Active Directory & Solaris

Using Active Directory as your Solaris

Authentication Source

The scope of this paper is to document how a newly installed Solaris 10 server can be

configured to use an Active Directory directory service as an authentication source. This

is not a definitive guide, and is the result of the following request:

Scenario: A customer has a variety of “fat-client” Windows-based applications

they wish to publish to multiple client types through the use of a kind of portal.

They will also be introducing some new Solaris/Linux-based X-Windows

applications as low-cost alternatives to Windows-based applications. The

customer will use SGD to publish these applications through their custom portal,

and have an existing Active Directory directory service to act as their

authentication source. They will configure SGD to use AD as their login

authority; how can they configure Solaris/Linux to use the same authentication


To be clear, this setup uses AD as the authentication source, and all account information

is to be maintained in AD – there is no replication of user data between AD and the

Solaris clients; there are other ways to achieve what can be viewed to be as similar

results, such as:

· Account Replication / Synchronization – by using password / account

synchronization tools, (used by many Identity Management tools, including the

“Server for NIS” installed as part of this process), accounts are replicated

/synchronized among the various authentication sources, and are “linked” together

by some common attribute;

· Single Sign-On (SSO) techniques, such as used by SGD, in which SGD “learns”

user credentials for each different system, remembering them for future use, but

with no replication or synchronization provided amongst the different platforms.

And, of course, the user (or perhaps administrator) has to manually provide these

different credentials, at least once.

The things you need to accomplish include:

· Extend the Active Directory schema to include “Unix” operating system attributes

· Establish the Solaris server as a participant in the Kerberos realm

· Setup Solaris’ ldap client to map AD attributes to Unix attributes

· Setup the Solaris PAM configuration to use Kerberos/LDAP (Active Directory)

In the following, I’m using Server 2003 R2 (“R2” installs as an add-on to Server 2003) –

this adds a number of interoperability features to Server 2003; for our purposes, the

addition of the “Services For Unix” product to the base operating system is the most

important, as it extends the AD schema to include Unix attributes, such as uid and gid,

that aren’t present in the basic AD schema. RFC 2307 is the manner that Microsoft (and

Vintela’s and Centrify’s) chose to provide these attributes; it shouldn’t be assumed,

however, that these three products are interoperable, or chose to implement the RFC in

exactly the same way.

Step-By-Step Instructions

1. Environmental Setup

Time Service – Kerberos is dependent on time being synchronized between the client

and server; too large a clock skew will cause authentication failures. To prevent this,

each server should use the same time source. By default, the ntp service isn’t started

on Solaris. To setup a Solaris 10 server as an ntp client, (that is, to listen for NTP

multicasts for time adjustments), enter:

# cp /etc/inet/ntp.client /etc/inet/ntp.conf

# svcadm enable svc:/network/ntp:default

# svcadm restart svc:/network/ntp:default

For Windows 2003, NTP system behavior is controlled with the Group Policy

MMC Snap-In. To make changes to the Windows Time Server, using the Group

Policy Snap-In, and select Computer Configuration, click Administrative

Templates, click System, and then click Windows Time Service. Here you can

configure and enable time services for your Windows 2003 server(s.) Note that

the Windows NTP service doesn’t support multicasts.

DNS – Active Directory is integrated with DNS, and as such, needs to fully

configured and reliable. Client computers must be registed in both forward and

reverse lookup zones. In lab environments, it may be easiest to allow the Active

Directory setup wizard to install a DNS server. AD uses the SRV resource record

type to locate Active Directory domain servers. In addition, the DNS server service

should support dynamic DNS updates – if it doesn’t, SRV records must be maintained

manually by the administrator, which isn’t practical. To ensure that DNS is able to

return a domain controller address, enter the following command:

# nslookup –query=any _ldap._tcp.domainname

where domainname is the DNS domain name we’re setting up, e.g. “”.

This should return a SRV resource record like: service = 0 100 389

the information returned includes:

priority ‘0’ in the above Clients attempt to connect to servers

with the lowest priority

weight ‘100’ in the above A load-balancing mechanism when

more than one server has the same


port number ‘389’ in the above – The port number where the server is

listening to this service

hostname ‘’ in the


The FQDN of the server this record

pertains to

These values can be found/adjusted in the DNS Management snap-in.

There are other service record types as well, some other useful ones include:

# nslookup –query=any _gc._tcp.domainname

locates a Global Catalog server for this domain.

# nslookup –query=any _ldap._tcp._SiteName._sites._dc._msdcs.domainname

locates a domain controller in the site “SiteName” in the DNS domain


2.Install NIS Server

This adds Unix attributes to the Active Directory schema

On an AD Catalog Server:

Select “Control Panel  Add/Remove Programs”

Click “Add/Remove Windows Components”

Select “Active Directory Services”  “Details”  “Identity Management for

Unix”  “Server for NIS”

Ensure that “Administration Components” is also selected, then click “Ok”, “Ok”,

then “Next” to install.

3. Install Windows Support Tools

This step installs the “ktpass.exe” utility, (used later in the procedure.)

Insert the Windows Server CD into your CD-ROM drive.

Click No if you are prompted to reinstall Windows.

When the Welcome screen appears, click Perform additional tasks, and then

click Browse this CD.

Go to the \Support\Tools folder.

Double-click suptools.msi.

Follow the instructions that appear on your screen.

4. Create a service account in Active Directory

This account will be used to bind to Active Directory. This account need not have any

special rights, and (if applicable) can be the same service account used by SGD to bind to

Active Directory. Make sure the password never expires.

5. Create a AD user account for each Solaris “client” server

Use the Active Directory Users and Computers tool to create these accounts. Since

Solaris will use the host service principal, a name like “host-solarissrvr” would be good.

For each account was created, run the ktpass.exe command to generate a unique keytab

for each account (host). The command will look something like this (this example is for

a hostname of “”, in the realm “TTAGOV.COM”, with an output

filename of “solx86.keytab):

\Program Files\Support Tools\ktpass -princ

host/ -mapuser host-solx86 -crypto

DES-CBC-MD5 +DesOnly -pass password -ptype KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL -out


Be sure to specify a unique output filename (so that you don’t overwrite files; each

server/account will needs its own unique file). I suggest using the server’s name as

the filename, i.e., something like “solarissrvr.keytab”. Repeat the above for each

Solaris server, and copy the resultant keytab files to the /etc/krb5 directory on each

host as appropriate, naming the file as “/etc/krb5/krb5.keytab”, owned by root, with

mode 700 permissions. Note that if this file already exists, you will use the “ktutil”

utility to merge these files.

6. Create a Global Security group for your Unix Users

Create a Group in Active Directory for your Unix users. This group will have the a scope

of “Global” and a type of “Security”. Once created, set the “Unix Attributes” of the

created Group Name. When you create users, you’ll make them members of this group.

7. Configure Kerberos

On each server, configure your Kerberos client as follows, replacing hostname(s),

domains, and realm as appropriate. Be sure to use the proper case, and also be sure that

comments (‘#’) begin in column 1, otherwise a rather obscure error message will result –

trust me on this one.

# ident "@(#)krb5.conf 1.3 04/03/25 SMI"

# krb5.conf template

# In order to complete this configuration file

# you will need to replace the ____ placeholders

# with appropriate values for your network.



default = FILE:/var/log/kdc.log

kdc = FILE:/var/log/kdc.log

admin_server = FILE:/var/log/kadmind.log


default_realm = EXAMPLE.COM

dns_lookup_realm = false

dns_lookup_kdc = false

ticket_lifetime = 24h

forwardable = yes



kdc =

default_domain =


[domain_realm] = EXAMPLE.COM = EXAMPLE.COM


pam = {

debug = false

ticket_lifetime = 36000

renew_lifetime = 36000

forwardable = true

krb4_convert = false


Test your configuration with the following:

# kinit administrator

Enter the administrator password. If no error results, enter the “klist” command to

confirm you have a valid ticket.

8. Configure the Solaris LDAP client

With a text editor, create the following shell script, replacing the “proxyDN” and

“proxyPassword” values with the service account values you created previously. Be sure

to use consistent naming within your “proxyDN” info – not the UPN or

sAMAccountName. Also, change the “defaultServerList” to point to your domain

controller. And, of course, change your domain to the proper values.

ldapclient manual \

-a credentialLevel=proxy \

-a authenticationMethod=simple \

-a proxyDN=cn=Service Account Name,cn=Users,dc=example,dc=com \

-a proxyPassword= mypass \

-a defaultSearchBase=dc=example,dc=com \

-a \

-a "defaultServerList=" \

-a attributeMap=group:userpassword=userPassword \

-a attributeMap=group:memberuid=memberUid \

-a attributeMap=group:gidnumber=gidNumber \

-a attributeMap=passwd:gecos=cn \

-a attributeMap=passwd:gidnumber=gidNumber \

-a attributeMap=passwd:uidnumber=uidNumber \

-a attributeMap=passwd:homedirectory=unixHomeDirectory \

-a attributeMap=passwd:loginshell=loginShell \

-a attributeMap=shadow:shadowflag=shadowFlag \

-a attributeMap=shadow:userpassword=userPassword \

-a objectClassMap=group:posixGroup=group \

-a objectClassMap=passwd:posixAccount=user \

-a objectClassMap=shadow:shadowAccount=user \

-a serviceSearchDescriptor=passwd:dc=example,dc=com?sub \

-a serviceSearchDescriptor=group:dc=example,dc=com?sub

After this completes, you’ll have to edit /etc/nsswitch.conf to remove all references to

“ldap” except for “user” and “group” entries. You may find it simpler to just copy

“/etc/nsswitch.conf.bak” to “/etc/nsswitch” and manually add the “ldap” entry


Restart the LDAP client service:

# svcadm restart svc:/network/ldap/client:default

Test the configuration with a command like (substituting domain/service account info as


ldapsearch -v -h -b "dc=example,dc=com" \

-D "cn=SGD Service Account,cn=Users,dc=example,dc=com" -w - "cn=administrator"


Specify the password for the service account at the “Enter bind password:” prompt. If

successful, you’ll see output like:

ldapsearch: started Mon Mar 26 14:44:41 2007

ldap_init(, 389 )

filter pattern: cn=administrator

returning: cn

filter is: (cn=administrator)

version: 1

dn: CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com

cn: Administrator

1 matches

9. Add Entries to PAM Configuration

Next we need configure the PAM configuration file. First backup your pam.conf file:

# cp /etc/pam.conf /etc/pam.conf.bak

Next edit /etc/pam.conf as follows:

# Default definitions for Authentication management

# Used when service name is not explicitly mentioned for authentication


other auth requisite

other auth required

other auth sufficient

other auth required

other auth required


# Default definition for Account management


other account requisite

other account sufficient

other account required


10. Reboot Server

After rebooting, you should be able to login using user credentials stored in the Active

Directory directory service. At this juncture, common failures include:

· Missing Home Directory

· Invalid Shell

· Failed to set Unix attributes on the AD Account