Link Crew

Link Crew is a school community-building program. Built on the belief that students can help students succeed, Link Crew trains members of the junior and senior class to be Link Leaders. Leaders must have a 3.0 GPA in academics and citizenship to be qualified. As positive role models, Link Leaders are motivators, leaders and teachers who guide freshmen, and new students, to discover what it takes to be successful in high school.

A year with Link Crew begins with a spirited and interactive 9th grade orientation at the start of the school year. After the orientation, the Leaders lead their crew of nine to ten freshmen through a series of fun, positive activities designed to help them all get to know each other as well as learn important campus information.

After orientation Link Crew continues, providing a variety of both academic and social follow-up activities throughout the year. Leaders also must make a commitment of tutoring, in the library, after school, 2:30 pm – 3:25 pm, three times a semester.

The goal of the year long Link Crew transition program is to provide a structure in which students make real connections with each other. Through this program students learn that people at school care about them and their success. If you believe you can be a successful Link Leader at La Jolla High the next step is to complete the application.

Leaders may be recommended by staff members, but it is not necessary.

"LC" Application here. Due the June before the school year begins.