Policy papers

The Surprising Resilience of the Russian War Economy, forthcoming in: Current History

The Fundamental Weakness of the Russian Economy and Why Sanctions Do Not Exploit Them. Russia.post, July 2024 (full text here)

Dynamics of Isolation in Conditions of Fragmentation: The Results of Two Years of the Sanctions Experiment. Re:Russia, June 2024 (full text here)

Will the Strategy of Isolating Russia Ever Work? Russia.post, January 2024 (full text here)

Russia and Hamas? Narrating Contestations of the Liberal Script in Eastern Europe and in the Middle East. SCRIPTS Blog No. 69, November 2023 (full text here)

The Rise and Fall of the Eurasian Regionalism. Economists' Voice, 2023, 20(2): 267-274 (full text here)

Osteuropaforschung im Rampenlicht: Ein Drahtseilakt zwischen Wissenschaft und Aktivismus. Russland-Analysen No. 438, June 2023, pp. 4-6 (full text here)

Deutsche Wirtschaft und der Krieg. Russland-Analysen No. 437, May 2023, pp. 3-4 (full text here)

Between Depolitization and Nationalist Awakening: Russian Society and Regime in the Shadow of a Prolonged War. Russian Analytical Digest No. 294,  May 2023, pp. 9-10 (full text here)

Interdisciplinarity in East European Studies: A Social Science Perspective. Osmikon, May 2023 (full text here)

What Is the Relation of Market, Property and Freedom in the Liberal Script? SCRIPTS Arguments, April 2023 (full text here

Wiederaufbau in der Ukraine: Was die internationale Gemeinschaft jetzt beachten muss. IDOS Policy Brief 2/2023, February 2023 (with Jörn Grävingholt, Jörg Faust, Solveig Richter, Gwendolyn Sasse and Susan Stewart) (full text here)

Eurasian Regionalism and Russia's War Against Ukraine: Consequences for the EAEU and for Kazakhstan. Russian Analytical Digest No. 287, October 2022, pp. 2-6 (with Anastassia Obydenkova) (full text here)

Wie wirken sich die vom Westen verhängten Sanktionen auf die russische Wirtschaft und auf die EU aus? Hessische Landeszentrale für Politische Bildung, Septmber 2022 (full text here)

The War in Ukraine: A New Reality? SCRIPTS Blog No. 50, 2022 (full text here)

The New Economic Cold War? The Future of the Global Economy after the War in Ukraine. Horizons, 2022, (21): 148-159 (full text here)

Die Duma-Wahlen 2021: Hochmut kommt vor dem Fall - oder doch nicht? Russland-Analysen No. 403, June 2021, pp. 2-4 (with Boris Ginzburg) (full text here)

Elections 2021: Tense Atmosphere, Likely Regime Victory, and Uncertain Policy Outcomes. Russian Analytical Digest No. 266, April 2021, (with Boris Ginzburg) (full text here)

Legacies of the Real and Imagined Soviet Union, 1991-2021. New Eastern Europe, 2021, (6): 125-129 (with Anastassia Obydenkova) (full text here)

Bestandsaufnahme Osteuropaforschung. DGO Rundbrief, 2020, (2): 29-31 (with Niklas Platzer) (full text here)

Historical Roots of Alcohol Mortality in Russia. Baltic Rim Economies, 2020, (4): 53 (full text here)

Market Integration in the Eurasian Economic Union. Russian Analytical Digest No. 247, February 2020, pp. 2-5 (full text here)

Akademische Freiheit in Russland: Anpassung an den autoritären Staat. Russland-Analysen No. 379, December 2019, pp. 9-10 (full text here)

Putin and the Costs of Being Wrong. Verfassungsblog, August 2019 (full text here)

Imitating Regionalism: Eurasian Regional Organizations as a Soviet Legacy, in: Moshes, A., and A. Racz (ed.) What Has Remained of the USSR? Exploring the Erosion of the Post-Soviet Space. Finnish Institute of International Affairs, FIIA Report 58, February 2019, pp. 85-101 (with Ekaterina Furman) (full text here)

Stagnierende deutsch-russische Wirtschaftsbeziehungen. Wirtschaftsdienst, 2018, 98(4): 222-223 (full text here)

Regionale wirtschaftliche Integration in Eurasien: Die Eurasische Wirtschaftsunion. Russland-Analysen No. 353, April 2018, pp. 3-6 (full text here)

Die vierte Amtszeit Putins: Wird Russland weniger oder stärker berechenbar? Russland-Analysen No. 351, March 2018, pp. 6-8 (full text here)

Central Asia and the Eurasian Economic Union: A Scenario for 2018. George Washington University Central Asia Program, Voices on Central Asia, 2018 (full text here)

Eurasian Economic Union: Between Perception and Reality. New Eastern Europe, 2018, online (full text here)

Lev Gudkov and the Levada Centre. ZOiS Spotlight 32/2017, November 2017 (full text here)

Russische Regionen: Sichere Basis oder Quelle der Instabilität für den Kreml? SWP-Studie 2016/S 19, November 2016 (full text here)

Russland, Ukraine und Türkei im Geflecht der Sanktionen: Warum Moskaus und Kiews neue Strafmaßnahmen auch für die EU ein Problem sind. SWP-Aktuell 2016/A 2, Jaunary 2016 (full text here)

Linking the Silk Road Economic Belt and the Eurasian Economic Union: Mission Impossible? Caucasus International, 2016, 6(1): 41-53 (full text here)

Mit Unterschieden umgehen: Die Rolle von Interdependenz in der Beziehung zu Russland, in: Perthes, V. (ed.): Ausblick 2016: Begriffe und Realitäten internationaler Politik. SWP-Ausblick 2016, January 2016, pp. 18-22 (with Susan Stewart und Kirsten Westphal) (full text here)

Vor den Präsidentschaftswahlen 2018: Autonomiekonflikt im russischen Fernen Osten, in: Brozus, L. (ed.): Unerwartet, überraschend, ungeplant: Zugespitzte Situationen in der internationalen Politik. Foresight-Beiträge 2015. Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, SWP-Studie 2015/S 20, November 2015, pp. 27-33 (with Sabine Fischer and Margarete Klein) (full text here)

Russische Direktinvestitionen in Eurasien: Machtpolitik mit anderen Mitteln? SWP-Studie 2015/S 15, July 2015 (full text here)

Dialog zwischen EU und Eurasischer Wirtschaftsunion - einen Versuch wert. SWP-Aktuell 2015/A 62, July 2015 (full text here)

Wirtschaftskrise in Russland: Risiken und Kosten für andere Länder Eurasiens. SWP-Aktuell 2015/A 10, February 2015 (full text here)

Central Asia and the Eurasian Economic Union: The Global Picture and Country Perspectives.  George Washington University Central Asia Program, Central Asia Policy Brief No. 21, 2015 (a comment) (full text here)

Außenwirtschaftlicher Protektionismus in Russland: Endgültige Abkehr von der Integration in die Weltwirtschaft? SWP-Aktuell 2014/A 69, November 2014 (full text here

Regional Integration Database (RID): Methodology, Composition, and Indicators. Eurasian Development Bank Center for Integration Studies Report No. 27, 2014 (with Evgeny Vinokurov and Vladimir Sherov-Ignatev) (full text here)

Foreign Trade Effects of the Customs Union between Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Russia.  George Washington University Central Asia Program, Central Asia Economic Paper No. 8, 2013 (with Daria Ushkalova) (full text here; econometric appendix here)

Discussing the Eurasian Customs Union and Its Impact on Central Asia.  George Washington University Central Asia Program, Central Asia Policy Forum No. 4, 2013 (a comment) (full text here)

Effective Governance Perspectives in Central Asia: The Case of Transport Sector in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Global Development Network: Varieties of Governance – Effective Public Service Delivery, 2013 (with Farrukh Irnazarov, Roman Vakulchuk and Zafar Salmanov) (full text here)

Studies of Regional Integration in the CIS and in Central Asia: A Literature Survey. Eurasian Development Bank Center for Integration Studies Report No. 2, 2012 (full text here)

Eurasian Economic Union: Why Now? Will It Work? Is It Enough? Whitehead Journal of Diplomacy and International Relations, 2012, 13(2): 29-44 (with Evgeny Vinokurov) (full text here

The System of Indicators of Eurasian Integration 2009. Eurasian Development Bank, 2010 (with Evgeny Vinokurov, Philippe de Lombaerde, Natalia Maximchook and Yerzhan Moldabekov) (full text here)