Lidia Panico personal page
Professeure des universités
Centre de recherche sur les inegalités sociales (CRIS), Sciences Po Paris
I am a professor (professeure des universités) at Sciences Po, Paris, and associated researcher at the Institut National d'Etudes Démographiques (Ined) in Paris, France. I am also a member of the LIEPP (the Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Evaluation of Public Policies), where I co-direct the Educational Policies research group.
Previously, I was chargée de recherche (permanent researcher) at INED; ESRC Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the London School of Economics & Political Sciences (LSE), and Research Fellow at University College London (UCL). I obtained my PhD in 2012 from UCL, based at the ESRC International Centre for Lifecourse Studies.
My research interests focus on describing and explaining socio-economic inequalities in health and well being, with a focus on child outcomes and family processes. In particular, my research makes use of longitudinal methods and data, notably birth cohorts such as the UK Millennium Cohort Study, and the French birth cohort Elfe.