tips configs

hardstatus string "%{= KW} %H [%`] %{= Kw}|%{-} %-Lw%{= bW}%n%f %t%{-}%+Lw %=%C%a %Y-%M-%d"## %{= wK} : set colors to bright white (W) on bright black (K) and keep current text styles (=)# %H : hostname# [ : opening bracket character# %` : print output of 'backtick' command (defined elsewhere in .screenrc)# ] : closing bracket character# %{= wW} : set colors to white (w) on bright black (K) and keep current text styles (=)# | : bar character# ${-} : restore colors to previous colors / undo last color change# %-Lw : list windows before current window (L [optional] = "include flags")# %{= bW} : set colors to bright white (W) on blue (b) and keep current text styles (=)# %f : window flags# %t : window title# %{-} : restore colors to previous colors / undo last color change# %+Lw : list windows after current window (L [optional] = "include flags")# %= : expand to fill all space (used here to make remaining content flush right)# %C : current time (12-hr; 24-hr is %c)# %a : am/pm (lowercase; uppercase is %A)# %Y : current year# - : hyphen character# %m : current month (0-padded; %M for "Jan" etc.)# - : hyphen character# %d : current date (0-padded)

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