NEWS 2020


The Lodge was saddened to learn of the passing of Alan Louden, aged 40 years, youngest son of Bro. John Louden Hon Mem on Monday 21 September after a long illness. The Lodge sends its sincerest condolences to Bro. Louden and his family.


Sincere condolences to Bro. John Louden Honorary Member whose son passed away after a long battle with MND.

The Lodge was very saddened to learn of the passing of Bro. William Douglas Plenderleith Dick (Bill) our Lodge Almoner to the The Grand Lodge Above at 8.30 a.m. on Monday 20 July in the Kilbryde Hospice. The Lodge sends its sincere condolences to his son  Bro. Iain Dick and all the Dick family. 

Bro. Dick's funeral took place on Wednesday 29 July at 10.30 a.m. at South Lanarkshire Crematorium. The cortege left the Heritage Funeral Parlour at 10.05 a.m.  

Many Brethren from Lodge Douglas wearing Regalia along with many others from within and outwith the Province formed a Guard of Honour outside the Crematorium with Social Distancing  being maintained.

Lodge Piper, Bro. Michael Dailly PM piped the Cortege towards the Crematorium.

Due to current restrictions - Bro. Iain Dick, RWM Bro. Donald Alexander PM, Bro. David A. Reid PM PPGM, Bro. Ronald E. Fraser Depute PGM, Hon Mem., Bro. Walter Given PM Secretary, Bro. John Clark PM escorted  the coffin into the Crematorium. Full Masonic Honours were given, thereafter a different service followed once again due to restrictions, however,  a very fitting tribute was paid with a detailed account of his life during the Eulogy.

Bill was a MM of Lodge Blantyre Kilwinning No. 557 and affiliated to Lodge Douglas on May 26th 1989, he accepted the office of Almoner at the Installation  in 1990 and served the Lodge in this office up his passing, over 30 years’ service in a very unique and demanding office. He truly did serve well. Thanks Bill.

Brethren, I trust and hope that you are all well. Yesterday Friday the 17th July I had the pleasure along with the RWM’s of Lodge St Andrew, Lodge Eaglesham, Lodge Kil Bryd and Lodge McLaren of presenting another cheque for £550 to EK community food bank. This was once again in partnership with the PGLRE food bank project and money donated by the GLOS. Pictures can be viewed on the PDLRE’s website. Please stay safe till we meet again.



The Coronavirus lockdown may have halted all Masonic meetings, but it has not diminished the desire of Brethren to support their local communities.

This is vividly illustrated by the Community Foodbank project organised by the Provincial Grand Lodge of Renfrewshire East in conjunction with the Grand Lodge of Scotland Covid-19 Community Challenge Appeal.

In order to coordinate distribution of support to local foodbanks, lodges within the Province – which stretches from Lochwinnoch in the west to East Kilbride in the east - were divided into seven geographic groups each responsible for selecting appropriate foodbanks to which donations would be made.

Each group received initial funding equivalent of £55 per lodge direct from PGLRE. With 37 lodges in the Province also donating, this amounted to almost £8000 being immediately generated for the most needy in the communities involved.

Lodges were also invited to boost this amount through individual contributions to their groups with the Provincial contribution expected to be matched by Grand Lodge through the Covid-19 Challenge Appeal Fund and it is envisaged this will allow a second round of donations to be made later.

Each of the groups throughout the Province were encouraged to donate food, cash or other things such as electricity or gas cards as agreed with individual foodbanks.

On Tuesday 23rd June, RWM’s James Campbell Lodge St Andrew No 524, Richard Wilson Lodge Eaglesham No 1265, Donnie Alexander Lodge Douglas No 1557, Stevie Hamilton Lodge Kil Bryd No 1667 and Allan Belch Lodge McLaren No 1688 representing group 7, met with Karen Dornan of East Kilbride Community Foodbank and made a donation of £550.

This was the second group donation made through the Provincial Grand Lodge of Renfrewshire East Community Foodbank Project in conjunction with the Grand Lodge of Scotland Covid-19 Community Challenge Appeal.

The Marcus Humphrey House Texas Scramble Charity event scheduled for Sunday 28 June at Kilbrirnie Golf Club has been cancelled. It is hoped to hold this event in 2021.

Bro. Archie McGown, Past Depute Grand Master, Past Master Lodge Burnside No.1361 is currently in hospital (not virus related). The Lodge wishes Bro. McGown well and a return home at the earliest opprtunity.

Bro. Bill Dick, our Lodge Almoner is in the Kilbryde Hospice. The thoughts of all Brethren are with Bro. Dick at this time. At present no contact should be made with the family. All communications are via Bro. Walter Given, Secretary at this time.


Bro. Grant MacLeod  PM Lodge 242, is hosting a Zoom Meeting Lecture  on Wednesday 22nd April at 2 p m, you will require the Zoom Meeting ID / Password to enter as per the instructions of Grand Lodge.

It is inappropriate to publish these in the public domain.

Please contact Brothers Grant MacLeod or Gavin Burt SPGM to obtain these details or

if you have any questions regarding the Zoom Meeting (Lecture) 

The Lodge continues in lockdown mode.

Messages from the Grand Master Mason are listed under Coronavirus section.


As intimated in The Grand Master Mason's letter of 17 March 2020, ALL meetings of Lodge Douglas No.1557 have been cancelled until further notice.

Lodge St.John, Busby No.458 visited the Lodge on Friday 13 March and carried out a Demonstration of the EA Degree.

On Tuesday 10 March, RWM Bro. Donald Alexander led a deputation of 26 Brethren to Lodge St.Andrew No.524 to confer the EA Degree on one new member. Very pleasing to note how well Bro. Craig Deacon and Bro. Lee Tweddle are progressing with their floorwork.


Friday 28 February saw the Annual Visit of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Renfrewshire East headed by Depute Provincial Grand Master, Bro. Ronald E. Fraser. The Lodge received a 'clear' minute and this applied to the year of Bro. John Clark IPM. Thereafter, a FC Degree was conferred on Bro. Jonathan Robertson by the Office-bearers of the Lodge. After the Degree had been completed, Bro. John Clark PM and Bro. Graham C. Cuthill PM, WSW were presented with their Past Master's jewels to reflect serving as Master of the Lodge for a second time. The Jewels now have the Douglas Star incorporated within the square and compasses.

On Friday 21 February, the Lodge visited Lodge KilBryd No.1667 and conferred an EA Degree. 19 Brethren accompanied the RWM on this occasion.

Friday 14 February saw Mr Jonathan Robertson initiated into Freemasonry by Lodge Eaglesham No.1265. The meeting started at 7.30 p.m. and was concluded by 9.30 p.m. 49 Brethren were in attendance.

The second Past Masters Dinner was held on Friday 7 February in Lodge St. Andrews Social Club. Twelve Past Masters attended along with Bob Alexander Depute Master and Billy Elliot. An excellent meal and good company were the order of the night.

The 2020 Burn was held on Saturday 1 February with Brethren from Lodge Union and Crown No.307 providing the entertainment.

Front row l to r

George McGrandles, Robert Scott, Donald Alexander, Stephen Scott and Paul Stewart

back row l to r

Graham Cuthill, John Clark, Andrew Findlay, David Reid, Jamie Ahern, Michael Dailly


The Brethren on Lodge Douglas conferred the FC Degree on Bro. Tyrone Entwhistle on Friday 24 January. The meeting started at 7.30 p.m and was finished by 9.16 p.m. 42 Brethren were in attendance including 9 PMs. RWM of Lodge Eaglesham No.1265 commented on the degree.

The first meeting of 2020 was held on Friday 10 January with Lodge St.Andrew No.524 being our 'First Foot'. A Demonstration of the FC Degree was carried out with Bro. Graeme Cawley PM Standing in as the candidate. The meeting started at 7.30 p.m. and finished at 9.30 p.m. The attendance was 54 and 15 PMs were present.

The Lodge visited Lodge McLaren No.1688 and conferred the MM Degree on Wednesday 8 January.