
“Linden United Methodist Church Welcomes You”

“Vision Statement”

Through the grace of God, we create opportunities where all people can seek God and enhance their faith. On our journey we seek awareness of each other’s needs through open communication and prayer.

Reaching out, we are God’s hands in action.

Linden United Methodist Church

Pastor Kim Montenegro

19147 E. Hwy 26 Sunday Morning Activities

Linden, CA 95236 Adult Bible Study 9:15 am

209 887-3362 Sunday Worship: 10:30 am


Youth Sunday School 10:45 am

Fellowship Time: 11:30 am

”Church Retreat”

Blessings this Easterside to you! Easter is a time of rebirth and renewal. A time to look at what new life is able to spring forth.

In that spirit, we will be hosting a church retreat June 30th from 9:00 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Central United Methodist Church. Our facilitator will be Pastor Dale Weatherspoon, who also co-led our cross racial/ cross cultural training when I arrived in Linden. Lunch will be provided.

As we move closer to June 30th, I invite you to think about what type of United Methodist Church you would like to see in Linden. For many of you, this might be the first time, or the first timein a long time, you've thought about planning for the church of the future.

First, I invite you to take some time in prayer to consider how God may be calling us as a community. As the Psalmist writes in Psalm 46:10, "Be Still, and know that I am God". Let us be still and know how God is calling us to be proactive both inside the walls of our church and also, outside.

Second, I would invite you to leave our church for a Sunday. Yes, you read that correctly, leave our church for a Sunday and visit another church. You may see things that you like, or dislike, but that isn't what I would like you to pay attention to. Look at what is their mission and how are they are living out their call to God. If you aren't sure what it is, that says something too. Third, be in prayer for our church as we move into this new stage in our life cycle.

Peace and Prayers to you,

Pastor Kim

Cherry Festival Time

Fun-Work “or” Work-Fun in LUMC’s Booth

at the Cherry Festival !

The Famous Linden Cherry Festival will again be Saturday, May 19 from 10:00 am ( 15 minute parade time) through 4:00 pm when all the cherry items are hopefully sold out. Come enjoy the games, car show, booths, live music, eats, etc. at Linden Elementary School on Front St. No admission fee and friendly country folks every where !

Whether you come and help for the fun or for the work, it’s time to come together to help with one of our main church fundraisers. If you have not signed up to help or provide desserts or $$ , please let Gwen know (887-3153) and help make the day a day of fun work .

If visiting the Festival for the first time, look for the LUMC booth with “yummy” hamburgers and colorful desserts.

It will make your day !!!

Also, look for the Opportunity Drawing for the “famous Mendocino House” use for 4 days/ 3 nights offered by Bob & Cherie Sivell at the Cherry Festival. Great relaxing and beautiful ocean view from the house to the lucky winner. Drawing will be at the Church Street BBQ in August. Get your tickets now before they run out!

Thought for this Beacon until the next one!

Remember, when the world pushes you to your knees, you’re in the perfect position to pray. Being happy doesn’t mean everything’s perfect. It means you’ve decided to see beyond the imperfections.

Please join us the second Tuesdays of the month

in the Church Parlor at 10:30 am.

For the May 8th meeting please bring a small salad to share.

For the June 5th meeting we will be having our meeting in Caroline Walsh’s lovely garden area. Please note that this will be a week earlier and the last meeting before Sept. Please bring a potluck dish to share or come with just the gift of yourself, if you do not bring potluck. We seem to have more than enough to share.

We always are more glad to see you than the food.

Remember to bring your

“fellowship, smiles, joy, and love of God”

Great connecting times! Bring a friend, too.


Kathy Hill

We Now Have Our Own Web Page !

Many many thanks to parishioner Kim Loftin-Fleck for composing and starting up a web page for Linden United Methodist Church. Be sure to check it out and add it to your favorites. It is:

Also, let Kim know of activities , info, pictures, etc concerning the church to be added to it. Her e-mail address is Technology has become another way to stay connected in God’s ever changing world.

Annual Yard Sale Continues !

Save the date of Saturday, June 9, to come as you are for our “well known” Annual Yard Sale by the church bell from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm (or before if everything is sold). Now’s the time to clean out your garage and cupboards to add items to the yard sale. Reminder that items need to be in good working condition. ( No clothes as they go to the Food/Clothes Closet.) If you need help getting your items to the church, we have several people to call for help.

Bob 887-3153, Ginger 887-2801, Cherie 887-3469.

Be sure to look for the “Yard Sale Super Helpers Sign Up” to sign your name to help with the duties of the sale. Remember many hands help make the load lighter as this fundraiser guides the church in reaching out to the community & the world. Much Appreciated !

Join us for Family Fun at Silver Lake on July 13, 14, and 15 for LUMC’s annual Bible Camp Out! Activities for all ages! Join us for a morning, an afternoon, a day or the whole weekend! Our spiritual theme is “God’s Creation.” For information or to sign up, see or call Jo Baker-Warren, 887-3508 or 481-9423.

************************************************* Trustees News

by Gayle Watkins

Your Trustees have been "on the job," working with the past

as well as looking toward the future. Our antiquated sprinkler

system in the side yard has been repaired and upgraded. Many

thanks to an anonymous donor for paying for this $1200 project!!

Also, we have received a donation from Ben Beal, Scheryle Beal's father-in-law, of a new door to replace the broken one on Mission Hall. Several of our men went up on the church roof to cement loose capstones edging the roof, which was a big job.

Our Spring Work Day was a success, with yard work and chores getting done. Thanks to all who participated in that as well as for the times you give during the week, when the only one who sees you is God.

We have two projects going that will enhance the future of LUMC. First, we are converting the small room downstairs into a Family Comfort Room. It will include a crib, changing table, and rocker and is being funded by our Claude PotterYouth Memorial Fund. If you are interested in helping with this renovation project, contact a Trustee. Secondly, we submitted a grant proposal to the Central District Extension Society for a laptop computer, projector and screen to enhance our worship and community events with multi-sensory

technology. LUMC is on the move!

Thanks & “MORE” Thanks

to those who stepped up to “greater heights” to repair some unsafe roof caps on the church building recently. The crew of Dick, Dave, Jerry, and Lee took on the task and climbed that ladder and hauled up those heavy buckets of cement to correct the problem. Our trustees are worth “gold” to the church as they continuously maintain our aging buildings and property. Also, check out the needed plastering repair work done on Mission Hall exterior by Jerry. Looks great !

“Proof !”

Do you want proof of Jesus at work in the world?

It’s in the letters! Try each of these. Read the first letters … vertically

Put others first! In all you do, when you put the needs of other people first. You will experience Him.

Rely on God! Instead of relying on your own strength & abilities, trust that God is at work in you.

Open your heart to God & others! In all your encounters, believe that there is blessing, hope and opportunity to grow and to know that Christ is really and truly with you.

Offer your service to others! Seek out opportunities to do something in the name of the Lord, and in that work you’ll find Jesus there, too.

Feel the presence of God at all times and everywhere! In all situations, look, listen & feel for the presence of God.

It is truly there! “Proof” positive!