Publications and conferences


Panico, L., Goisis, A., & Martinson, M. (2024). Gradients in low birthweight by maternal education: a comparative perspective. SSM-Population Health, 101674.  Full text available here

Solaz, A., Panico, L., Sheridan, A., Schneider, T., Dräger, J., Waldfogel, J., Kwon, S.J., Washbrook, E. and Perinetti Casoni, V. (2024) Does Family Structure Account for Child Achievement Gaps by Parental Education? Findings for England, France, Germany and the United States. Population and Development Review. Full text: 

Babarovic, T., Krpanec, E., Blažev, M., Dević, I., Downey, S., Huttunen, I., Panico, L., … Pollock, G. (2024). Children’s understanding of well-being related questions: results of cognitive interviews in four European countries. International Journal of Social Research Methodology. 

Waldfogel, J., Kwon, S.J., Wang, Y., Washbrook, L., Perinetti Casoni, V., Olczyk, M., Schneider, T., Panico, L., Solaz,  A., Weinert, S., Volodina, A., de la Rie, S., Keizer, R., Nozaki, K., Yamashita, J., Kameyama, Y., & Akabayashi, H. (2023) Inequalities in Resources for Preschool-Age Children by Parental Education: Evidence from Six Advanced Industrialized Countries. European Journal of Population 39(37). doi: 10.1007/s10680-023-09685-0 

Panico, L., & Tô, M. (2023). A distributional decomposition of birthweight differences by maternal education: A comparison of France and the UK. The Journal of Economic Inequality 21(3):591-617. doi: 10.1007/s10888-023-09570-0

Panico L., Boinet C., Akabayashi H., de la Rie S., Kwon S.J., Kameyama Y., Keizer R., Nozaki K., Perinetti Casoni V., Volodina A., Waldfogel J., Weinert S., Washbrook E. (2023) International differences in gradients in early childhood overweight and obesity: the role of maternal employment and formal childcare attendance, European Journal of Public Health. doi: 10.1093/eurpub/ckad058 Full text available here 

Florian S, Ichou M, Panico L, et al. (2023) Differences in birth weight between immigrants’ and natives’ children in Europe and Australia: a LifeCycle comparative observational cohort study. BMJ Open 13:e060932. doi:10.1136/ bmjopen-2022-060932. Full text available here.

Pailhé A., Panico L. , Solaz, A. (2022) Children’s Well-Being and Intra-Household Family Relationships during the First COVID-19 Lockdown in France. Journal of Family Research.

Vigezzi, S., Panico L. , Grobon, S., Remillon, D. (2021) Early Exposure to Bilingualism and Subsequent School Trajectories. Revue française de sociologie. Revue française de sociologie, 62(2), 283-318. 

Florian, S., Ichou, M., Panico, L. (2021) Parental migrant status and health inequalities at birth: testing the selection hypothesis. Social Science and Medicine. Volume 278, June 2021, 113915.

Berger L., Ferrari G., Leturcq M., Panico L., Solaz A. (2021) COVID-19 lockdowns and demographically-relevant Google Trends: A cross-national analysis. PLoS ONE 16(3): e0248072. Full text available here

Berger L., Panico L., Solaz A (2021) The Impact of Center-Based Childcare Attendance on Early Child Development:Evidence from the French Elfe Cohort, Demography 58 (2): 419–450. Full text available here.

Pailhé, A., Panico, L. and Heers, M. (2020) Being born to a single mother in France: trajectories of father’s involvement over the first year of life, Longitudinal and Life Course Studies. 11(1): 123-149. Full text available here.

Castillo-Rico, B.; Leturcq, M., Panico, L. (2019) Childhood poverty and deprivation at the starting gate in France: examples using Elfe. Revue des Politiques Sociales et Familiales. 131-132: 35-49.

Schenck-Fontaine, A. & Panico, L. (2019) Many Kinds of Poverty: Three Dimensions of Economic Hardship, Their Combinations, and Children’s Behavior Problems. Demography. Full text available here.

Panico, L., Bartley, M., Kelly, Y., McMunn, A., Sacker, A. (2019) Family structure trajectories and early child health in the UK: Pathways to health. Social Science & Medicine. 232, 220-229. Full text available here

Leturcq, M. & Panico, L. (2019) The Long-Term Effects of Parental Separation on Childhood Multidimensional Deprivation: A Lifecourse Approach. Social Indicators Research. 144(2), 921-954. Full text available here

Grobon S, Panico L, Solaz A. (2019) Inégalités socioéconomiques dans le développement langagier et moteur des enfants à 2 ans. Bulletin d'Epidémiologie Hebdomadaire, 2019;(1):2-9.

El-Khoury Lesueur, F., Sutter-Dallay, A-L., Panico, L., Azria, E., Van der Waerden, J., Regnault Vauvillier, N., Charles M-A., Melchior, M. (2018) The perinatal health of immigrant women in France: a nationally representative study, International Journal of Public Health, 63(9): 1027–1036. 

Nazroo, J., Zilanawala, A., Chen, M., Bécares, L., Davis-Kean, P., Jackson, J.S., Kelly, Y., Panico, L., and Sacker, A. (2018) Socioemotional wellbeing of mixed race/ethnicity children in the UK and US: Patterns and mechanisms, SSM - Population Health, 5:147-159.

El-Khoury, F., Sutter-Dallay, A-L., Panico, L., Charles, M-A., Azria, E., Van der Waerden, J., Melchior, M. (2018) Women’s mental health in the perinatal period according to migrant status: the French representative ELFE birth cohort, European Journal of Public Health, 28(3):458–463.

Reinhard, E., Layte, R., McCrory, C., Panico, L., Avendano, M. (2018) The Great Recession and the Health of Young Children: A Fixed Effects Analysis in Ireland, American Journal of Epidemiology, 187(7): 1438–1448.

Avendano M, Panico L. (2018) Do flexible work policies improve parent’s health? A natural experiment based on the UK Millennium Cohort Study. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 72:244-251. doi: 10.1136/jech-2017-209847 

Berger, L.; Panico, L.; and Solaz, A. (2018) Maternal Repartnering: Does Father Involvement Matter? Evidence from United Kingdom. European Journal of Population, 34(1):1-31. doi:10.1007/s10680-016-9410-4.

Gares, V., Panico, L., Castagne, R., Delpierre, C., & Kelly-Irving, M. (2017). The role of the early social environment on Epstein Barr virus infection: A prospective observational design using the Millennium Cohort Study. Epidemiology and Infection, 145(16), 3405-3412. doi:10.1017/S0950268817002515

Francou, Q., Panico, L. & Solaz, A. (2017). De la naissance à l’école maternelle : des parcours de mode d’accueil diversifiés (From birth to kindergarten: different trajectories of childcare arrangements). Revue française des affaires sociales, n.2, 123-147. Full text available here.

Webb, E., Panico, L., Becares, L., McMunn, A., Kelly, Y., Sacker, A. (2017) The Inter-relationship of Adolescent Unhappiness and Parental Mental Distress. Journal of Adolescent Health, 60(2):196-203. doi: 10.1016/j.adohealth.2016.10.001. Full text available here.

Kelly-Irving, M., Soulier, A., Mabile, L., Bartley, M., Raynaud, J. P., Panico, L., & Blane, D. (2017). Vignettes as tool for research and teaching in life course studies: interdisciplinary approaches. Advances in Life Course Research, 32:35-41. doi: 10.1016/j.alcr.2016.09.001.

Stuart, B. and Panico, L. (2016) Early childhood BMI trajectories: evidence from a prospective, nationally representative British cohort study. Nutrition and Diabetes, 6(e198). doi:10.1038/nutd.2016.6. Full text available here.

Panico L, Stuart B, Bartley M, Kelly Y (2014) Asthma Trajectories in Early Childhood: Identifying Modifiable Factors. PLoS ONE, 9(11):e111922. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0111922. Full text available here.

Panico, L, Becares, L., and Webb, E. (2014) Exploring household dynamics: the reciprocal effects of parents and child’s characteristics. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies, 5(1):42-55. Full text available here.

Panico, L, & Nazroo, JY (2011). The social and economic circumstances of mixed ethnicity children in the UK: Findings from the Millennium Cohort Study. Ethnic and Racial Studies 34(9): 1421-1444. doi: 10.1080/01419870.2011.556745.

Panico, L., Bartley, M., Kelly, Y; McMunn, A; Sacker, A (2010) Changes in family structure in early childhood. Population Trends. 142:78-92. doi: 10.1057/pt.2010.32. Full text available here.

Kelly,Y., Panico,L., Bartley,M., Marmot,M., Nazroo,JY., Sacker,A. (2008). Why does birthweight vary among ethnic groups in the UK? Findings from the Millennium Cohort Study. Journal of Public Health, 31(1):131-137. doi: 10.1093/pubmed/fdn057. Full text available here.

Panico, L; Bartley, M; Marmot, M; Nazroo, JY; Sacker, A; and Kelly, YJ (2007) Ethnic variation in childhood asthma and wheezing illnesses: findings from the Millennium Cohort Study. International Journal of Epidemiology 36: 1093-1102. doi: 10.1093/ije/dym089. Full text available here.


Panico, L., Solaz, A. (2024) Congé parental, modes d’accueil dans la petite enfance et fécondité. Informations Sociales, 211: 51-56

Berger, L., Panico, L., Sheridan, A., Thévenon, O. (2024) Parental emotional support and adolescent well-being: A cross-national examination of socio-economic and gender gaps based on PISA 2018 surveys. OECD Papers on Well-being and Inequalities, n° 20, Éditions OCDE, Paris.

Panico, L. & Washbrook, E. (2022). What will narrow inequalities in child development before school entry? Population and Policy Brief series, n. 38.

Panico, L. (2021). Petite enfance et inégalités de santé et de développement : quel rôle des modes d’accueil pour les diminuer ? Actualité et dossier en santé publique, (113), 28–30.

Thierry, X., Geay, B., Pailhé, P., Berthomier , N., Camus, J., Cauchi-Duval, N., Lanoë, J.L., Octobre, S., Pagis, J., Panico, L., Siméon, T., Solaz, A., et l'équipe Sapris (2021) Les enfants à l’épreuve du premier confinement, Population et Sociétés, (585), 1-4. Full text in English; and in French.

Panico, L. and Kitzmann, M. (2020) Family policies and their impact on child well-being. In N. Ellison and T. Haux (eds.), Handbook on Society and Social Policy, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. Full text available here.

Carbuccia, L., Barone, C., Borst, G., Greulich, A., Panico, L., Tô, M. (2020) Revue de littérature sur les politiques d’accompagnement au développement des capacités des jeunes enfants. Rapport du LIEPP pour la Caisse nationale d’allocation familiales (CNAF). Paris: SciencesPo Paris. Full text available here

Huerta, M.C. & Panico, L. (2018) Evaluating the evidence of the importance of extracurricular activities in promoting socio-emotional skills. Annex 10 to "Les temps et les lieux tiers des enfants et des adolescents hors maison et hors scolarité" rapport adopté par consensus par le Haut Conseil de la Famille, de l'Enfance, et de l'Age. Full text available here

Castillo Rico, B & Panico, L (2017) Statut migratoire des parents et inégalités de santé dans la petite enfance. La santé en action, n° 441, septembre 2017, p. 49-50. Full text available here

Panico, L (2017) Conditions de vie des enfants et répercussion sur l’état de santé futur. Actualité et dossier en santé publique, n° 99, juin 2017, p. 35-39.

Leturcq, M., and Panico, L. (2016) "How does parental separation affect children’s day-to-day life?" N-IUSSP Magazine, December 19th 2016. Full text available here.

Leturcq, M., and Panico, L. (2016) "The long-term effect of parental separation on childhood financial poverty and multidimensional deprivation:a lifecourse approach." INED Documents de travail n° 228. Full text available here.

Panico, L., Tô, M., and Thévenon, O. (2015) What is the link between mothers’ level of education and low birthweight? Population and Societies, issue number 523. Full text available here.

Panico, L. (2011) Does family structure and changes in family structure affect child health, and, if so how? International Centre for Lifecourse Studies Occasional Paper (OP) series n.8.1.

Kelly, Y; McMunn, A; Panico, L; Sacker, A (2010) Lone Parenthood, Work and Health. International Centre for Lifecourse Studies Briefing Note Series BN3. Full text available here.

Calderwood, L., Kelly, Y & Panico, L (2007) Parental Health and Life. In Hansen, K and Joshi, H (eds) Millennium Cohort Study Second Survey: User’s Guide to Initial Findings. London: Institute of Education. Full text available here.

Office for National Statistics (2003) Methods to Estimate Unauthorized Migration. In National Statistics Quality Review of International Migration Statistics. Full text available here. For the complete review, click here.


Panico, L. (2022) The wellbeing of children born through assisted reproductive technologies in France. DIGCLASS workshop: Social Implications of Medically Assisted Reproduction, Sevilla 24-25 November.


Panico, L. (2022) The (re)production of inequalities across generations: birth health, early child outcomes, and parental investments. NCCR-LIVES International Conference, Geneva, 17-18 November.

Panico, L (2021) Inégalités de conditions de vie : quels enjeux sur le développement affectif, cognitif, social et de santé des tout-petits? Seminar cycle “Premiers Pas”, organized by France Strategie, HCFEA and CNAF. 4th February.

Panico, L (2020) Birth cohorts and comparative research on child and adolescent development. EAPS and Population Europe webinar series, 11th December.

Panico, L. (2020) "Inégalités sociales pendant l'enfance". Séminaire du GIS-BECO. IFERISS-Université Toulouse III (visio), 4th December.

Panico, L. (2020) The long-term effect of parental separation on childhood multidimensional deprivation: a lifecourse approach. Workshop on Parents and Children Life Course Transitions. Timing of Cross-over and Spillover Effects. LIVES-University of Lausanne (visio), 27th November.

Panico, L. (2020) Longitudinal measurement of deprivation in childhood. Population and Health Research Group (PHRG) webinar seminar series, University of St Andrews (visio), 10th November.

Panico, L. (2019) Etat des lieux de la recherche française et internationale sur les modes d’accueil, le développement des enfants, et la réduction des inégalités. Invited keynote speaker to the conference « Petite Enfance FNAPPE et Alisé » held at the Senate, 5th July, Paris, France.

Panico, L. (2019) Parenting and Child Inequalities. Hungarian Demographic Research Institute seminar series, 14th March, Budapest, Hungary.

Panico, L. (2018) Parenting and Early Child Outcomes: The Benefits and Limits of Comparative Research. Keynote presentation for the European Consortium for Sociological Research (ECSR) 2018 Conference, 29-31 October, Paris, France.

Panico, L., & Solaz, A. (2018). Les inégalités socio-économiques dans le développement moteur et langagier des enfants en France à partir de l’enquête Elfe. Paper co-written with Sebastien Grobon. Haut Conseil de la famille, de l'enfance et de l'âge (HCFEA), 26th June, Paris, France.

Panico, L (2018) The long-term effect of parental separation on childhood financial poverty and multidimensional deprivation: a lifecourse approach. Paper co-written with Marion Leturcq. Seminaire de la Chaire "Childhood, well-being, parenting - 2nd seminar on Children's Subjective Well-being", 28-29 June, Rennes, France.

Panico, L (2017) The long-term effect of parental separation on childhood financial poverty and multidimensional deprivation: a lifecourse approach. Paper co-written with Marion Leturcq. Duke Population Research Institute seminar series, 23rd March, Durham, NC, USA.

Panico, L (2016) Parental Separation and Long-term Changes in Income: Does Previous Marital Status Matter? Paper co-written with Marion Leturcq. University of Wisconsin-Madison Demography Training Seminar, 5 April, Madison, WI, USA.

Panico, L. (2015) Trajectories in Family Structure and Child Health in the U.K.: Pathways to Health. Workshop "Bienestar infantil, prácticas de crianza y arreglos familiares". Grupo de Estudios de Familia, Universidad de la República, 13-14 October, Montevideo, Uruguay.

Panico, L. (2013) Examples of latent class and structural equation models using birth cohort data. Les Rencontres de Statistique Appliquée. Institut National d’Etudes Demographiques, Paris.

Panico, L. (2012). The impact of social vulnerabilities on the health of children. Les Rencontres Internationales de l’Institut National de Prevention et d’Education a la Sante (INPES), Paris.

Panico, L. (2011) Family Structure and Child Health. International Centre for Lifecourse Studies Policy Seminars, University College London, London.

Panico, L (2008) Operationalising Family: Examples from the Millennium Cohort Study. Medical Sociology London Study group, King’s College, London.



 Ghirardi, G., Panico, L., Berger L.M., Solaz, A. (2023) The Impact of Early Formal Childcare Attendance on Children's Developmental Outcomes in France. RC8 Spring meeting, Paris.

Kazakova, Y., Leturcq, M., Panico L. (2023) The Emergence of Health Gaps in Early Life in France: Effects of Childhood Deprivation. RC8 Spring meeting, Paris.

Panico, L., Solaz, A. (2019) Living Arrangements after Separation and Adolescent Cognitive and Socio-Emotional Skills. Population Association of America (PAA) Annual meeting, April 11-13, Austin (USA).

Kitzmann, M., Pailhé, A., Panico, S. (2019) Should Grandparents Take Care of Their Grandchildren? The Effects of Grandparental Childcare on Early Language Development. Population Association of America (PAA) Annual meeting, April 11-13, Austin (USA).

Francou, Q., Solaz, A., Panico L. (2017) The impact of early childcare trajectories on fertility: the case of France. Population Association of America (PAA) Annual meeting, April 27-29, Chicago (USA).