Nature Notes


14 April - Cuckoo in Glencoe. Willow Warbler, Chiff Chaff and Bullfinches in Cuil Bay. Pair of Slavonian Grebes. No swallows as yet.

15 April - 2 slow-worm at Chia-Aig and Hen Harrier along Loch Arkaig

16 April - Swallows seen at Banavie and at Loch Sunart on Monday

18 April - Merlin and Ring Ouzel in Glen Roy

20 April - Barnacle Goose and Bar-tailed Godwit at Cuil Bay

12 Nov - Waxcaps in Upper Roy, eating Cotoneaster and Rowan berries. Fieldfare and Waxwings passed through about 3 weeks before.


22 January - An otter was spotted near the Narrows on the north shore of Loch Leven near Kinlochleven.

23 January - 2 Great Northern Divers were seen in Loch Linnhe near Onich, and also two handsome Red-breasted Mergansers have been around.

23 January - Field Trip to Ardshiel woods above Duror with Andy Acton to study lichens - a number of rare species were noted.

8 April - First swallow seen at Muirshealich on Thurs. 7th April - very early! Also first Peacock, same day near Camisky. Ospreys back last weekend on Loch Lochy.

9th April - Cuil Bay - Wheatears and Small Toirtoiseshell, Marsh Fritillary Caterpillars nestling in their webs and a wobbly Jelly Fungus "Witches Butter" found on a stick. Also Drinkermoth and Foxmoth caterpillars. Great Northern Diver in Loch Linnhe and Red Throated Divers in Cuil Bay. Over at the Back Settlement -Hard Shield and Hay Scented Fern. Tunbridge Filmy Fern. Scurvy Grass just in flower. White Keel worm casts on the sea rocks. Interesting Geology with Appin Diorite, Glencoe Riolite surprisingly on the shore but so far from source.

10th April - First Willow warblers seen at Fassfern. Peregrines constantly calling and looking for nest in Glen Suileag.

16th April - Town-hall Clock/Moschatel seen at Scammerdale, south of Oban. Anyone seen this in Lochaber?