
Book Websites

Summerfield Books

Favourite books - Ian Strachan

Mosses and Liverworts of Britain and Ireland: a field guide. British Bryological Society 2010.

The Natural History of the Garden. Michael Chinery

Small Freshwater Creatures, also Small Woodland Creatures, both by Olsen, Sunesen and Pedersen, Oxford Natural History Pocket Guides

Collins Pocket Guide - Sea shore of Britain and Europe. Peter Hayward et al

Great British Marine Animals. Paul Naylor

Naturalists' handbooks series, Richmond Publishing - all excellent, wide range of topics, especially invertebrates.

Flowers in the Field - Faith Anstey - good beginner's guide to field botany

Lichens. An illustrated Guide. Frank Dobson

An illustrated Guide to British Upland Vegetation. Averis et al, JNCC

Hostile habitats. Scotland's Mountain environment. SMT

Field Guide to the Moths of Britain and Ireland. Waring, Townsend and Lewington

Favourite Books - Sallie Jack

Books handy for carrying in your pocket:-

  • The Mitchell Beasley pocket Guide to Wild Flowers by Peter D. Moore

  • The Birdwatcher’s Pocket Guide to Britain & Europe by Peter Hayman & Rob Hume

  • Any of the Collins Gem little books on trees, flowers, butterflies, insects, mushrooms & toadstools, seashore etc.

  • Any of the laminated cards done by FSC (Field Studies Council) on various themes.

And also:-

  • Fungi by Evans & Kibby (Dorling Kindersley Pocket Nature Guide) - need a bigger pocket!

  • Pocket Guide to the Butterflies of GB & Ireland by Richard Lewington

  • Collins Pocket Guide to Grasses, Rushes, Sedges & Ferns by Fitter, Fitter & Farrer

  • Wild Flowers of Britain & Ireland by Blamey, Fitter & Fitter (One of Marion’s favourites too)

  • Field Guide to Butterflies & Other Insects of Britain – Reader’s Digest

Favourite books - Marion Moir

"Mountain Flowers" by John Raven and Max Walters

"Scottish Wild Plants" by Philip Lusby and Jenny Wright

"Wild Flowers of Britain & Ireland" by Marjorie Blamey, Richard Fitter and Alastair Fitter

"The Wild Flower Key" by Francis Rose

"The Vegetative Key to the British Flora" by John Poland and Eric Clement

"Sedges of the British Isles" - BSBI handbook

"The Fern Guide" by James Merryweather

Collins Bird Guide for Birds of Britain and Europe

"The Birds of Islay" by Gordon Langsbury and Malcolm Ogilvie

"Heritage Trees of Scotland" by Donald Rodger, Jon Stokes and James Ogilvie

"David Douglas: Explorer and Botanist" by Ann Lindsay Mitchell and Syd House

"Lichens: An Illustrated Guide to the British and Irish Species" by Frank Dobson. 5th Edition (2005)

"Mushrooms" Collins gem by Patrick Harding

