
Conversations I had with distinguished economists

Monetary Policy: CERGE-EI interview with Nobel Laureate Finn Kydland

Wine, big macs and natural experiments: CERGE-EI interview with Orley Ashenfelter

Welfare and consumption inequality: CERGE-EI interview with Sir Richard Blundell 

Corporate Governance: CERGE-EI interview with Jesse Fried

Risk and Opportunity, Managing Risk for Development: CERGE-EI interview with Inci Otker-Robe

Whistleblowers, and Government Contracting: CERGE-EI interview with Allison Stanger

Imbalances & Financial Crisis: CERGE-EI interview with Giorgio Primiceri 

The Economics of Television: CERGE-EI interview with Simon Anderson


2023: Annual Meeting of the Society of Economics of the Household (SEHO), Copenhagen

  ISPOR Europe 2023, Copenhagen

2021: Viewing Multidimensional Poverty from Many Angles, seminar series with OPHI Oxford, UNDP, and IIEP

2020: International Workshop on the Distributional Impact of Social Protection, Addis Ababa; 

Annual Conference of the European Society for Population Economics (ESPE), Barcelona (cancelled due to covid-19)

Annual Meeting of the Society of Economics of the Household, Venice (cancelled due to covid-19)

2019: EALE conference,  Uppsala

 ECINEQ Meeting, Paris; 

 DIAL Development Conference, Paris; 

 Workshop on Labour Economics, Trier.  

2018: EALE conference, Lyon; 

 Inequality by the Numbers workshop, CUNY Graduate Center, New York.

2017: Experimental Economics Lab, Umag.  

2016: Simposio de la Asociación Española de Economía -- Spanish Economic Association (SAEe), Bilbao; 

CIREQ PhD Conference, McGill University, Montreal; 

Human capital and growth conference, UNU-WIDER, Helsinki. 

2015: EconCon 2015 Graduate Economic Conference, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia; 

DIAL Development Conference 2015, Universite Paris-Dauphine-IRD, Paris; 

CIREQ PhD. Conference, Universite de Montreal, Montreal.  

2014: Social Science Promotion Center, Summer Conference, Porto.  

2011: DIAL Development Conference, Universite Paris-Dauphine-IRD, Paris; 

CSAE Conference, University of Oxford, Oxford.

Grants and Fellowships

2018: Agence Française de Developpement Grant (EU-AFD Research Facility on Inequalities) 

2017: CERGE-EI Teaching Fellows (to teach Development Economics: Prague, Czechia

2016: Charles University Grant Agency (GAUK grant no. 230316) 

2016: Czech Development Agency Fellowship (to teach Health Economics: Tbilisi, Georgia)

2015: CERGE-EI Teaching Fellows (to teach Empirical Economics: Zagreb, Croatia) 

2014: Charles University Grant Agency (GAUK grant no. 578314)

Places I've Been ...