Invited Talks/Seminars/Conferences


Invited Talks

  1. September 7th, 2021: Presentation entitled "Activities of ULiege in Energy sustainability of Heat Pumps and A/C" in a Panel Session about "Energy sustainability - Heat pumps and airconditioning" at the International Conference on Compressors and their Systems (online - London U.K.)

  2. June 29th, 2021: Presentation entitled "Les Cycles de Rankine Organique: de la récupération de chaleur fatale au stockage de l'électricité", Journée d'étude de la Société Française de Thermique (SFT) sur les "Machines Thermiques et Transition Energétique"  (online - France)

  3. July 27th-30th, 2021: IIR Rankine 2020 Conference - Advances in Cooling, Heating and Power Generation (online – Glasgow U.K.) : Keynote entitled "New trends and future prospects for the Organic Rankine Cycle power systems".

  4. February 27th, 2020: "Electricité comme vecteur énergétique: quelles opportunités pour l’ingénieur thermicien?", Seminar at Paris-Nanterre University.

  5. May 23, 2018, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Haïfa, Israel. Seminar entitled "Development of kW-scale Organic Rankine Cycle Power Systems: Opportunities and Challenges".

  6. April 24, 2018, EPFL, Neuchâtel, Switzerland. Presentation entitled "Latest research projects in the field of Heat pumps and ORC. power systems: Summary and perspectives"

  7. December 21, 2017, University Jaume I, Castellon, Spain. Presentation entitled "Looking back on 10 years of research on thermal systems: doctoral and postdoctoral opportunities"

  8. December 5, 2017, Politecnico di Torino. Presentation entitled "Latest research projects in the field of Heat pumps and ORC. power systems: conclusions and future work"

  9. January 7, 2015: Seminar at the Czech Technical University in Prague entitled "10 years of research in the field of small-scale Rankine cycle heat engines".

  10. October 14, 2014: Talk at the University of Nagoya (Japan) entitled « Energy monitoring of GEOTABS systems» (Workshop entitled "Energy Conservation Potential of HVAC System reducing Temperature Difference between Heat Source and Environment").

  11. September 22, 2014: Presentation of the FP7 Nowaste project at the 4th International Conference on Thermal Management for EV/HEV held in Cologne.

  12. December 6, 2013: Talk at the 5th European Workshop on Mobile Air Conditioning and Vehicle Thermal Systems in Turin entitled « Design of Rankine Cycle Systems for Waste heat Recovery on Long Haul Trucks ».

  13. October 20, 2013: Talk at the International Seminar on Heating Ventilation and Air-Conditioning (ISHVAC) in Xi’an (China) entitled « Energy monitoring of thermally activated building systems connected to geothermal heat pumps ».

  14. September 13, 2012: Talk at the International Symposium on Advanced Waste Heat Valorisation Technologie in Kortrijk (Belgium) entitled « Advances in ORC expander design »

  15. May 14, 2012: Seminar at the City University of London entitled “Modeling and Simulation of Small scale Organic Rankine Cycles”.

  16. November 2010 : Lecture about the distributed power production at the Agricultural University of Athens (Greece)

  17. August 2010: 2010 International Symposium on Refrigeration Technology held in Zuhai (China) and organized by the Chinese National Engineering Research Center of Green Refrigeration Equipment and the Department of Development and Planning (Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China).

  18. March 2010: Keynote Lecture at the Symposium « Low CO2 non-electric Chillers in Cooling and Air Conditioning » held in Bucharest.


  1. May 24, 2018, SAE - Waste Heat Recovery Symposium, Haïfa, Israel. Presentation entitled "Pre-design of waste heat recovery ORC systems for heavy-duty trucks by means of dynamic simulation"

  2. February 1-2, 2018, Automotive Thermal Management Conference, Berlin, Germany. Presentation entitled "Experimental investigation of a multi-evaporator refrigerator for both cabin cooling and battery thermal management"

  3. November 15-17, 2017, 4th Annual Engine Organic Rankince Cycle Consortium Workshop, Detroit-Troy, Michigan, USA. Panel discussion on ORC working fluids.

  4. July 3-6, 2017, 30th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimisation, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, San Diego, USA. and

  5. May 17-18, 2017, Vehicle Thermal Management Systems Conference and Exhibition (VTMS 13), London, U.K.

  6. July 11-14, 2016, Purdue Conferences 2016, West-Lafayette, USA. I chaired the session on heat transfers in compressors.

  7. June 19-23, 2016. 29th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimisation, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, Portoroz, Slovenia. Presentation entitled "Development of a semi-analytical model of volumetric expander for system-level simulation".

  8. May 10-11, 2016. Automotive Thermal Management International Forum in Chester, UK. Presentation entitled "Waste heat recovery from long-haul trucks: model-based design, advanced control, and tests on prototypes"

  9. February 3, 2016. Journée Micro/Mini cogénération au Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM) de Paris. Presentation entitled Caractérisation expérimentale du module ORC d’une micro centrale solaire.

  10. January 26, 2016: BERA 1st Seminar on Demand Response in Brussels. Presentation entitled "Evolution of the energy load profiles of the Belgian residential building stock with new heating technologies for demand side management".

  11. November 19-20, 2015: 2nd Workshop of the Automotive Organic Rankine Cycle Consortium in Denver. Presentation entitled "Waste Heat Recovery from Long-Haul Trucks: Conclusions of The NoWaste European Project (and other projects)."

  12. October 12-14, 2015: 3rd International Seminar on ORC Power systems, Brussels. Tutorial entitled "Low-order models of positive displacement expanders".

  13. September 7-8, 2015: International Conference on Compressors and Their Systems, London. Presentation entitled "Modelling, sizing and testing a scroll expander for a waste heat recovery application on a gasoline engine".

  14. June 14-17, 2015: 6th International Building Physics Conference in Turin. Presentation entitled "Global optimization of the production and distribution system for typical European HVAC systems".

  15. January 20th 2015: 1st Workshop of the Automotive Organic Rankine Cycle Consortium in Turin. Presentation entitled " Research on small-­scale Rankine cycle systems for waste heat recovery on ICEs".

Invitation to PhD theses jurys

    1. May 26th 2022, Ali Naseri, "Design and Development of a Modified Revolving Vane Expander for the Implementation in Micro-ORC Systems", Defended at University of Auckland.

    2. December 17th 2021, Ghiwa Shakrina, "Study of transient mode operation of cryogenic heat storage systems for liquefaction and gas management in LNG tankers", Defended at Ecole des Mines de Paris (Rapporteur).

    3. December 17th 2021, Etienne Haddad, "Création d’un jumeau numérique d’un système de réfrigération et validation expérimentale : application à la détection de fuites", Defended at Ecole des Mines de Paris (Rapporteur).

    4. December 16th 2021, Joe Hachem, "Contrôle Optimal et Flexible des Turbines à Gaz", Defended at Ecole des Mines de Paris.

    5. December 9th 2021, Deaye Badri, "Numerical study of frost formation on an industrial food freezing system", Defended at Université de Nantes (Rapporteur).

    6. November 2nd 2021, Andrea Costantino, "Improving Climate Control and Energy Performance in Greenhouses and Livestock Houses: Modeling Advances and Experimental Results", Defended at Politecnico di Torino.

    7. February 11th 2021, Jelmer Rijpkema, "Thermodynamic Cycles for Low- and High-Temperature Waste Heat Recovery from Heavy-Duty Engines", Defended at Chalmers tekniska högskola, Sweden.

    8. February 2021, Carlos Mateu Royo, "Development of High Temperature Heat Pumps for Industrial Waste Heat Recovery", Universitat Jaume I.

    9. January 2021, Alberto Ponce Mora, "Feasibility Study of Jet-Ejector Refrigeration Systems as a Mechanism for Harnessing Low-Grade Thermal Energy from Different Sources", Defended at Universitat Politècnica de València.

    10. December 17th 2020, Alexandre Dijoux, "Influence du fluide du travail, de la technologie des échangeurs et du pilotage dynamique d’un cycle ORC sur l’intérêt et les performances d’un système de conversion d’Énergie Thermique des Mers", Defended at Université de la Réunion (Rapporteur)

    11. December 9th 2020, Derek Noël, "Validation et extension d’une méthode de mesure embarquée des performances des pompes à chaleur", Defended at Ecole des Mines de Paris (Rapporteur).

    12. December 3rd 2020, Aldo Serafino, "Méthode d'optimisation robuste multi-fidélité pour les cycles organiques de Rankine", Defended at ENSAM Paris.

    13. November 20th 2020, Ghady Abou Rached, "Experimental and numerical study of a cooled compression by oil injection in a screw compressor", Defended at Ecole des Mines de Paris (Rapporteur).

    14. November 5th 2020, Alexis Godefroy, "Analyse thermodynamique et performances dynamiques de cycles hybrides impliquant des procédés à sorption", Defended at Université de Perpignan Via domitia (Rapporteur).

    15. October 27th 2020, Ghady Dib, "Thermodynamic simulation of compressed air energy storage systems", Defended at INSA Lyon (Rapporteur)

    16. September 29th 2020, Long Pei, "Evaluation of environmental impacts of buildings in China", Defended at Ecole des Mines de Paris (Rapporteur).

    17. June 11th, 2020, Youssef Hammadi, Réduction d'un modèle 0D instationnaire et non-linéaire de thermique habitacle pour l’optimisation énergétique des véhicules automobiles, Defended at Ecole des Mines de Paris.

    18. April 30th 2020, Vikram Singh, "Low Temperature Waste Heat Recovery in internal Combustion Engines", Defended at Lund University;

    19. December 11th 2019, Luca Di Cairano, "Etude d'un système réversible climatisation/cycle Rankine organique: application au cas du véhicule terrestre", Defended at Ecole des Mines de Paris (Rapporteur).

    20. November 15th 2019, Rasha Mustapha, "Hybrid Refrigeration System with a Novel Membrane Exchanger", Defended at Ecole des Mines de Paris (Rapporteur).

    21. October 25th 2019, Freek Van Riet, "Hydronic design of hybrid thermal production systems in buildings", Defended at Universiteit Antwerpen, Belgium.

    22. July 12th 2019, Pierre Ranc, "Contribution au Développement d’un Moteur à Apport de Chaleur Externe de type Ericsson", Defended at Université de Franche-Comté.

    23. April 15th 2019, Lorenzo Talluri, "Micro turbo expander design for small scale ORC: Tesla turbine", Defended at Universita Degli Studi Firenze.

    24. February 1st 2019, Wissam Bou Nader, "Méthodologie de choix et d'optimisation de convertisseurs d'énergie pour des applications chaînes de traction automobiles", Defended at Ecole des Mines de Paris (Rapporteur).

    25. December 4th 2018: Christina Protopapadaki, "A probabilistic framework towards metamodeling the impact of residential heat pumps and PV on low-voltage grids", Defended at KU Leuven, Belgium.

    26. November 20th 2018: Matthildi Apostolou, "Méthodologie pour la conception optimisée des réseaux de chaleur et de froid urbains intégrés", Defended at Ecole des Mines de Paris (Rapporteur).

    27. November 14th 2018: Jahouer Romdhane , "Optimisation énergétique d’un système de micro-tri-génération à pile à combustible", Defended at Université de Caen Normandie, Saint Lô (Rapporteur).

    28. October 14th 2018: Kévin Sartor, "Développement d'un outil de simulation et d'analyse technico-économique et environnementale d'un réseau de chaleur", Defended at Université de Liège.

    29. October 25th 2018: Kévin Attonaty, "Stockage d’électricité associant un cycle thermodynamique à haut rendement avec un stockage thermique à haute température", Defended at Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour (Rapporteur).

    30. October 23rd 2018: Pierre-Henri Nattes, "Optimisation d’un cycle au CO2 dans le domaine du transport frigorifique", Defended at CNAM Paris (Conservatoire des Arts et Métiers) (Rapporteur).

    31. October 10th 2018: Imane Oudghiri Yousfi, "Conception, analyse exergétique et optimisation des cycles à mélange de réfrigérants: Application à la liquéfaction du bio-méthane", Defended at Ecole des Mines de Paris.

    32. September 21st 2018: Marie Frapin, "Etude de stratégies de gestion énergétique en temps réel à l’échelle multizone", Defended at Ecole des Mines de Paris (Rapporteur).

    33. April 24th 2018: Violette Mounier, "Potential and Challenges of ORC driven Heat Pumps Based on Gas Bearing Supported Turbomachinery", Defended at EPFL, Neuchâtel, Switzerland.

    34. March 21st 2018: Romain Bonabe de Rougé, "Modélisation des solutions de micro-cogénérations en vue de leur intégration optimale au sein des bâtiments", Defended at Ecole des Mines de Paris (Rapporteur).

    35. January 26th 2018: Kevin Ruben Deutz, "Optimisation du cycle de fonctionnement du Chauffe-Eau Thermodynamique individuel", Defended at University of Lyon (INSA).

    36. October 24th 2017: Florent Breque, "Etude et Amélioration d’une Pompe à Chaleur pour Véhicule Electrique en Conditions de Givrage", Defended at Ecole des Mines de Paris (Rapporteur)

    37. October 12th 2017: Arnaud Landelle, "Experimental and numerical study of transcritical Organic Rankine Cycles for low-grade heat conversion into electricity from various sources", Defended at University of Lyon (INSA).

    38. October 5th 2017: Davide Ziviani, "Theoretical and Experimental Characterization of Single-Screw Expanders for ORC Applications", Defended at Ghent University.

    39. September 20th 2017: Hanna Sara, "Analysis and valorization of new thermal management systems for a vehicle powertrain application", Defended at Ecole Centrale Nantes (Rapporteur)

    40. July 20th 2017: Yuxin Wang, "Stratégie de modélisation des systèmes de valorisation énergétique : application aux machines ORC et à absorption", Defended at INSA Lyon (Rapporteur)

    41. July 10th, 2017: Maria Goossens, "Improvement and integration of the in-situ heat pump performance assessment method", Defended at Ecole des Mines de Paris.

    42. June 22nd, 2017: Alireza Rasekh, "Computational Study of Convective Cooling and Windage Losses of Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines", Defended at Ghent University.

    43. May 25th, 2017: Lucia Royo, "Study of Organic Rankine Cycles for Waste Heat Recovery in Transportation Vehicles", Defended at Universitat Politècnica de València.

    44. April 6th, 2017: Paul Bouteiller, "Etude expérimentale de cycles de pompe à chaleur utilisant des mélanges à base de CO2", Defended at CNAM Paris (Conservatoire des Arts et Métiers)

    45. January 18th, 2017: Marco Francesconi, "Analysis and design of devices for medium temperature solar thermal energy conversion", Defended at Universita di Pisa.

    46. January 18th, 2017: Andrea Bacciolo, "Off-Design behavior and control strategies of small scale Cycles with organic fluids", Defended at Universita di Pisa.

    47. December 13rd, 2016: Elie Haddad, "Modélisation zéro-D des écoulements à l'admission d'un moteur à combustion interne. Application au boîtier papillon et au refroidisseur d'air suralimenté", Defended at Ecole Centrale de Nantes (Rapporteur).

    48. December 12th, 2016: Quentin Danel, "Etude numérique et expérimentale d'un cycle de Rankine-Hirn de faible puissance pour la récupération d'énergie", Defended at CNAM Paris (Conservatoire des Arts et Métiers) (Rapporteur).

    49. November 23th, 2016: Rani Hanna, "Etude d'une compression refroidie par injection d'huile dans un compresseur scroll: application au remplacement du R-410A dans les groupes refroidisseurs d'eau", Defended at Mines Paritech, Paris (Rapporteur).

    50. November 2010: Bertrand Fankam Tchantche, “Low-Grade Heat Conversion into Power Using Small Scale organic Rankine Cycles”, defended at the Agricultural University of Athens.

    51. December 2011 : Benoît Andlauer, « Optimisation systémiques de micro-cogénérateurs intégrés aux bâtiments », defended at the Ecole nationale supérieure des Mines de Paris (Rapporteur).

    52. February 2012: Angad Panesar, “A study of organic Rankine cycle systems with the expansion process performed by twin screw machines”, defended at the City University of London.

    53. October 4th, 2012: Zoheir Hadid, “Gazéification du GNL par cycle de Brayton associé à une boucle caloportrice et une pompe à chaleur”, defended at the Ecole nationale supérieure des Mines de Paris.

    54. November 30th, 2012: Cong-Toan Tran, “Méthodes de mesure in situ des performances annuelles des pompes à chaleur air/air résidentielles”, defended at the Ecole nationale supérieure des Mines de Paris.

    55. July 9th, 2013: Sébastien Thomas, “Analysis of solar air-conditioning systems and their integration in buildings”, defended at the University of Liège.

    56. October 28th, 2013: Mohamed Fadhel Ayachi, “Intégration des cycles de Rankine organiques dans la valorisation de la chaleur fatale industrielle à basses et moyennes températures”, defended at Université de Perpignan Via Domitia.

    57. September 26th, 2014: Van Long Le, “Etude de la faisibilité des cycles sous-critiques et supercritiques de Rankine pour la valorisation des rejets thermiques”, defended at the University of Lorraine in Nancy (Rapporteur).

    58. December 2nd, 2014: Jean-Louis Bouvier, “Étude expérimentale d’une installation de micro-cogénération solaire couplant un concentrateur cylindro-parabolique et un moteur à cycle de Hirn”, defended at the University of La Rochelle.

    59. December 17th, 2014: Youssef Ismail, “Evaluation du potentiel des turbines de récupération d’énergie à l’échappement sur moteur automobile”, defended at Ecole Centrale de Nantes (Rapporteur)

    60. February 25th, 2015: Johan Peralez, “Récupération d’énergie par cycle de Rankine à bord d’un véhicule: commande et gestion énergétique”, defended at Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (Rapporteur)

    61. March 26th, 2015: Mathieu Barbason, “La simulation thermo aéraulique du bâtiment. Validation et développement d'une approche couplée CFD-Multizone pour l'étude de la modélisation du phénomène de surchauffe estivale en Belgique”, defended at the University of Liège.

    62. July 7th, 2015: Huu-Minh Nguyen, “Real-time monitoring and dynamic line rating forecast of overhead power lines using a vibration sensor”, defended at the University of Liège.

    63. August 14th, 2015: Jean-Baptiste Carré, “Experimental investigation of electrical domestic heat pumps equipped with a twin-stage oil-free radial compressor”, defended at EPFL (Lausanne, Switzerland) (Rapporteur).

    64. September 27th, 2015: Maxime Robillart, “Etude de stratégies de gestion en temps réel pour des bâtiments énergétiquement performants”, defended at Ecole des Mines de Paris.

    65. September 28th, 2015: Emanuel Feru, “Auto-calibration for Diesel Trucks with a Waste Heat Recovery System”, defended at the Eindhoven Technical University, The Netherlands.

    66. November 25th, 2015: Rabah Ibsaine, “Etude d’un système tritherme intégrant une compression thermique originale, destiné au marché du chauffage résidentiel”, defended at Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour.

    67. December 18th, 2015: Karim Besbes, “Pompe à chaleur industrielle transcritique très haute température récupérant la chaleur sur des buées à moyenne température”, defended at Ecole des Mines de Paris.

    68. March 11th, 2016: Gunnar Latz, “Waste Heat Recovery from Combustion Engines based on the Rankine Cycle”, defended at Chalmers University (Opponent).

    69. May 2016: Assessment of Dan Wu’s PhD thesis, entitled « Development and optimisation of a façade integrated solar cooling system », University of Melbourne, Australia.

    70. May 20th, 2016: Steven Lecompte, “Performance Evaluation of Organic Rankine Cycle Architectures: Application to Waste Heat Valorisation », defended at the University of Ghent.

    71. June 14th, 2016: Iva Papes, “Computational Analysis of a Twin Screw Expander for Small Scale ORC Systems”, defended at the University of Ghent.

    72. October 5th, 2016: Stéphane Schuller, “Optimisation technico-économique d’un cycle organique de Rankine. Application à la géothermie et prise en compte de la variabilité de la source froide”, Defended at the Ecole Polytechnique de l’Université de Nantes (Rapporteur).