Gnokii (used for sms modems)


Add rpmforge or dag repos and simply use

yum -y install gnokii


-use the gnokiirc that comes with the package and amend the values that are relevant like AT modem / Baud 9600 / ttyS0

and handshake - software

-check that the path in groundwork is correct and use the following to test (copy from the commands section in GW)

/usr/bin/printf "%b" 'test from ram' | gnokii --config /etc/gnokiirc --sendsms 082...

This should not produce any segmentation faults or any errors at the end.

It must say "Send succeeded! Serial device: closing device"

-check /var/log/messages fro gnokii messages

-check that the nagios user can send like above - if not check groups and add nagios to uucp,tty group and remove

locking in /etc/gnokiirc and then retry sending as nagios