

Boston College - Department of Communication

Fairfield University - Department of Communication


University of Pennsylvania

Columbia University

University of San Francisco

Sophia University (Tokyo)


Serazio, M. (2023). The authenticity industries: Keeping it 'real' in media, culture, and politics. Palo Alto, CA: Stanford University Press.

Serazio, M. (2019). The power of sports: Media and spectacle in American culture. New York, NY: New York University Press.

Serazio, M. (2013). Your ad here: The cool sell of guerrilla marketing. New York, NY: New York University Press.


Serazio, M. (2022). The irreverent life and uncompromising death of Deadspin: Sports blogging as punk journalism. Journalism: Theory, Practice & Criticism, 23(2), 461-478.

Serazio, M. (2021). The other ‘fake’ news: Professional ideals and objectivity ambitions in brand journalism. Journalism: Theory, Practice & Criticism, 22(6), 1340-1356.

Serazio, M. (2021). How news went guerrilla marketing: A history, logic, and critique of brand journalism. Media, Culture, and Society, 43(1), 117-132.

Serazio, M. (2020). Making (branded) news: The corporate co-optation of online journalism production. Journalism Practice, 14(6), 679-696.

Serazio, M., & Thorson, E. (2020). Weaponized patriotism and racial subtext in Kaepernick’s aftermath: The anti-politics of American sports fandom. Television & New Media, 21(2), 151-168.

Thorson, E., & Serazio, M. (2018). Sports fandom and political attitudes. Public Opinion Quarterly, 82(2), 391-403.

Serazio, M. (2018). Producing popular politics: The infotainment strategies of American campaign consultants. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 62(1), 131-146.

Serazio, M. (2017). Branding politics: Emotion, authenticity, and the marketing culture of American political communication. Journal of Consumer Culture, 17(2), 225-241.

Serazio, M. (2016). Encoding the paranoid style in American politics: 'Anti-establishment' discourse and power in contemporary spin. Critical Studies in Media Communication, 33(2), 181-194.

Serazio, M. (2015). Selling (digital) millennials: The social construction and technological bias of a consumer generation. Television & New Media, 16(7), 599-615.

Serazio, M. (2015). Managing the digital news cyclone: Power, participation, and political production strategies. International Journal of Communication, 9, 1907-1925.

Serazio, M. (2014). The new media designs of political consultants: Campaign production in a fragmented era. Journal of Communication, 64(4), 743-763.

Serazio, M. (2013). The elementary forms of sports fandom: A Durkheimian exploration of team myths, kinship, and totemic rituals. Communication and Sport, 1(4), 303-325.

Serazio, M., & Szarek, W. (2012). The art of producing consumers: A critical textual analysis of post-communist Polish advertising. European Journal of Cultural Studies, 15(6), 753-768.

Serazio, M. (2011). Ethos groceries and countercultural appetites: Consuming memory in Whole Foods' brand utopia. The Journal of Popular Culture, 44(1), 158-177.

Serazio, M. (2010). Shooting for fame: Spectacular youth, web 2.0 dystopia, and the celebrity anarchy of generation mash-up. Communication, Culture & Critique, 3(3), 416-434.

Serazio, M. (2010). When the sportswriters go marching in: Sports journalism, collective trauma and memory metaphors. Critical Studies in Media Communication, 27(2), 155-173.

Serazio, M. (2009). Geopolitical proselytizing in the marketplace for loyalties: Rethinking the global gospel of American Christian broadcasting. The Journal of Media and Religion, 8(1), 40-54.

Serazio, M. (2008). The apolitical irony of generation mash-up: A cultural case study in popular music. Popular Music and Society, 31(1), 79-94.


Serazio, M. (2022). Hegemonic masculinity on the sidelines: Workplace dangers, gendered ideologies, and athletic participation in the pandemic era. In A.C. Billings, L.A. Wenner, & M. Hardin (Eds.), American sport in the shadow of a pandemic: Communicative insights (pp. 81-94). New York, NY: Peter Lang.

Serazio, M., & Duffy, B.E. (2017). Social media marketing. In J. Burgess, T. Poell, & A. Marwick (Eds.), The Sage handbook of social media (pp. 481-496). Los Angeles, CA: Sage.

Serazio, M. (2017). Co-opting the culture jammers: The guerrilla marketing of Crispin Porter + Bogusky. In M. DeLaure & M. Fink (Eds.), Culture jamming: Activism and the art of resistance (pp. 237-253). New York, NY: New York University Press.

Serazio, M. (2008). Virtual sports consumption, authentic brotherhood: The reality of fantasy football. In L.W. Hugenberg & A. Earnhardt (Eds.), Sports mania: Essays on fandom and the media in the 21st century (pp. 229-242). Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company.


Serazio, M. (2017). Illuminating the invisible: The guerrilla logic and strategy ofdigital branded content. Advertising & Society Quarterly, 18(4).

Serazio, M. (2011). Against McCollege. In B. Zelizer (Ed.), Making the university matter (pp. 53-54). London, UK: Routledge.

Serazio, M. (2009). Free newspapers. In C.H. Sterline (Ed.), Encyclopedia of journalism (Vol. 2, pp. 648-650). New York, NY: Sage.

Serazio, M. (2009). Rethinking a villain, redeeming a format: The crisis and cure in tabloidization. In B. Zelizer (Ed.), The changing faces of journalism: Tabloidization, technology and truthiness (pp. 13-16). London, UK: Routledge.


Boston College "Teacher of the Year" (awarded by Alpha Sigma Nu chapter) (2021)

Top Papers in ICA Sports Communication Interest Group (2021)

The power of sports: Media and spectacle in American culture

Top Paper in ICA Media Industry Studies Interest Group (2019)

Bruce E. Gronbeck Political Communication Research Award (2018)

Top Paper in NCA Communication & Sport Division (2018)

NCA Michael Pfau Outstanding Article Award (Top Article in Political Communication) (2016)

Your ad here: The cool sell of guerrilla marketing

NCA Gerald R. Miller Award (Top Doctoral Dissertation) (2011)

Top Paper in ICA Popular Communication Division (2011)

NCA Donald P. Cushman Award Finalist (Top Student Paper) (2007)

Top Papers in NCA American Studies Division (2007)

The Father Flynn Award (2002)

Graduate of the Year (2002)


Serazio, M. (Apr 2024). Inside pop music's authenticity industry: Production studies of the art of selling out. Media Industries Conference - London, England.

Serazio, M. (Mar 2024). The pros of compensation justice, the cons of amateurism: Analyzing post-NIL 'student-athlete' media discourse. International Association for Communication and Sport - Los Angeles, CA.

Serazio, M. (May 2023). Inside social media's authenticity industry: Producing environments for amateur self-performance. International Communication Association, Media Industry Studies Interest Group - Toronto, Canada.

Serazio, M., & Pickert, K. (May 2022). Staging the un-staged self: Production strategies in reality television's authenticity industry. International Communication Association, Popular Media & Culture Division - Paris, France.

Serazio, M. (May 2021). The irreverent life and uncompromising death of Deadspin: Sports blogging as punk journalism. International Communication Assocation, Sports Communication Interest Group - Denver, CO (virtual).

Serazio, M. (May 2019). The power of sports: Media and spectacle in American culture. International Communication Association, Sports Communication and Social Justice Pre-Conference – Washington, DC.

Serazio, M. (May 2019). The other “fake” news: Professional ideals and ambitions in brand journalism. International Communication Association, Journalism Studies Division – Washington, DC.

Serazio, M. (May 2019). Making (branded) news: The corporate co-optation of online journalistic production. International Communication Association, Media Industry Studies Interest Group – Washington, DC. 

Serazio, M. (May 2019). When news becomes guerrilla advertising: The industrial history and guerrilla logic of brand journalism production. International Communication Association, Interdivisional Theme Panel (“News or Not? Methodological Considerations in Measuring Recognition of Native Advertising in Digital News Contexts”) – Washington, DC.

Serazio, M. (November 2018). The transformations in American sports journalism: Managing access and autonomy in the production of infotainment. National Communication Association, Top Papers in Communication and Sport Division – Salt Lake City, UT.

Serazio, M. (June 2018). Making and managing meritocratic heroes: The production of celebrity capital in the sports media industries. Celebrity Studies Conference – Rome, Italy.

Serazio, M. (May 2018). Commercial anti-politics and meritocratic myths: Producing the invisible conservatism of American sports culture. International Communication Association, Popular Communication Division – Prague, Czech Republic.

Serazio, M. (May 2018). The creeping colonization of commercialism: A production study of the American sports media industries. International Communication Association, Media Industry Studies Interest Group – Prague, Czech Republic.

Serazio, M., & Thorson, E. (May 2018). Weaponized patriotism in Kaepernick’s aftermath: The anti-politics of American sports fandom. International Communication Association, Sports Communication Interest Group – Prague, Czech Republic. 

Thorson, E., & Serazio, M. (May 2017). Apolitical escapism or covert ideological vehicle? The relationship between sports fandom and political attitudes. International Communication Association, Sports Communication Division – San Diego, CA. 

Shaker, L., & Serazio, M. (November 2016). The triumph of the reality idles: Or, how we learned to love inertia. National Communication Association, Media Ecology Division – Philadelphia, PA. 

Serazio, M., & Duffy, B. (June 2016). The Instagram ethic and the spirit of social capitalism: Authenticity, micro-celebrity, and digital brand labor. Celebrity Studies Conference – Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 

Serazio, M. (June 2016). Producing popular politics: The infotainment strategies of American campaign consultants. International Communication Association, Popular Communication Division – Fukuoka, Japan. 

Serazio, M. (July 2015). Branding politics: Emotion, authenticity, and the encoding of political communication. International Popular Culture Association - Reykjavik, Iceland.

Serazio, M. (May 2015). The paranoid style in American political communication: 'Anti-establishment' discourse and contemporary GOP spin. International Communication Association, Political Communication Association - San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Serazio, M. (May 2014). Producing viral politics: Technological strategies, cultural production, and campaign consultants. International Communication Association Preconference on Qualitative Political Communication Research - Seattle, WA.

Serazio, M. (Nov 2013). The stage managers of political communication: New media designs and campaign production in a fragmented era. National Communication Association, Political Communication Division - Washington, DC.

Serazio, M. (Jul 2012). Selling (digital) millennials: The social construction and technological bias of a consumer generation. International Association of Media and Communication Research, Emerging Scholars Network - Durban, South Africa.

Serazio, M., & Szarek, W. (Jul 2012). The art of producing consumers: A critical textual analysis of post-communist Polish advertising. International Association of Media and Communication Research, Post-Socialist and Post-Authoritarian Communication Working Group - Durban, South Africa.

Serazio, M. (Jul 2012). Crowd-sourcing consumer governance: Social media marketing and the Web 2.0 populism of viral culture. International Association of Media and Communication Research, Political Economy Section - Durban, South Africa.

Serazio, M. (Nov 2011). Buzz agency and the regime of dialogue: How brands conscript conversation and govern unmanageable subjects. National Communication Association, Critical and Cultural Studies Division - New Orleans, LA.

Serazio, M. (May 2011). The ambient governance of advertainment: Branding power, popular culture, and consumer agency. International Communication Association, Popular Communication Division - Boston, MA.

Serazio, M. (May 2011). The conquest of contemporary cool: Culture jamming, guerrilla marketing, and consumer governance. International Communication Association, Popular Communication Division - Boston, MA.

Serazio, M. (Nov 2009). Shooting for fame: Spectacular youth, Web 2.0 dystopia, and the celebrity anarchy of generation mash-up. Media, Communication and the Spectacle - Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

Serazio, M. (Nov 2009). Your ad here: The creative channels and unexpected spectacles of guerrilla marketing. National Communication Association, Critical and Cultural Studies Division - Chicago, IL.

Serazio, M. (Jul 2009). The fellowship toward the ring: Totem loyalty and fandom rituals of Philadelphia's brotherly October. International Association for Media and Communication Research, Media and Sport Section - Mexico City, Mexico.

Serazio, M. (May 2009). The r3VOLution will not be televised: An ethnographic essay on politics 2.0 and Ron Paul's mash-up subculture. International Communication Association, Political Communication Division - Chicago, IL.

Serazio, M. (May 2009). When the sportswriters go marching in: Sports journalism, collective trauma and memory metaphors. International Communication Association, Popular Communication Division - Chicago, IL.

Serazio, M. (Nov 2008). (New) media ecology and generation mash-up identity: The technological bias of millennial youth. National Communication Association, Media Ecology Association - San Diego, CA.

Serazio, M. (Nov 2008). Geopolitical proselytizing in the marketplace for loyalties: Rethinking the global gospel of American Christian broadcasting. National Communication Association, Religious Communication Association - San Diego, CA.

Serazio, M., & Figueiras, R. (Jul 2008). Modernity stillborn: European anxieties and Catholic identities in Portugal's abortion debate. Association for Cultural Studies Crossroads - Kingston, Jamaica.

Serazio, M., & Hardy, B.W. (May 2008). Right behind Left Behind: The conservative geopolitics of Christian apocalypse entertainment. International Communication Association, Political Communication Division - Montreal, Canada.

Serazio, M. (Nov 2007). Ethos groceries and countercultural appetites: A case study of Whole Foods. National Communication Association, Top Papers in American Studies Division - Chicago, IL.

Wainwright, D., Serazio, M., & Nagler, R. (Jul 2007). Buy me, be me: Gender, sexuality, and thin-ideal messages in teen magazine advertisements. International Association for Media and Communication Research, Gender and Communication Section - Paris, France.

Serazio, M. (Jul 2007). Celebrity anarchy: Rethinking fame for the 21st century. International Association for Media and Communication Research, Emerging Scholars Network - Paris, France.

Serazio, M. (Nov 2006). A war on meaning: Public discourse and the ban on flag-draped coffin images. National Communication Association, Visual Communication Division - San Antonio, TX.

Serazio, M. (Jul 2006). Virtual sports consumption, authentic brotherhood: The reality of fantasy football. International Association for Media and Communication Research, Media and Sport Section - Cairo, Egypt.


@ Boston College

Clough Center for the Study of Constitutional Democracy: "Spring Symposium on Journalism and Democracy" Panel Moderator on "Transformations in Journalism" (16 Mar 2023)

C21 Event: "How Are You Doing? Finding Faith During the Pandemic (and Beyond)" Event Organizer and Moderator (28 Feb 2023)

Office of Residential Life Annual Retreat: Keynote Panelist (10 Jan 2023)

The Gavel: "Journalism in College and Beyond" Panelist (1 Nov 2022)

Clough Center for the Study of Constitutional Democracy: "Renewing Journalism, Restoring Democracy: Framing the Conversation" Introduction and Q & A Moderator with CNN anchor Jim Acosta (22 Sep 2022)

Department of Communication: "Sports, Race, Pop Culture, and Social Justice" with ESPN Vice President and Editor-in-Chief Raina Kelley - Host (12 Oct 2021)

First-Year Academic Convocation Speaker Sherry Turkle - Luncheon Introduction and Q & A (9 Sep 2021)

Boisi Center for Religion & American Public Life: "Engaging The Social Dilemma: Social Media and the Polarization of Politics and Pews" - Host and Panelist (21 Apr 2021)

Department of Communication: “Coping: A Conversation on How We’re Getting By” – Host and Panelist (22 Apr 2020)

Agape Latte: “The 5 Things I Fell in Love With” – Speaker (11 Feb 2020)

Council for Women at Boston College: “Navigating the Social Media Society” – Speaker (17 Oct 2019)

Phi Beta Kappa Society: “In Media Res(t): Social Media Now” – Panelist (5 Sept 2019)

Undergraduate Government of Boston College: “Election 2020: The Social Media Race” – Panelist (10 Apr 2019)

Department of Communication: “Disrupted: The Digital Life and Media Work” with Gizmodo editor Hudson Hongo – Host (26 Mar 2019)

Department of Communication: “Sports After #MeToo” with NBC Boston’s Trenni Kusnierek, Boston Globe’s Tara Sullivan, and Getty Images’ Maddie Meyer – Host (25 Sep 2018)

Campus Ministry Appa General Meeting: “Sports and Inequality” – Speaker (12 Nov 2017)

Excellence in Teaching Day: “Real News, Real Sources: A Civic Responsibility” – Panelist (8 May 2017)

Department of Communication: “Beyond the Box Score” with New York Times sportswriter Ben Shpigel – Host (16 Feb 2017)

Department of Communication: “Talking Democracy” with FiveThirtyEight senior political writer Harry Enten – Introduction (15 Nov 2016)

Department of Communication: “Talking Democracy” with New York writer Annie Lowrey – Host (12 Oct 2016)

Lilly Graduate Fellows Conference: Panelist (16 Aug 2016)

Boston College Women’s Summit: “Imagination” – Panel Moderator (9 Apr 2016)

Department of Communication: “Primary Talk” – Host (3 Feb 2016)

Boston College Residential Life: Pathways Faculty Connection Program (3 Dec 2015)

International Education Week: “The Power of Global Pop Culture” – Speaker (11 Nov 2015)

@ Fairfield University

Q & A with Jenna Bush and Alexandra Pelosi (25 Mar 2014)

Q & A with Emily Bazelon, New York Times Magazine staff writer (2 Mar 2015)

Introduction and Q & A with Alessandra Stanley and Frank Bruni, New York Times columnists (9 Oct 2014)

Q & A with David Gregory, Meet the Press host (22 Sep 2014)

"Fairfield, Francis, and the Frontier" President's Mission & Identity Retreat speech (20 Sep 2014)

Internship session at AJCU Communication Departments Meeting (14 Jul 2014)

Q & A with Ronan Farrow, MSNBC host (18 Mar 2014)

Introduction to A.O. Scott, New York Times film critic (27 Jan 2014)

"The Future of Spin" 92nd Street Y telecast pre-lecture (23 Oct 2013)

Introduction and Q & A with Steve Kroft, 60 Minutes Correspondent (16 Sep 2013)

Q & A with Kati Marton, ABC and NPR correspondent (12 Nov 2012)

Panelist for "The Changing Face of News" with Len Downie, Washington Post editor (12 Nov 2012)

Introduction and Q & A with Byron Pitts, 60 Minutes Correspondent (23 Feb 2011)

The power of sports: Media and spectacle in American culture

Loyola Marymount University – Los Angeles, CA (2 Mar 2020)

University of Arizona – Tucson, AZ (31 Jan 2020)

Portland State University – Portland, OR (21 Jan 2020)

Georgetown University’s Sport at the Service of Humanity Conference – Washington, DC (7 Nov 2019)

Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism – New York, NY (11 Oct 2019)

Boston College’s Boisi Center for Religion and American Public Life – Chestnut Hill, MA (4 Oct 2019)

University of Tampa – Tampa, FL (4 Mar 2019)

Americana: The Journal of American Popular Culture – Q & A with Editor Leslie Kreiner Wilson (Spring 2019 issue)

Your ad here: The cool sell of guerrilla marketing 

Portland State University - Portland, OR (20 May 2014)

Marketing Roundtable, Cultural Alliance of Fairfield County - Fairfield, CT (18 Sep 2013)

University of Pennsylvania Bookstore - Philadelphia, PA (22 Apr 2013)

Temple University - Philadelphia, PA (22 Apr 2013)

Fairfield University Bookstore - Fairfield, CT (10 Apr 2013)

University of San Francisco - San Francisco, CA (29 Nov 2011)

@ Other Speaking Events

Advertising & Society Quarterly (Online): "Advertising in Popular Culture: Stealth Marketing in 'The Joneses'" Panelist (Summer 2022 Issue)

United Nations of Greater Boston Charter Circle Gathering (Longwood Cricket Club) – Sports and Diplomacy Co-Keynote Speaker (21 Sep 2021)

UT-Austin Center for Sports Communication & Media (Online): "Pandemic Politics on the Playing Field" – Panelist (28 May 2020)

AEJMC Sports Communication Division (Online): “Strategic Sports Communication: A Teaching Panel” – Panelist (14 Feb 2020)

American Studies Seminar (Kennedy Presidential Library): “The New Media Designs of American Political Campaigns” – Speaker (18 Jul 2019)

Advertising & Society Quarterly (Boston, MA): “Roundtable on Masculinities in Advertising” – Panelist (9 May 2019)

Advertising & Society Quarterly (Online): “Author Meets Critics” with Andrew Essex – Panelist (5 Nov 2018)

Advertising & Society Quarterly (New York, NY): “Roundtable on New Mediascapes and the Futures of Advertising” – Panelist (18 Aug 2017)

American Press Institute and The Atlantic (Washington, DC): “Clearing the Fog on Sponsored Content: A Thought Leader Summit” Conference – “Ethics and Transparency” Panelist (25 Sep 2013)

“Transmedia Hollywood 4” Conference (University of California at Los Angeles): “Revolutionary Advertising: Cultivating Cultural Movements” Panelist (12 Apr 2013)

Fairfield Museum’s Public Schools Professional Development Day (Fairfield, CT): “Linking Baseball Culture and Classroom Learning” – Panelist  (2 Nov 2010) 

“Blowing Up the Brand” Conference (New York University): Panel Respondent (9 May 2009)


Associate Professor - Boston College

Assistant Professor - Fairfield University

Master's Thesis/Project - Fairfield University 

Senior or Honor's Thesis - Fairfield University

Instructor - Drexel University

Instructor - University of Pennsylvania

Teaching Fellow - University of Pennsylvania


Advertising Educational Foundation (3-7 Jun 2019)

Boston College

Fairfield University Summer Research Stipend (2011)

Monbusho (Japanese Government) Grant (2000-2001)


@ Boston College

University Service:

Department of Communication Service:

Ignatian Colleagues Program

National Seminar for Jesuit Higher Education

@ Fairfield University

Editorial Board Member

Manuscript Reviewer

Annenberg School for Communication Graduate Council (2006)

Alpha Sigma Nu (2001 induction) 


Research Fellow - University of Pennsylvania

Annenberg/Oxford Summer Institute (2007)


Freelance Contributor:

Serazio, M. (29 May 2024). Your favorite brand no longer cares about being woke. Vox.

Serazio, M. (23 Feb 2024). Authenticity merchants. The Pennsylvania Gazette.

Serazio, M. (22 Feb 2024). TikTok can't save Biden's campaign. Time.

Serazio, M. (25 Dec 2023). Merriam-Webster's word of the year 2023 is 'authentic.' Here's how corporate America hacked the cult of authenticity. Fortune.

Serazio, M. (19 Nov 2023). Authenticity is fake. The Boston Globe.

Serazio, M. (27 Oct 2023). Why Elon Musk is obsessed with casting X as the most 'authentic' social media platform. The Conversation.

Serazio, M. (17 Aug 2023). The algorithm vs the syllabus. The Boston Globe.

Serazio, M. (3 Mar 2023). The madness of sports plays on way after March. Conversations on Jesuit Higher Education.

Serazio, M. (7 Apr 2021). The GOP hates baseball now. But it has always been a conservative sport. The Washington Post.

Serazio, M. (15 Sep 2020). The numbers behind America's 180 on athlete activism. The Conversation.

Serazio, M. (29 Jan 2020). Super Bowl Sunday: A reading list. NYU Press “From the Square” Blog.

Serazio, M. (2 Nov 2019). Deadspin died just like it lived. The sports world will be worse off withoutit. The Washington Post.

Serazio, M. (28 Oct 2019). Football’s ‘woke’ moment is over. Vox.

Serazio, M. (8 Oct 2019). How the NFL connects TV, advertising, and American culture. Adweek.

Serazio, M. (8 Oct 2019). The NBA doesn’t care about China. Or being ‘woke.’ It only cares about money. The Washington Post.

Serazio, M. (5 Sep 2019). How the fantasy sports boom reflects the changing nature of masculinity. The Washington Post.

Serazio, M. (27 Aug 2019). Why Andrew Luck’s retirement was so shocking. The New York Times.

Serazio, M. (20 Aug 2019). We keep score through togetherness. SportsBusiness Journal.

Serazio, M. (13 Jun 2019). ‘I still get tweets to go back in the kitchen’ – the enduring power of sexism insports media. The Conversation.

Serazio, M. (24 May 2019). How empty displays of sports patriotism allow Americans to forget the troops. The Washington Post.

Serazio, M. (5 Sep 2018). Nike isn’t trying to be ‘woke.’ It’s trying to sell shoes. The Washington Post

Serazio, M., & Thorson, E. (2 Oct 2017). Sports were already politicized. And sports culture is deeply conservative. The Washington Post.

Serazio, M. (Fall 2017). Teaching through Trump (and my own bias). Conversations, 52, 52.

Serazio, M. (17 Jan 2017). A San Diego fan's eulogy: Dispatches from the last Chargers game. Ever. Sports Illustrated's "The Cauldron."

Serazio, M. (12 Jan 2017). Why sports should be more political. Bloomberg View.

Serazio, M. (Spring 2017). Making micro-aggressions visible. Conversations, 51, 16-17.

Serazio, M. (21 Mar 2016). Guerrilla marketing: How Cubans work around a national ban on advertising. The Atlantic.

Serazio, M. (Fall 2015). What technology can't replace. Conversations, 48, 19-20.

Serazio, M. (21 Jun 2014). GOP's 'anti-establishment' con job: A cynical gambit to secretly talk about class. Salon.

Serazio, M. (15 Jan 2014). Apple's new ad: Don't worry about jobs, follow your passion! The New Republic.

Serazio, M. (2 Jul 2013). Why advertising has become guerrilla warfare. The Wall Street Journal's "Speakeasy" Blog.

Serazio, M. (1 Jul 2013). Selling out for sponsored content. The Nation.

Serazio, M. (30 Apr 2013). How guerrilla marketers made people into their platform. Bloomberg View.

Serazio, M. (11 Apr 2013). Digital journalism and the end of church and state. NYU Press "From the Square" Blog.

Serazio, M. (29 Jan 2013). Just how much is sports fandom like religion? The Atlantic.

Serazio, M. (5 Nov 2012). Before the polls close: Early lessons from the 2012 campaign. NYU Press "From the Square" Blog.

Serazio, M. (26 Sep 2012). 'The Real Mitt Romney' is funny, but is it art? The Atlantic.

Serazio, M. (Summer 2011). Social media and the Arab Spring. Fairfield Magazine.

Serazio, M. (22 Apr 2011). 'The Greatest Movie Ever Sold' and the future of product placement. The Atlantic.

Serazio, M. (11 Jan 2011). Jared Lee Loughner and rise of anti-social media. The Atlantic.

Serazio, M. (29 May 2009). Shooting for fame: The (anti-)social media of a YouTube killer. FlowTV, 9(14).

Serazio, M. (18 May 2008). John McCain's big Ron Paul problem. The Providence Journal.

Serazio, M. (3 Jul 2007). Die Hard necon. PopMatters.

Philadelphia Weekly pop music previews (2006-2008)

AlterNet reporting and op-ed essay (2002-2003)

Staff Writer - Houston Press (2003-2005)


The Livingston Awards (2005)

The Maggie Awards (2005)

The Lone Star Awards


The power of sports: Media and spectacle in American culture (radio/audio appearances to discuss book):

WKNY’s “Warren in the Morning” (20 Mar 2019); Progressive Radio Network’s “Insight with Mark Farrell” (21 Mar 2019); WRNJ’s “Dave & Jay on Saturday” (23 Mar 2019); CBC Saskatchewan’s Morning Edition (25 Mar 2019); WOCA’s “AM Ocala” (25 Mar 2019); WGCH’s “Happy & Healthy at Any Age” (26 Mar 2019); CBC Saskatchewan’s “Blue Sky” (27 Mar 2019); KFI’s “Sunday Morning with Elizabeth Espinosa” (31 Mar 2019); KDKA’s “The Moore of Pittsburgh” (31 Mar 2019); WPVQ’s “Conversations Live with Cyrus Webb” (4 Apr 2019); WNPV’s “A.M. Edition” (5 Apr 2019); WFHG’s “Super Talk Saturday Morning” (6 Apr 2019); KBKW’s “Coffee Talk” (16 Apr 2019); BizTalk Radio’s “Frankie Boyer Show” (23 Apr 2019); SiriumXM’s BYU Radio “Top of Mind with Julie Rose” (26 Apr 2019); KTYM’s “Issues Today with Bob Gourley” (30 Apr 2019); WNTN’s “1550 Today” (4 May 2019); Voice America’s “The Patricia Raskin Show” (10 Jun 2019); KPR’s “Conversations” (19 Jul 2019); Rich Take on Sports Podcast (26 Jul 2019); WBUR’s “Radio Boston” (28 Aug 2019); Sports Lifestyle Podcast with Mike Gugat (29 Aug 2019); American Variety Radio with Court Lewis (13-15 Sep 2019);’s “Home and Home with Ross Tucker and Dave Briggs” (9 Oct 2019); KCBS Radio (2 Nov 2019)

On advertising:

Stout, M. (26 Oct 2022). A political ad cries foul about 'books with sex acts.' The TV station running it added a disclaimer. The Boston Globe.

McCarthy, T. (17 Apr 2021). Is capitalism really coming to the rescue of American democracy? The Guardian.

Zanger, D. (14 Jan 2021). Consumers are fine with politics in Super Bowl ads - but mass appeal matters. Adweek.

Greater Boston (27 Feb 2020). When billionaires give to charity. WGBH.

Pampuro, A. (13 Sep 2019). Wearing your candidate on your sleeve: Merchandising the 2020 race. Courthouse News.

Denton, J. (18 Jun 2019). What is with all the bad corporate tweets? Pacific Standard.

Colletta, J. (20 Sep 2018). Amazon ambassadors: Innovative or unethical? Human Resources Executive.

McCarthy, T. (16 Sep 2018). Woke business: Have big brands found a conscience or a marketing ploy? The Guardian.

Nehman, B. (7 Sep 2018). Nike’s Colin Kaepernick ad. WBAL News Now.

Heslam, J. (3 Apr 2018). Power of ad money weighs on Laura Ingraham. Boston Herald

Garfield, B. (25 Mar 2016). Cuba's advertising challenge. On The Media.

Chayka, K. (29 Jan 2015). Meet the Don Draper of guerrilla marketing.

Smith, S.V. (18 Mar 14). Quizzes are free data mining tools for brands. Marketplace.

Jenkins, H. (17 Sep 2013). Guerrilla marketing?: An interview with Michael Serazio. Confessions of an Aca-Fan: The Official Weblog of Henry Jenkins.

Pooley, J. (3 Jul 2013). Your ad here: The cool sell of guerrilla marketing. New Books in Communications Podcast.

Boyd, K. (28 May 2013). From product to cultural craze. KERA's "Think."

On new media:

Wortham, S. (27 Mar 2023) Does the medium override the message? Pulled Up Short podcast.

Matsumoto, H. (12 Dec 2022). Worried Musk, will Twitter 'break away from ad dependence'? Nikkei Business.

Duffy, C. (22 Nov 2022). Elon Musk has upended Twitter's business. Here's how he could fix it.

Wagner, K. (10 Oct 2020). Facebook, Twitter brace for possible election-night chaos. Bloomberg News.

Greater Boston (8 Jan 2020). Facebook vows to fight deepfakes with new policy. WGBH.

The Take (17 Jun 2019). Concerns that ‘deepfakes’ technology could impact disinformation wars. NECN. 

Shane, S., & Isaac, M. (3 Nov 2017). Facebook says it’s policing fake accounts. But they’re still easy to spot. The New York Times.

Timpane, J. (20 Jul 2014). The social media side of war. The Philadelphia Inquirer.

Nielsen, R.K. (27 Jan 2013). QualPolComm preview interview. Qualitative Research Blog.

Smith, S.V. (23 Apr 2013). Twitter edges closer to TV with advertising deal. Marketplace.

Leopold, T. (27 Mar 2013). The internet: It's like never leaving junior high.

Adelson, E. (9 Sep 2011). Could Twitter or Facebook have made a difference? Yahoo! News.

MSNBC's "Jansing & Co." (13 Jan 2011)

WNPR's "Where We Live" (11 Jan 2011)

Smith, A. (10 Jan 2011). Arizona tragedy serves as reminder to colleges to remain vigilant in recognizing signs of anti-social behavior. The New Haven Register.

On sports:

Top of Mind with Julie Rose (9 Jan 2023). Is sports fandom good for America? Sirius XM's BYU Radio.

Bracken, A., & Hindmon, J. (17 Oct 2022). A new type of religion: What drives sports fandom. KPBS San Diego.

Peter, J. (18 Mar 2021). Why holding an NCAA tournament office pool is more important than ever. USA Today.’s “Home & Home with Ross Tucker and Dave Briggs” (9 Oct 2019). Is the NBA hypocritical? 

Tobin, A. (30 Oct 2013). OK, Boston, congrats. But who won the World Series of fans? Marketplace.

Jaque, J.M. (23 Mar 2013). Cambiar de equipo de futbol... ? Y por que no? La Tercera (Chile)

WBAL's (Baltimore) "Maryland's News Now" (31 Jan 2013)

Meltzer, K. (19 Oct 2012). Fan psychology: Why we 'grieve' when our sports teams suffer gut-wrenching losses. Yahoo! Sports.

On politics:

Parnes, A., & Mastrangelo, D. (8 Apr 2023). Indictment underscores media's Trump obsession. The Hill.

Feitelberg, R. (5 Jan 2023). Politicians and fashion designers increasingly team up to benefit both sides. Women's Wear Daily.

Greater Boston (30 Jan 2019). Trump’s misstatements: Lies, delusions, or manipulations? WGBH.

Greater Boston (2 Aug 2017). Conspiracy theorists creeping into the mainstream. WGBH. 

Altimari, D. (23 Oct 2012). In U.S. senate race, McMahon and Murphy sticking to prepared scripts. The Hartford Courant.

Timpane, J. (22 Oct 2012). Tonight's debate: Lions, tigers, and bears - or elephants vs. donkeys. The Philadelphia Inquirer.


Illa: Explorations in Philly identity

Credit Card Debt Public Service Announcement ("Priceless")

Prime Time Doctors, 2nd edition


American Association of University Professors (Fairfield University chapter)

National Communication Association

International Communication Association

International Association for Media and Communication Research

Association for Cultural Studies