About myself

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Who am I?

I'm an Associate Professor at the Thermodynamics Laboratory of ULiege and I'm leading the Energy Systems Research Group. My research and teaching activities deal with the modeling, the testing and the optimization of energy systems and more specifically displacement machines, small-scale Rankine cycle systems, heating, ventilation, air-conditioning and refrigeration systems (HVAC&R). I'm also interested in History of Technology. 

Currently, my major research interests and my group activities deal with ORC power systems, Heat Pumps, Carnot batteries for electricity storage, two-phase flows in compressors, CO2 refrigeration cycles, Absorption heat pumps, Fuel cells, Frost formation and mitigation and Adiabatic cooling. 

I'm also active in some International Energy Agency projects: ECES-Task 36 ("Carnot batteries"), EBC-Annex 80 ("Resilient cooling") and EBC-Annex 85 ("Indirect Evaporative Cooling"). 

For many years, I've been trying to actively participate in the following events: Purdue Conferences, International Conference on Compressors and their Systems, ECOS and the International Seminar on ORC power systems. I'm also chairing the International Conference on System Simulation in Buildings, held in Liège every four years.

I'm also a Member of ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerration and Air-conditioning Engineers), ATIC (Belgian HVAC association) and SFT (Société Française de Thermique).

Education background

I've been graduated as a electro-mechanical engineer (energy orientation) from the University of Liège (ULiege) in 2004 and I obtained my PhD in 2008 from same University. I've been a visiting scholar in Purdue University (USA) in 2007 and in the Ecole des Mines of Paris in 2010-2011. I also hold a master in history of technology from Panthéon-Sorbonne University (Paris 1).