About Us

LTNM Steering Committee Members

Carol Hoover, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Librarian, LTNM SC Chair

Rachel Altobelli, Albuquerque Public Schools, Library Services & Instructional Materials, Director

Ruben Aragon, New Mexico Highlands University, Library Director

Eli Guinnee, New Mexico State Library, State Librarian

Julia Kelso, Vista Grande Public Library, Library Director

Tracy Nichols, John Baker Elementary School, Teacher-Librarian

Sara Quimby, Institute of American Indian Arts, Library Director

Dale Savage, New Mexico State Library, Library Development Bureau, Bureau Chief

Cynthia Shetter, Los Lunas Public Library, Library Director - NMLA Legislation Comm. Co-Chair

Melanie Templet, Sandia Preparatory School, Library Director - NMLA President


Transforming New Mexico, one library at a time.


To actively inform, educate and engage library stakeholders by empowering all New Mexico libraries to take transformative action in their respective communities.


Bring awareness of Libraries Transform New Mexico (LTNM) to NM libraries.

Engage and educate NM library stakeholders/advocates.

Communicate the impact of libraries and librarians.

Guide and support task force initiatives.

Help NM libraries help themselves.