
Usage: cscreen [-d <depth>] [-x <width>] [-y <height>] [-r <refresh>] [-s <display>] [-v] [-m] [-f] [-l] [-h]

[-d <depth>] : specifies the bit depth (bits per pixel)

[-x <width>] : specifies the width in pixels

[-y <height>] : specifies the height in pixels

[-r <refresh>] : specifies the refresh rate in Hz

[-s <display>] : specifies which display to use (defaults to main display)

use a as the option to -s to specify the action on all displays

[-i <displayID>]: picks a display based on CGDirectDisplayID (permanent per display)

continue to use '-s a' for "all displays"

[-v] : display valid modes (use -s to specify display or nothing for the default)

[-m] : require an exact match

[-f] : forces settings (ignores safety mechanisms; USE AT YOUR OWN RISK)

[-l] : lists the current displays and modes

[-p] : sets the requested display to have the menu bar

[-h] : displays the usage

Note: Using -p will change the display index so you will likely want to use -l again to show the current

displays if you wish to use -p a second time.