Chromium (Google Chrome)

Chromium Web Browser

Chromium is the open-source project on which Google Chrome is based.

Take a look at the project.

Windows Version

If it's the Windows version you're after, then read no more, download and install it from Google.

It will keep itself up to date.

Linux Version

If you want this web browser on a Linux machine, then, you can either:

    • Download the source code and compile it.

    • Find an already compiled package for your system, download and install it.

    • Set up a repository, so you can keep it up to date without any fuss.

Building from Source Code

Download and Install

    1. Find a suitable package for your system.

      1. Ubuntu example.

      2. OpenSUSE example.

      3. Fedora example.

    2. Download it.

    3. Install it.

Setting up a Repository

As root (using su or by any other means):

  1. cd /etc/yum.repos.d/

  2. wget

  3. yum install chromium