
 Conferences, Presentations and Posters

A. Invited Speaker

2025. (with A. Demonie). Is expletive negation a unitary Phenomenon? A cross-linguistic investigation of fear vs. until-clauses. Colloquium on Aspect and Mood in  (morpho-)Syntax, Januray 17-18.

2024. (with A. Demonie). Modal particles, their negators and expletive negation.  workshop on Mood and Modality, Ca'Foscari Venezia, June 20-21.

2024. (with J. Blochowiak & C. Grisot). Does emotivity play a role in mood selection? theoretical and experimental investigation of Hexagonal and Quebec French.. workshop on Mood and Modality, Ca'Foscari Venezia, June 20-21.

2024. (with J. Blochowiak & C. Grisot). Manifestation of the emotivity feature in Hexagonal French and Quebec French: theory and experimentation. Research Seminar, University of Geneva, March 5.

2024. (with G.Puskas).  On the case marking of Cause, Reason and Purpose clauses in Modern Greek and Hungarian. Workshop on Case-marked Subordinate Clauses, Masaryk University, Brno, Czechia, January 26.

2024. (with E. Lander). A cross linguistic look at lexical avalaiblility and mood choice. Complement Clauses Côte d'Azur, January 8.

2023. (with E. Lander) A cross-linguistic look at lexical availability and mood choice. Morphology as Syntax Workshop (Morphology as Syntax (MaS3)), September 15. Montreal (Canada).                                                                                           

2022. (with G. Puskas) A Cross-linguistic Approach to the Syntax of Subjunctive Mood. Research Seminar, University of Geneva, Switzerland, November 1.

2021. (with E. Lander). Romance and Balkan factive islands in a nanosyntactic light. Research Seminar, University of Geneva, March 9.

2020. (with E. Lander). Verbal and Clausal Mood from a nanosyntactic perspective. Nanolab (on-line). May 1.

2020. TBA. Workshop on mood. Paris, France. May 14-15. (Cancelled due to Pandemic reasons)

2018. (with G. Puskas) Selecting subjunctive clauses: modality, syncretic complementizer(s) and locality. Research Seminar, University of Geneva, Switzerland, April 10. 

2016. (with G. Puskas). Selecting subjunctive clauses: syncretic complementizers, different worlds. Workshop Clausal and Nominal complements in monolingual and bilingual grammars. University of Geneva, Switzerland, 27-28 June 2016. 

2015. (with E. Lander). La nanosyntaxe de complémenteurs nominaux et verbaux. Research Seminar, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada, October 21. 

2014. Les tailles variées des complémenteurs déclaratifs en français et en grec, Research Seminar, Université de Québec à   Montréal, 7 may.

2014. Une approche nanosyntaxique des complémenteurs français et grec. Research Seminar, Lille 3 (France), 7 march.

2011.    (with G.Puskás). Le complémenteur subjonctif. Workshop sur le Mode. Université de Neuchâtel (Suisse), 29-30 may.

2009. (with C. Patin). Une approche mutlifactorielle des constructions wh. Research Seminar, Université de Genève (Suisse), 18  may 

2009. (with C. Patin). Les mots wh en question(s). Research Seminar, Paris III, ILPGA (France), 10 april   

2009. (with C. Patin). Les mots wh en question(s). Research Seminar, Paris VII/ Laboratoire de Linguistique Formelle, 2 April.

2008. Les Quantifieurs flottants: les Quantifieurs universels en français et les mots négatifs. Research Seminar, Université de Nantes (France), may.

2008. (with G. Puskás). "Peeling" as an instance of (c-)overt partial wh-movement, the Wh-workshop, Université de Genève (Suisse), 28 february.

2004. Un NP and Wh in-situ: an argument for an indefinite analysis, Research Seminar, Université de Leiden, (The Netherlands), November.

B.Conferences / Workshops (...)

2024. (with Katerina Palasis & Seçkin Arslan). Information-source judgement experiments in French syntactic evidentiality. (un)Reality and Evisentiality in Lanugage, Cognition, Society. Univeristy of Cyprus. 24-26 October. 

2024. (with Anne-Li Demonie &  J. Blochowiak). French expletive ne is modal: evidence from fear-clauses. SNAG 2024, Laboratoire de linguistique formelles, Université Paris Cité, September 5-6, 2024.

2024. (with Anne-Li Demonie & E. Lander). Modal particles, their negators and expletive negation. Functional catergories, dimensions of meaning, and expletiveness, June 12-14.Universitat Autonoma barcelon (Spain).

2024. (with J. Blochowiak & C. Grisot). Does emotivity play a role in mood selection? Theoretical and experimental investigation of Hexagonal and Quebec French. RALF 2024. June  6-7. Bayonne (Basque Country, France.)

2024. (with J. Blochowiak & C. Grisot). Emotivity matters: an experimental investigation of subjunctive mood in French. Incontro di Grammatica Generativa 49. February 22-23. Pavia, Italy.

2023. (with E. Lander). Same syntax, different lexicon: C-command and subjunctive in French and Greek. International conference on Greek Linguistics, December 14-17, Thessaloniki, Greece.

2023. (with J. Blochowiak & C. Grisot). Emotivity matters: an experimental investigation of subjunctive mood in French.  X-Prag-Experimental Pragmatics in Switzerland. Université de Fribourg. 17 November.

2023. (with E. Lander). Modal particles, their negators and expletive negation. WS3 Expletives at the syntax  discourse interface, 56th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, 29 August – 1 September 2023, Athens. (withdrawn for logistic reasons)


2023. (with C. Bonan). Revisiting French wh in-situ from a micro-diachronic perspective. Diachronic Generative Syntax (DiGS 24). July 4-7. Université Paris Cité.


2023. (with G. Bocci & U. Shlonsky). Where are we and where do we go from here?. Main session. LSRL 53, June 26-30- Paris. 


2023. (with C. Bonan). A Fresh perspective on French wh in-situ. LSRL 53, June 26-30- Paris. 


2023. (with C. Bonan). Revisiting French wh in-situ from a micro-diachronic perspective. Rencontre d’Automne de Lingusitique formelle, May 25-26. Université Côte d’Azur, France. 


2023. (with E. Lander). Same syntax, different lexicon: Mood selection in Romance and Balkan. Rencontre d’Automne de Lingusitique formelle, May 25-26. Université Côte d’Azur, France. 

2023. (with E. Lander). Modal negators and the negative functional sequence. (accepted as a poster). Colloquium de  Grammatica Generativa 32,  in Victoria-Gasteiz. April 24-26. (withdrawn for logistic reasons).

2023. (with E. Lander). Modal negators and the negative functional sequence. IGG48 in Firenze. February 16-18.

2021. (with E. Lander). A nanosyntactic analysis of mood selection in French and Balkan languages. Colloque 50 ans de linguistique à UQAM, UQAM, Montréal (CA). April 22.

2020. (with E. Lander). Romance and Balkan factive islands in a nanosyntactic light. BCGL 13, Dec 16-18, CRISSP,  KU Leuven.

2020. (with E. Lander). Factive Islands in Nanosyntax. NELS 51, Nov 6-8, Université du Québec à Montréal.

2019. (with E. Lander). A nanosyntactic analysis of mood selection in French and Balkan languages. BCGL 12: Suppletion, allomorphy, and syncretism. Brussels (Belgium). December 16-17.

2019 (with E. Lander). A typology of Negative Complementizers. LSA. Workshop: Exploring Nanosyntax.  New York. January 3-6.

2018 (with G. Puskas) Complementizer functional sequence: the contribution of Italo-Romance. Theoretical and Empirical Approaches to Microvariation (TEAM 2018), Padua, June 14-15 2018.

2017 The functional sequence of wh-phrases and Universal Quantifiers in  French. Romanistentag 35, Morphosyntax der romanischen Sprachen und ihre formale Analyse, Zürich, Switzerland. Oct 8-12. (Cancelled).

2017 (with G. Puskás). Selecting subjunctive clauses: a local business. Romanistentag 35, Morphosyntax der romanischen Sprachen und ihre formale Analyse, Zürich, Switzerland. Oct 8-12.

2017 (with G. Puskás). Selecting subjunctive clauses: emotive predicates and syncretic complementizers. 47th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages. Newark, Delaware (USA). Apr 20-23.

2017 (with E. Lander). The internal structure of ontological categories. Incontro di Grammatica Generative 43. IUSS Pavia (Italy). Feb 16-17.

2016   (with E. Lander). Cross-categorial syncretism and the Slavic/Balkan containment puzzle. Relativisation strategies in a Central European perspective: Slavic and beyond.  University of Zürich, 28th-29th October.  

2016 (with E. Lander). The fseqs of nominal and verbal complementizers. Hierarchical structures in phonology, morphology and syntax, CASTL, UiT-The Arctic University of Norway, 27th-28th October.

2016 (with E. Lander). Cross-categorial syncretism and containment in Balkan and Slavic. SINFONIA 9, Masaryk University, September 15-17.

2016 (with E. Lander). The nanosyntax of nominal and verbal complementizers, 9th days of Swiss Linguistics, University of Geneva, (Switzerland), June 29 - July 1. 

2016 (with E. Lander). The internal structure of nominal and verbal complementizers, Incontro di Grammatical Generativa 42, main session, Università di Salento, Lecce (Italy), February 18-20. 

2015 The fseq of Serbo-Croatian, Modern Greek and French complementizers. NELS 46. Poster, UConcordia, Montreal, Canada, October 16-18.

2015 (with Eric Lander). The nanosyntax of nominal and verbal complementizers. Formal Approaches to Morphosyntactic Variation 2015. Vitoria-Gasteiz, University of the Basque Country, Spain, June 24-25.

2015 The fseq of Serbo-Croatian, Modern Greek and French complementizers, Poster session. Colloquium de Grammatica Generativa 25, IKER in Bayonne, France, May 21-24. 

2015 (with E. Lander). Syncretisms with the complementizer: verbal and nominal complementizers. Main session. IKER in Bayonne.  Colloquium de Grammatica Generativa 25. France, May 21-24.             

2014 (with E. Lander). The fine-grained structure of Romance complementizers. Going Romance Workshop "Subordination in Old Romance",  University of Lisbon (Portugal). December 4-6. 

2014 (with E. Lander). The fine-grained structure of nominal complementizers. Variation in C workshop. Università Ca'Foscari Venezia (Italy), October 21-22. 

2014 Declarative complementizers under the microscope. SLE 44, Workshop: Nanosyntax. How going fine-grained enables a better understanding of language. Poznan (Poland). September 11-14.

2014 Zooming on predicates selecting the subjunctive mood in French: the emotive factor. Linguistics Symposium on Romance Languages 44. Western Universtiy, London, Ontario (Canada), May 2-4. 

2013 (with G.Puskás and T. Socanac). Control your mood! A cross-linguistic study of subjunctive clauses, Societas Linguistica    Europaea, Workshop : Balancing the Universal and the Particular in Balkan Morpho-Syntactic Convergence. Split University, Croatia, 18 – 21 September

2013 (with G.Pusás and T. Socanac). Left Periphery of Subjunctive-type Complements: A Cross-linguistic Perspective. Congrès     International des Linguistes, session 5: Theoretical and comparative syntax, University of Geneva, 21-27 July.

2012 On the various sizes of (pro)nominal complementizers.  Societas Linguistica Europaea.  WS9. Parallels between the clausal and nominal domain. University of Stockholm (Sueden) , 29 august - 1 September.

2012 French complementizer que under scrutiny. Main session, 22nd Colloquium on Generative Grammar, Barcelona Spain), 21-23 March.

2011 How to deal with dependencies? Look in more details at your complementizers! Workshop "The Minimalist Program: Quo Vadis?",  Potsdam (Germany), 3-6 October.

2011 (with G.Puskás). The Syntax of French Mood. Main session. Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages 41, University of Ottawa (Canada), 5-7 May.

2011 (with G.Puskás). The True Nature of French Subjunctive. Main session, 21st Colloquium on Generative Grammar, Sevilla  (Spain), 7-9 April.

(with C. Patin). Prosody reflects semantic factors : evidence from French wh-words. IDP 09, Paris (France), 9-11 September.

(with C. Patin). Prosody refers to semantic factors : evidence from French wh-words. AFLS 2009, University of Neuchâtel, 3-5 Sept. 

(with C. Patin).  French wh-words in questions. Poster session, Conference on Minimalist Approaches to syntactic locality, Budapest (Hungary), 25-28 August.

Negation, N-words and floating quantification: the case of French. Poster session, 34thIncontro di Grammatica Generativa,  Padova, 23-25 February.

2008 (with G. Puskás). When wh-phrases get peeled off: the case of French and Hungarian. Poster session, 34th IGG, Padova, 23-25 February. 

2006 Phrasal Negation: what it tells us about the syntax of Universal Quantifiers and N-words. 7th CUNY/ SUNY/NYU Mini Conference, CUNY Graduate Center, NY (USA), 4 March.

2005 (with A. Cattaneo). Against an indefinite analysis of N-words: personne ‘nobody’ as a universal QP. 28th GLOW Colloquium, Geneva, April.

C. Doctoral School / special classes

2007 DP-Splitting: a syntactic approach to French quantification. Doctoral school, Leysin, (Switzerland), May.

2006 Double Negation and Negative Concord, In Prof. A. Szabolcsi's class (Semantics II), New York University (USA), February.

2005 Against an indefinite analysis of personne ‘nobody’. Doctoral school, Chesa Laret, (Switzerland), April.

2004 Les wh in situ et un NP : même phénomène. Research Seminar, University of Geneva (Switzerland), December.