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Chapter 2:
Table 2.1: Alternative lag-order selection criteria for VAR models
Chapter 3:
Johansen MLE of VECM with unknown cointegrating vector and unrestricted intercept
MLE of VECM with known cointegrating vector and unrestricted intercept
FGLS estimaor of VECM with unknown cointegratingvector and unrestricted intercept
Table 3.1: Trace and Maximum Eigenvalue Tests for Cointegrating Rank (Unrestricted Intercept)
Table 3.1: Trace and Maximum Eigenvalue Tests for Cointegrating Rank (Restricted Intercept)
Chapter 4:
Table 4.1: Forecast Error Variance Decomposition for U.S. Real Dividend Growth
Table 4.2: Real-Time Risk Measures as of December 2010
Figure 4.1: Point estimates of responses of U.S. real dividends to selected structural shocks
Figure 4.8: Counterfactual sequence of flow supply shocks in the absence of the U.S. shale oil boom
Figure 4.9: Evolution of the nominal Brent price of crude oil with and without shale oil
Figure 4.10: Counterfactual paths of key observables under alternative policy counterfactuals
Figure 4.11: Sequence of policy shocks required to implement the KL policy counterfactual
Chapter 5:
Chapter 9:
Section 9.3: IV estimation of the recursive structural VAR(p) model
Section 9.4: Two-step ML estimation of the recursive structural VAR model
Section 9.4: Two-step ML estimation of the nonrecursive Keating (1992) model
Chapter 11:
Figure 11.1: Responses to technology and non-technology shocks (Cholesky decomposition)
Figure 11.1: Responses to technology and non-technology shocks (Iterative solution)
Figure 11.2: Responses to an unexpected U.S. monetary policy tightening (Iterative solution)
Figure 11.3: Responses to a productivity shock in the baseline model of King et al. (1991)
Chapter 12:
Figure 12.4: Global oil market data
Figure 12.5: 95% delta method confidence intervals based on bootstrap standard error estimates
Figure 12.6: Alternative 95% bootstrap confidence intervals
Chapter 13:
Numerical example for subrotation algorithm for block-recursive models in Section 13.9.2
Figure 13.8: Structural impulse responses in the sign-identified oil market model
Figure 13.11: Responses to a monetary policy tightening in the modified sign-identified model