NEWS 2016


Our Lodge Almoner, Bro. Bill Dick has advised that Bro. Bill McKay PM returned home after being in hospital for a short while. Best wishes to Bro. Bill on a good recovery.

The Lodge was saddened to learn of the passing of Bro. Eddie Sutherland (elegant Eddie) MM of the Lodge after a long illness. Bro.Sutherland's funeral took place on Friday 23 December 2016 and the Lodge was represented.

16 December. Bro.Bill Dick Lodge Almoner has been in contact with Bro. Bill McKay PM who was admitted to Hospital last week. Evidently his pacemaker wasn't working too well. This week he underwent an operation to correct this. He is now making good progress. Our best wishes to Bill and his family at this time.

The Lodge learned of the passing of Bro.Eddie Sutherland  (elegant Eddie to many) after a long period of ill health. Our condolences to his family.

For this time in quite a number of years Lodge Douglas conferred a MM Degree in its own temple. Bro. Craig Davidson Deacon received his MM Degree with his father Bro. Robert Deacon PM playing an important role. The attendance was 51, with 41 Douglas Brethren present and this included 16 past Masters.  It was also pleasing to note our recent new members attending and enjoying the occasion.

WJW Bro. John Clark PM organized an excellent Christmas Party on Saturday 3 December followed by a sell out Christmas Dance later in the evening. Well done John. By all accounts everyone had a great time.

The Master attended the Installation of Cambuslang Royal Arch N0.114 on 2 December and the Installation of Lodge St. John, Busby No.458 on 3 December.


On Friday 25 November a Deputation from Lodge Kil Bryd No.1667 visited Lodge Douglas and conferred the FC Degree on Bro. Craig Deacon, son of Past Master Robert Deacon. The Deputation was led by RWM Bro. David Wylie. 73 Brethren attended the meeting including 19 Douglas Past Masters. Comments on the Degree were made by RWM Bro. Gordon Wallace of Lodge Dramatic No.571.

On Wednesday 16 November, the Master visited Lodge Cambuslang Royal Arch No.114 and the following night, Lodge Thistle and Crown No.1167

11 November. 

Craig Deacon son of Bro. Robert Deacon PM received his EA degree at the hands of Lodge McLaren No. 1688.

Bro. Gordon McTaggart and Bro. Ian Wylie received the Robert McMenemy Golf Trophy from RWM Bro. Graeme Cawley.

(Photo to be inserted)

Our RWM visited Lodge Milncroft on 8 November and led a deputation to Lodge Hamilton Kilwinning No.7 on Wednesday 9 November.

On 3 November, RWM Bro. Graeme Cawley visited on Lodge Livingston Stonefield and on Friday 4 November, led a Deputation to Lodge Kil Byrd No 1667 to confer the FC Degree.

The Lodge has learned of the passing of Bro. Joe Jephson PM of Lodge Robert Burns No.440 and a Founder Member of Lodge Kil Bryd No.1667 to the Grand Lodge Above on Tuesday 1 November. Bro. Jephson was the father of Bro. David Jephson IPM. The thoughts of the Lodge are with the Jephson family at this sad time. Funeral details will be advised when known.


During the week 24 to 29 October the Master visited, Lodge St. Andrew No.524, Lodge St. Bryd, Lodge Burns Immortal.

At the Provincial Grand Lodge Communication held in Barrhead on Friday 28 October, Bro. Neil Terras was elected as Provincial Grand Junior Warden and Bro. Michael Dailly was elected as Provincial Grand Piper. Congratulations to both Brethren.

On Friday 28 October, Fellow Crafts, Bro. Stewart Beattie and Bro. Grant Beattie were advanced to the rank of Master Mason by the Brethren of Lodge Hamilton Kilwinning No.7 who were led by RWM Bro. Alan Gowans.

The Lodge has learned that Bro. Louis Barral went home from hospital on Thursday 27 October.

On Sunday 23 October, Bro. Ian Wylie and Bro. Gordon McTaggart won the Provincial Grand Lodge of Renfrewshire East, Robert McMenemy Golf Trophy at MarHall Golf Club beating Lodge Union and Crown No.307 in the final. Congratulations to both Brethren on their success.

During the week 17 to 22 October, RWM Bro. Graeme Cawley visited East Kilbride Royal Arch Chapter No.781 Installation, Lodge Griffin Gartcosh, Lodge St John, Busby No.458, Lodge Coltswood Glenboig, Lodge Kil Bryd No.1667, Lodge McLaren No.1688 Installation.

Congratulations to Bro. Graham Cuthill who was installed as Frist Principal of East Kilbride Royal Arch Chapter No.781 on Monday 17 October 2016. Have a good year Graham.

The Lodge has learned that Bro. Louis Barral PM is in Ward 15 of Hairmyres Hospital undergoing an assessment. Best Wishes for a speedy recovery Louis.

During the week 10 to 14 October, RWM Graeme Cawley visited Lodge St.Andrew No. 524, Lodge Dramatic, Lodge Hamilton Kilwinning No.7, Lodge Blantyre Kilwinning No.557and Lodge Atholl.

The Installation of Bro. Graeme Cawley and his Office-Bearers took place on Saturday 8 October 2016 in the Balllerup Hall in East Kilbride. 140 attended the meeting to witness Bro. LIndsay Charles Fisher PM 1557 and Bro. William Elliot PM 524 attend to their duties as Installing Masters. SPGM Bro. Robert McPhee headed the Deputation from PGL of Renfrewshire East. Once again our German department was in attendance headed by Bro.Peter Frenes and Bro. George Schimmele. 11 Brethren from Lewis Lodge in Whitehaven also made the journey to East Kilbride.

After the Installation the Brethren returned to the Douglas Hall for dinner and harmony. What a pleasant site it was to witness additional tables and seats being brought out to accommodate the 90 Brethren who returned for an excellent nights entertainment.


The Lodge was very saddened to learn of the passing of Bro. Donald M Macready PM 2010-2011 on Monday 19 September after a long illness. Bro. Macready's funeral took place on Tuesday 27 September at South Lanarkshire Crematorium. A large number of of Brethren wearing regalia were in attendance. Our condolences to the Macready family.

Bro. Graeme Cawley Master Elect and Bro. David A Reid PM visited Lewis Lodge No.872 on Tuesday 20 September and witnessed an EA degree by the lodge office bearers.

Whilst there a photograph of the late Bro. Arthur Crichton FM PM was observed behind the bar. I'm sure many will recall the entertainment provided by Arthur in this guise.

Bro. Graeme Cawley was Elected to the Office of Master at the Annual General Meeting on Friday 9 September 2016.

Bro. Cawley will be the youngest Master in Lodge Douglas history aged 26 years.


Unfortunately due to illness the Lodge had no candidate for the first time in its history at the MMM Degree. However, Bro. Jack Thomson PM very kindly stood in as the candidate. The MMM was Bro. Robert Deacon PM who very ably led the Past Masters of the Lodge in conducting the ceremony. Bro. Willie McJimpsey RWM of Lodge St.Andrew No.524 made suitable comments on the degree work.

Prior to the Degree the Provincial Grand Master of Renfrewshire East, Bro. John Samuel Miller, was made an Honorary Member of the Lodge (much to his surprise!). He had been invited to present Bro. Lindsay Charles Fisher PM with his Distinguished Service Membership certificate in recognition of the amount of work he has undertaken personally during the summer and in many previous years in maintaining the Lodge premises. To both Brethren well deserved Honours.

Left to Right

Bro. W.J. Fleming SPGM, Bro. David A. Reid IPPGM, Bro. David Jephson RWM, Bro. John S. Miller PGM, Bro. Robert D. Deacon RWMM, Bro. Lindsay C. Fisher (DSM).

During the recess much work was completed in the Douglas Hall - new toilets, new roof over the toilet area, new seating, hall painted. Well done Brethren.


On Friday 13 May Lodge Coila St Andrew No.1334 visited the Lodge and carried out a demonstration of the EA Degree. Bro. Lindsay Charles Fisher PM acting as candidate.

There were 18 Past Masters in attendance.

12 members of the Lodge attended the EK Lodges Annual Divine service on 8 May.


The Lodge were visited by Lodge Buchanan No.1499  headed by RWM Stevie McGuire on Friday 22 April.

Bro.Willie Shaw stood in as the candidate.

Bro.Gordon Wallace RWM Lodge Dramatic No.571 commented on the degree. Bro. Andy Thomson RWM Lodge Renfrew County Kilwinning No.370 was present

There were 9 Douglas Past Masters in attendance.

Bro. Harry Beattie affiliated to the Lodge. Next Friday his sons join the Lodge.

Bro.Angus Park PM 1359 brought 4 Brethren from south of the border to the Lodge : Bro. Mark Irons, Great Orme Lodge No. 7703, Bro.Marcus Avci, Keep Lodge No.6538; Bro. Robert Allardyce, 3 Chalises Lodge No. 8249; Bro. Andrew Baxendale Harbsman Lodge No.8722 all E.C.

46 Brethren were in attendance.

On Friday 15 April, the Lodge visited Lodge Saint Conval No.1359 to confer a FC Degree. The Master had 10 Brethren in his deputation.

WJW Bro. Graeme Cawley, organised the Lodge's annual Charity Dance in aid of the KilBryd Hospice on Saturday 2 April. Entertainment was provided by Pipe Dream. A great time was had by all. Proceeds so far total about 1,000 pounds. However, Bro. Cawley is also intending doing a sponsored cycle run at Millport in May, so this figure will go higher. Great effort Graeme.


Lodge Saint Conval No.1359 visited the lodge on Friday 26 March. IPM Bro.Michael Dailly kindly volunteered to be the candidate. 1359 conferred the degree in their usual competent manner. Four RWM's were present - 153,370,1408 and 1667. Bro. Johnny Gauld, Master of Lodge Dunlop Caledonia No.1408 commented on the degree. There were 53 Brethren present at the meeting.

A form for Affiliation was read out along with two forms for Initiation - good news. Bro. Alex Marshall says he is still enjoying being a member of the Lodge.

Lodge Rutherglen Royal Arch No.116 were welcomed into the Lodge on Friday 11 March. Once again the Lodge was without a candidate and Bro. William Shaw PM 557 stood in to allow the demonstration of the MM Degree to take place.

Tea and coffee were provided after the meeting - this hasn't occurred for quite some time and some senior brethren were glad of a cuppa !!!

The Boxing Night scheduled for Saturday 4 June 2016 has been cancelled due to reasons outwith the Lodge's control.


The Provincial Grand Lodge Annual Visit took place on Friday 26 February. Bro. John Samuel Miller, Provincial Grand Master, presented a paper. He also received a cheque 250 pounds for the Zipline Challenge,

The Lodge learned of the passing of Bro. Robert Feelie, a Past Master of Lodge Kilbryd No.1667 on Friday 12 February 2016. He was also an Honorary Member of Lodge Douglas. The Lodge sends its condolences to his family and the Brethren of Lodge Kilbryd No.1667. Bro. Feelie's funeral took place on Thursday 18 February at 12.30 p.m. at South Lanarkshire Crematorium. The Lodge was represented.

On Saturday 6 February the Lodge held its Annual Burns Supper, The Speakers had a 'strong' Police connection. Stewart Carle, The Immortal Memory, Robert (Bobby) Shaw) The Lassies, Iain Gordon Reply to the Lassies and John Hutcheson Singer / Tam O'Shanter were absolutely superb. Bro. Morris Smith was performing on keyboards for the last time at our Supper and the Lodge would thank him most sincerely for his contributions over many years. Although the attendance was lower than 'normal' a great time was had by all and many compliments were received on the standard of the speakers.



    Jim Harper addresses the Haggis

 Willie Shannon 91 Henchman watches

                                                        Willie Shannon / Jim Cooper

On Tuesday 1 February,Bro. Bill Dick, Lodge Almoner, advised that Bro. Tom (Tut) Johnston from Whitehaven had passed away, a minute's silence was held at the meeting on Friday 12 February. His funeral took place at St.Mary's, Church of England, Harrington on Thursday 11 February at 11 a.m.


On Saturday 30 January 2016 at the Provincial Grand Lodge of Renfrewshire East Annual Meeting which was held in the premises of Lodge Nitshill No.1478, the Provincial Grand Master, Bro. John Samuel Miller, conferred the Honorary Provincial Grand Rank of Almoner on Bro. William Plenderleith Dick, our Lodge Almoner. At least 12 Brethren of the Lodge were present to witness the occasion. Bro.Dick has been Lodge Douglas's Almoner for 25 years.

Friday 22 January, the Lodge welcomed Lodge Eaglesham No.1265 as our belated first foot. A total of 57 Brethren attended the meeting.

Bro. Alex Marshall our latest member is thoroughly enjoying  being a freemason and is actively visiting other Lodges. Quote " wishes he had joined years ago".

Five visiting RWM's were in attendance : Lodge Woodhall St.Johns No.305, Lodge Robert King Stewart No.909, Lodge Burnside No.1361, Lodge Buchanan No.1499, Lodge KilBryd No.1667.

Congratulations to Bro.Bill McDonald PM and his wife Margaret on the birth of their new grandson, Sam, born this week.

Bro. Alex Marshall and Bro. Michael Dailly IPM volunteered to take part in the PGM's Zip Line Charity event for Prostate Scotland, which is being held on 14 May.

Unfortunately due to adverse weather conditions in East Kilbride on Friday 8 January 2016, the first meeting of the New Year was cancelled. Lodge St. Andrew No.524 were due to be our first foot and being an East Kilbride Lodge themselves will have understood.