Home of your 

La Jolla Viking ASB

Mission Statement

ASB's Mission is to unify our school community and promote a spirited, diverse, and accepting Viking Culture!

LJHS ASB Homepage

La Jolla High School ASB would like to thank you for visiting our homepage.  We hope that it will assist you in finding out more about activities and events that take place regularly on our campus.  La Jolla High School is an impressive place of learning filled with talented students, dedicated teachers, and supportive parents and administrators.  It is our goal to help unify these parties in fun ways that enhance community, increase school spirit and pride, and foster a personal connection to each and every member of the Viking family. 

Suggestions for ASB???

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Suggestions?  Our goal is to provide the best service and activities to all.  Please contact us if there are any topics you would like to see covered in our meetings, or any other suggestions.  In short, we say to all fellow students, teachers, and parents:  Let us know how we can best serve you this year.