbride for 8 years. His occupation is a Sign Language Interpreter. His hobbies are computing, American Football, DJ'ing and tailoring. Bro. Cameron said "very enjoyable, it was excellent and very enlightening".

Welcome to Lodge Douglas Brethren.

Bro. Willie Shannon (Lord Shannon of Cadzow and long-time Henchman) celebrated his 93rd birthday on Wednesday 26 April. Congratulations Willie - you are a Super Brother !!!!

The Lodge visited our good friends at Lodge Coila St. Andrew No.1334 and conferred the FC Degree on Monday 24 April.

On Friday 14 April Bro. Stuart Gordon and Bro Scott Campbell received their MM Degree from a very experienced Lodge Douglas degree team.

The Lodge visited  Lodge St. Andrew No.524 on Tuesday 11 April and conferred the MM Degree.

Bro. Willie Shannon (Lord Shannon of Cadzow) was made an Honorary Member of Lodge KilBryd No.1667 on Friday 7 April.

On Wednesday 5 April, the Lodge visited Lodge St. John, Busby N0.458 and conferred the MM Degree.

The funeral of Bro. Lindsay Fisher's mother took place on Monday 3 April at South Lanarkshire Crematorium, the Lodge was represented.


Bro. Stuart Gordon's FC Degree was conferred by Lodge Burnside No.1361 working the McBride ritual on Friday 31 March. A number of Brethren from Lodge St.Andrew No.524 were in attendance. The meeting closed at 9.25 pm.

The Lodge was saddened to learn that Bro. Lindsay Fisher's mother passed away on Tuesday 28 March. The sincere condolences of the Lodge to Bro. Lindsay and his family at this time. The funeral took place on Monday 3 April at South Lanarkshire Crematorium.

Bro.Scott Campbell was passed to th FC Degree by Lodge Rutherglen Royal Arch No.116 on Friday 24 March. Attendance 69 including 12 PMs.

Bro.Campbell said he enjoyed the ceremony, a bit shorter than the first one, however "his knees were still shaking".

Meeting started at 7.30 and was concluded by 9.15.

On Saturday 18 March, Bro. Neil Fraser was installed as the Provincial Grand Master of Renfrewshire East. The ceremony being carried out by the Grand Lodge of Scotland headed by the Most Worshipful Grand Master Mason, Bro. Charles Iain Robert Wolrige Gordon of Esslemont. The meeting started at 1 pm and was concluded by 2.30 pm. The dinner started at 4.05 pm and all festivities were completed by 7.15 p.m. Over 400 Brethren attended the meeting. The PGM presented Grand Lodge with a cheque for £3,700. Bros. Mike Dailly and David Reid won raffle prizes. The GMM  was very impressed with Bro. Dailly's Highland Dress including his 'Gordon' Standard. The Lodge was represented by the Master, Bro. Graeme Cawley and a number of Brethren.

On Friday 10 March, two new members were admitted to the Lodge. Mr Scott Campbell is aged 23 and lives in Westwood, East Kilbride. Bro. Campbell enjoys playing football and golf. Mr Stuart Gordon is aged 21 and also lives in Westwood, East Kilbride. Bro. Gordon enjoys playing and watching football. Bro. Gordon thought the Degree was a 'great experience and one to remember'. A warm welcome to both our new members.

The Degree was conferred by a very experienced Lodge Douglas team and good to witness Bro. Walter Given PM on the floor once again. It was noted that there were 17 PM's in an attendance of 50 Brethren present.

The Webmaster understands all EA Degrees next year will be conferred by Lodge Douglas - a good move.


The Annual Visitation by the Provincial Grand Lodge of Renfrewshire East was made on Friday 25 February headed by RWMPGM Bro. Neil Fraser. The Lodge received a clear minute. After the meeting IPPGM Bro. John S. Miller presented a Lecture on the Hiramic Legend.

The Lodge learned of the passing to the Grand Lodge Above on Monday 13 February 2017 of Bro. Ian Bell PM and Secretary of Lodge St. Andrew No.524. Our sincere condolences to Bro. Derek Bell PM and the Bell family. Bro. Bell's funeral took place on Monday 20 February 2017 at South Lanarkshire Crematorium where a large turnout of Brethren from many Lodges were present to support the Bell family.

On Friday 11 February, Bro. John Gray Fyfe received his MM Degree at the hands of Lodge St. Andrew No.524.

The Lodge conferred a fine MM Degree at Lodge McLaren No.1688 on Wednesday 8 February with 11 PM's and 3 Brethren accompanying the Master.

The Annual Burns Supper of the Lodge was held on Saturday 4 February. Bro. John Clark PM WJW organised an excellent evening. The Immortal Memory being proposed by Bro. Stephen McConnachie SPGM of Ayrshire, The Lassies by Bro. Willie McDougall, Entertainment by Bro. Liam Stewart PM 331 on accordion, Bro. Jim Cooper on Pipes, Bro. Martin Cassidy recitations and young Fraser Cooper making his debut on piano. Excellent evening with a very appreciative audience.

Top L to R

Bro. Willie Elliot PM 524, Bro. Martin Cassidy MM 1042, Bro. David A Reid PM 1557, Bro. Willie Shannon MM 1557, Bro. Liam Stewart PM 331, Fraser Cooper, Bro. Jim Copper MM 1557

Bottom L to R

Bro. Graham Cuthill PM WSW, Bro. Stephen McConnachie PM 399, Bro. Graeme Cawley RWM, Bro. Willie McDougall MM 1259, Bro. John Clark PM WJW

On Friday 3 February the Lodge visited Lodge Rutherglen Royal Arch No.116 to confer the FC Degree.


On Saturday 28 January Bro. Neil Terras was installed as Junior Provincial Grand Warden and Bro. Michael Dailly as Provincial Grand Piper at the Annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Renfrewshire East held in the premises of Lodge Prince of Wales, Renfrew. Congratulations to both Brethren.

Bro. John Gray Fyfe received his FC by the Lodge Douglas office-bearers on Friday 27 January.

RWM Bro. Graeme Cawley, WWs Bro. Graham Cuthill and Bro. John Clark accompanied by Bro. Neil Terras PM attended the Annual Installation of Lewis Lodge No.872 E.C. in Whitehaven on Tuesday 17 January.

The first meeting of the year took place on Friday 13 January. Mr John Gray Fyfe received his EA Degree from Lodge St. John, Busby No.458. The meeting started at 7.30 pm and was concluded at 9.30 pm. The attendance was 60.